In the midst of BTC BCC civil WAR BTC breaks all time high!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

BTC has now eclipsed all-time high just days after BCC was released. Surging 15% it seems that BTC is clearly winning the battle as BCC has plummeted 65% in the past 24 hours.


Personally still believe in BCC in the long term, however the resilience of BTC has shown it will not go away easily.

Let me know your opinions!

Thank you!
-americandiamond (:


BTC is becoming more accessible to the average Joe like me. as we garner more ways utilize crypto currency, the more it establishes itself in the market place. government regulation although at times can seem like a hinderance, i believe it can only add further trust in crypto validating its existence to the masses. hopefully in years to come, we can transact daily but counting only in Satoshi's because 1 BTC is a briefcase full of money :)

It is see coming soon, breaking the 3,500 Usd be patient and will see more

  • very true. stay patient !

I recently posted about the fact that BTC's price move didnt make too much sense. Have a look at an interesting article about price manipulation in BTC here from coin telegraph: