Digital currency; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Good
Digital coins have the potential to transform the entire financial industry; the way email transformed the way we communicate in writing and the way the mobile phone changed the way we interact with each other.
Imagine you are too late for an appointment and trying to inform your friend that you are late without cell phones around… You would try to find a phone booth, park your car, open your address book to find the phone number, find a dime in your wallet and dial the number, hoping your appointment is sitting next to the land line you are calling.
How about life without email? Or life without internet… That would be pretty inefficient. So, we as a society have digitalized the way we speak, write, buy goods and interact with each other. In the financial industry, there is still a lot of human interaction, and manual labor to complete transactions. The 4-eye principal is written in every compliance manual of financial companies and banks. Besides the manual input, the majority of the financial companies including banks are intermediary services or brokers. A bank is at its core a broker between people who have money (deposits) and people who need money (loans). Assist people who have money (debtors) to transfer to people who need money (creditors) for delivered services or goods. With digital coins this is completely automated in a way that no manual labor is needed, hence no human errors and its structured as a peer to peer system, build on blockchain technology, permissionless, global network, alternate means of storing value, making the bank completely obsolete! Furthermore, it will launch so many applications for the future, that is the true beauty of it!
The Bad
Some banks are rated as countries so large are these institutions with 100,000 plus employees. Millions of jobs will become obsolete. People sitting at home 4 –eyeing their welfare check. Causing people talking about a bubble in the making of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In my opinion, there is a recession in the making with all these jobs at risk at the banks and financial institutions. CEO's and advisory boards have a responsibility here to adopt new technology but most likely they will be to slow to adopt this in their organizations and end up playing with the livelihood of millions of families. Even with the current technology and automation systems, banks need a processing time of 3 days for a foreign transaction. Do the math.
The Ugly
A lot of the altcoins currently out there are probably complete shit and will go to zero. It's game of thrones though. They need to compete to find the next Google's, Amazon's and Facebooks that will change the world. But there is a huge number of ICO's that are scams. A lot of exchanges are corrupt. They are predatory and take advantage of their customers as digital currencies have something that his hard to grasp. It is so simple yet it is revolutionary. It can make so much impact that in another scenario, the "Bad" could end up being the "Ugly". The smartest people in the world are working in the field of cryptocurrencies and the industry has evolved from a simple payment token to tokens and coins that are learning machines to communicate with each other. Ph.D. candidates are involved in creating Artificial intelligence in coins or protocols. Machine learning, AI, peer to peer and a lot of money and investments are flowing into the development of these protocols. Remember Terminator and Skynet…. I'll be back…
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I guess this indeed is one of the best reasons to adopt this new technology, how many losses have companies made due to inevitable human errors.
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Yeah Tradebits is an excellent platform and sir @abajnath is the CFO of Tradebits. I believe Tradebits will be a most successful platform.
yeah,friend.. @msena you are telling right thought..@abajnath very great person this platform..thank you..
Great words @timuann. I appreciate valuable comments.
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i am obviously thanks to knowing for my brilliant friend.. @abajnath for your excellent explantation of luck dear @abajnath
Yes such a valuable explanation. We learn a lot about cryptocurrency.
Thanks for your beautiful comment @mistakili
Thanks for you @abajnath
yeah friend,its very good post of crypto anylysis..thank dear friend.. @abajnath
Thanks for your support friend @timuann
thank you friend..@osakadd my dear friend.. @abajnath always describing very properly and sharing important thing this platform,its only can a talented person..of @abajnath..thia time i resteem your post..
thank you friend..@osakadd my dear friend.. @abajnath always describing very properly and sharing important thing this platform,its only can a talented person..of @abajnath..thia time i resteem your post..
Great Post @abajnath
Thanks for sharing this crypto
Best of luck in your every post
Thanks for sharing
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you are saying very right..friend.. @rothberg "buy now,or cry later" its very big offer for every steemians..
Thanks for you for your comments..
Thank you very much for the reply.
Great explanation @abajnath. A digital currency is a form of currency that is available only in digital or electronic form, and not in physical form..
Right , He always explain logically ..@prince121
Not i am, @abajnath explain very nicely......@maxi01
Only tradebits can gives us a lot of profits. So we can invest here. Hope we will be rich.
Right , Tradebits give us a lot of opportunity @alves
True defination..... I appreciate it..@prince121
Thanks for appreciating me @roki112
Indeed, Great logical defination and appreciating it for me
You are welcome @toymax7
Thanks for your beautiful comment @prince121
Please understand sir @abajnath post and comment it..
Prince bro you have made some small mistake in the comment. Fix it.
You have wrote fred703 instead of sir @abajnath.
I honestly can imagine and some times I wish we go back to no phone, no internet zone. But you are right, it would be very difficult for today’s generation. I agree with you about the “ugly”. There always has to be ugly in something good. We just have to be cautious.
What a great viewpoint, my friend. I think your ability is not doubtful. Thanks!
Absolutely right @milano1113.
Dear friend you always create great comments. I agree with you..
Thanks for you
Digital currencies are intangible and can only be owned and transacted in by using computers or electronic wallets which are connected to the Internet or the designated networks.
Thanks for you for your comments.
Nice point...@maxi01
You are welcome...
Wonderful explanation like @abajnath
I am thankful for your reply..But @abajnat gives very nice explantion @roki112
Excellent thought ...@maxi01
Thanks ..
Best regards !!!!!!!
Agree with you @maxi01. You are right.
I also agree with you ..
Diggital currency is always my favourite. And i'm happy as sir @abajnath's tradebits gives us a huge bonus.
Right sir @abajnath always give us nice info about great offer of tradebits
Helpful infor....@maxi01
Digital currencies have all intrinsic properties like a physical currency, and they allow for instantaneous transactions that can be seamlessly executed for making payments across the borders when connected to supported devices and networks
Thanks for your beautiful comment @raisha1
Yeh !!
Digital currency is so helpful for us...and popular also..@raisha1
It has more benefit for transaction
You are absolutely right. Digital currency is very helpful.
Thanks for your opinion. sir @abajnath already gives this info. in this post.
Effective voice... @raisha1
Sir @abajnath thought was more effective than me @roki112
Right thoughts @raisha1. I agree with you.
Diggital currency is the most precious cureency. I appreciate your great words.
There are many benefits associated with digital currencies, such as the ability to easily make payments on time and lower transaction costs.
Another manner in which digital currencies can help organization is by eliminating/reducing the exposure risks by using them as a transport currency.
Yes, there is a lot of benefits. You are saying absolutely right.
Right @roki112 .. We will get more benefits from digital currency..
Sir @abajnath you have nicely described the good and bad sites of crypto sector. Though every sectors have good and bad sites but I believe cryptos are our future and recently it had changed the economical system like most faster and smart payment system which makes the world more closer. Always welcome your great platform Tradebits. Success is always with Tradebits.
Thanks for you for your comments..
Thank you so much for the reply.
You are most welcome @msena
So true! Great thought my friend is. Thanks!

Thank you. I appreciate it..
Great words @msena. I also love tradebits and love sir @abajnath.
Thank you naim. We also love him. He is a great man.
That is really great for us...@abajnath
Cryptocurerncies are digital and cannot be counterfeited or reversed arbitrarily by the sender, as with credit card charge-backs.
I appreciate your great thoughts.