Living Room Bird Watching
I know, I know, it’s a bad photo, but this was one of the highlights of my day. We have had a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers coming to the feeder for quite some time now. Today the father (who has a red stripe on both sides of the jaw) brought 2 fledglings to the feeder!
Here they are!!!!

A flock of woodpeckers is called a "Descent" thogh this is more likely a family. Nice sight.
That’s cool, I didn’t know that! Yes I think they are a family. The male and female have been coming to the suet for about 8 months now and I was hoping they would bring their fledglings. I am aiming to get a better photo. Tomorrow I am going to clean the window and have the camera ready. Any sudden movement and they are gone.
Too bad I missed the baby pecker!
I've mentioned you in my posting about Chinese bird names:
I hope you can snap more pictures of that woodpecker family. What precious memories these will be!