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RE: Next target for BITCOIN 2900 Here is why: WALLSTScalper Crypto Report #22 May 31 2017

in #bitcoin7 years ago

hey so u wanna help me figure out the best trade signals fpr ethereum BTC trading? I feel like we can buy around $220 sell around $200 and repeat as eth goes up!

we should follow Mr Trades on youtube an trade live with him! migght as well! he is doing it right! he can predict dips and peaks, pretty accurately!

lets trade together tho! livestream youtube! lets make it simple!


I haven't heard of him cuz Youtube for me is history. STEEMit is the future, but I will have a look. I'm a 11 year veteran trader having traded almost everything that moves. The later years mostly futures contract. Cryptos is just showing very promising gains ahead that could match futures trading. (Leverage on an Light sweet crude contract compared to stocks for instance - is around 20 times.

But have a look at my different reports I made here...I do believe you find them pretty accurate and useful.

lol in steemit comment replies, yoru comment cut out at "I'm an 11 year " and i was liek WWOW this kid is younG! and hes already into crypto currency! hes going far! theni clicked and saw "11 year veteran trader" lol yes i used to short and triple leverage oil using DXO etfs back in 2009, wen oil was so volatile going fro 30 to 120 back down to 30 but yeah crypto is WAY better than stocks forex or anything! Any derivative option stock or commodity worth trading will be on the blockchain!

EVERYTHINg will be crypto! there wont BE non crypto stock markets!

why would ANYONE go BACKWARDS into a system that NOONE can rally trust!?!

as the old generationdies my parent generation the lazy baby boomers responsibel for repeatong the mistake of vietam war with Iraq 2 , and 9/11, they fuckindestroyed my generations chance for development placing us uina state of arrested development...oce the old peopel die my generation and gen X will have a chance to take over and actualy change things for the better and move on

but yeah ill check ur posts and upvote, and followed

Price is at what level now? ;)

bitcoin is around $2300 today!