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RE: Is Haejin accurate ?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks so much. I am really trying to stay above the fray and just be reasonable. I understand that people are on Steemit for different reasons and I think there's room for everyone, but that people should be left to their own devices if they are not harming or insulting anyone. I sense no malice from Haejin.

The simple truth is that Haejin's analysis has impacted my portfolio in a massively positive way, and I promise to use some of this new wealth to create resilience in my community and support some of the more vulnerable members of it. I really feel a sense of obligation to share and try to do even more good and I think a big part of that feeling is a result of the generosity that Haejin has displayed.

My involvement in cryptocurrency has really changed my view of money from that of being a burden to that of being a powerful tool that can be yielded to create big impacts. My hope is that this wealth transfer that is underway is going to give many more of my fellow warriors for justice some better means to fight the good fight and improve the human condition.

People may think technical analysis is hokey or whatever and that fundamentals are important, but if you ascribe to the idea of TA and sentiment driving price which then drives the news, then Haejin is clearly quite skilled in this field. A master, if you will.

Then, when you have a coin with a great TA that you also believe has great fundamentals (ahem, bitshares!), then wow, I think you've got a real winner on your hand.

And then, off we go. This is not what I thought the revolution was going to look like, and I am sure there will be many changing phases as we break the shackles of oppression. But I remain open to unusual opportunities and pledge to continue to spread love, peace and knowledge to my fellow humans.

Blessings to you all!


BTS is a great project. I was in early in the summer. But he has called out several explosions on BTS (and iota, BTC, NEO, I can keep going all day) and they all failed. No one cared during the bull run, and i dont blame them. Even if his calls were wrong and you made 150% vs the 200% he called, who cares right?

I posted that i disagreed and he went back and flagged every post I had a pending payout for.

I spoke out against suggestion bitconnect was a good investment - again flagged and lost all pending payouts.

He is bad for this platform because he is against any type of discussion. It is HIS way or be flagged to death. The sad part is he made a boatload of money this year alone, and his calls have been terrible. I made the right call and told everyone to sell the 1st week of January, I get $0, have my rep destroyed, but the worst part is my comments are hidden, so those correct calls were not seen by many.

The sad thing is he plays the victim card when he is the bully.