Human Electromagnetism: Frontiers and Theories

HEMF 3.jpg

Most of the information in the previous posts has consensus in the scientific community. However, information about human electromagnetism is still incomplete. Many pieces of the puzzle are waiting to be discovered. We need scientific consensus about how many electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are in the human body, and if there is one global electromagnetic field.

The exact role of the electromagnetic human field seems to be deeply involved with subconscious events. It might also perform as an energetic membrane, where energy and information are being exchanged with our environment.

There are a lot of theories that are related to electromagnetism in the human body, therefore this post only presents an extract.


Before going any further, there is a phenomenon that is mentioned over and over. Coherence plays important roles in many theories, this is because it enables efficient transfer of energy and information.

Coherence happens when two waves share the same frequency and waveform. It was discovered in optics (light) but has expanded towards acoustics, neuroscience, and quantum mechanics.

You will find this term pretty much on this website.


Microtubules are protein filaments that provide structure and shape to the cell. These little dynamic tubes satisfy the architectonic needs, depending on the cellular phase. They form part of the cytoskeleton, and they are quite active.

A few decades ago, they were considered only as support structures with no interaction or dynamic patterns, but there is enough evidence to give them an important role in many cellular processes. The interesting part here is that the microtubules seem to be guided (or at least strongly related) by the electric field of the cell.

Microtubules play a fundamental part in several theories. Dr. Pokorni postulated that microtubules have an important role when the cell has a peak electromagnetic emission during replication. This means that when the cell's dividing, a much vital and precise process, microtubules are most active.

Microtubules might have strong relationship with human electromagnetism

Microtubules in action.
Unknown author (send DM for attribution)

Dr. Muehsam emphasizes that: “microtubules have functional electronic properties, and they regulate the dynamics of mitosis and meiosis“. This means that microtubules are the medium, and the ‘electromagnetic intelligence', so to speak, is what moves the medium.

The following images make it clear, the left image is the cytoskeleton in red, at the right image you see the cytoskeleton in green. It's easy to think of it as a transmitter and resonator. This exchange of energy and information can go across the cell membrane.

Stained cytoskeleton in cells

Left: red-stained cytoskeleton from a human cell, where nucleus is blue and cell membrane is green.
Right: from a bovine cell, the microtubules are stained in green, nucleus is blue and actin filaments are red.

The cell membrane creates potential energy and an electric field, and the microtubules and cytoskeleton provide the structure, that will determine the function and the proper use of that energy.

Nowadays we know that the cytoskeleton is a dynamic and responsive system. Below you see a GIF image where a time-lapse was taken, making it clear how the internal cytoskeleton adapts to the circumstances.

Cytoskeleton exhibits dynamic reorganizations

Cytoskeleton exhibits dynamic reorganizations

Cytoskeleton Gif II

Another cellular division

Finally, the most interesting part is that microtubules might have another property: the creation of electromagnetic fields. This theory is still in development, but it has good arguments. Some scientists that have written about it are Dr. Fröhlich, Dr. Pokorný, and Dr. Cifra.


In 1976, experimental and theoretical physicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered Ultraweak Photon Emissions (UPE) from living beings. He dedicated the rest of his life to studying this phenomenon and coined the term Biophoton. This Theory mentions that living beings produce photons.

In other words: humans emit light.

Now, these emissions are extremely weak, so we need photomultipliers to help us detect them. Dr. Popp also studied the relationship between Biophotons and Quantum Systems, and one of his most important contributions is the demonstration of coherence among Biophotons.

Biophotons Human Body Blue


Guys, this theory is so cool. This theory is applying all our current knowledge of quantum electrodynamics towards water. And, since living beings are 70% made of water, we are getting the first evidence about the quantumness in ourselves.

This theory opens a whole new universe of possibilities, and before I describe it, take into consideration that EZ refers to Exclusion Zone, the exclusion of positive charges near the membrane. The membrane then accumulates negative charges next to it. This creates another electric potential, just like with the cell membrane's electric potential. Under these conditions, the water molecule stops being H20, and becomes H302, it's a state in between the liquid and the solid phase of water, so this theory also unveils a new state of water.

EZ Water forms whenever water is next to a hydrophilic material, creating an EZ Zone. The amazing part is that the EZ Zone grows when it receives light. The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains, so the water oscillates, which produces a plasma of free electrons ready to be used.

Diagrammatic representation of EZ water negatively charged and the positively charged

Copyright by Dr. Pollack. CC License 4.0 (

Dr. Pollack found out that infrared light is the most effective in expanding the EZ Zone. Photons that are inside water start resonating and creating an electromagnetic field. Each area with these characteristics is a Quantum Coherent Domain. These Domains synchronize with their neighbors until the whole organism is electromagnetically coherent.

Dr. Pollack concludes with the following sentence:

‘Cells work as a light-driven battery because the EZ Water produces a plasma of almost free electrons favoring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms'.

So now we have another argument to why the Sun is so good for our health, because light amplifies the EZ zone, therefore amplyfing the energy of this organic battery.

Del Giudice's work tells us that it is water trapping EMFs that give us life and makes us sensitive to EMFs. You are still considering that we are 70% water, right? If this is true, we are like electromagnetic wet sponges with waterproof skin, creating energy thanks to how the water and molecules inside are divided by an ultra-thin membrane, then creating resonance and coherence due to the capacity of water of trapping EMFs.

I recommend you watch any video of Dr. Pollack. He explains EZ water according to the scenario, so there are speeches of 2 minutes, 13 minutes, and 65 minutes long. Choose your flavor.


We know that certain animals detect the geomagnetic field, which is the magnetic field of the Earth. This is known as the Geomagnetic Sense or Magnetoreception, and they can do it by transferring the geomagnetic field into mechanical signals that the nervous system can detect.

Nasa Earth Magnetic Field

Earth's Magnetic Field
Source: NASA

A special molecule enables all of this, and it's named Magnetite (the most magnetic of all the minerals on this planet).

Magnetite has been found inside: bacteria, mollusks, birds, turtles, and even humans. These molecules account for the influence of magnetic fields on living beings. Bacteria , for example, keep magnetite inside a structure known as magnetosome, and they use it for navigation.

Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) migrate across the Atlantic Ocean, and then they go back to nest, and scientists discovered that: “eventually they return to nest on the beach where they hatched—or else, as it turns out, on a beach with a very similar magnetic field.”

The magnetic compass of the birds is a complex system with many properties. The basis for their magnetic sense is located in the eye of the bird, but some birds display magnetite in the upper beak, which helps them orient during migrations.

In birds, both magnetite and cryptochrome are molecules that help them to navigate properly, but in humans, only magnetite has been found in various parts of the brain (including all lobes), brainstem, cerebellum, basal ganglia, and the hippocampus.

The role of magnetite in the human body is still not well understood. Meanwhile, some researchers suggest that humans possess a magnetic sense. Dr. Kirschvink is probably the most active scientist in this area. He published an article along with Dr. Shin Shimojo, which mentions the following:

In our experiment, alpha-ERD shows that the human brain can detect Earth-strength magnetic fields, demonstrating that we have a sensory system that processes the geomagnetic field all around us.


As you might have imagined, there are a freaking lot of theories that link electromagnetic phenomena to DNA. Still lacking enough evidence and scientific consensus, but quite interesting, is the idea from Dr. Popp. He proposes that the best source of Biophotons is DNA. Other theories bet for the existence of a resonant DNA that creates and also absorbs electromagnetic waves. There are also theories in which DNA couples with specific structures when at cellular division.

Actually, anything that gives DNA another property which we still can't read in textbooks, will be a game-changer. It will make it even more relevant, but all those theories require further study.


Telocytes were discovered in 2005, so their purpose is still under research. These ones are cells that are the glue and scaffolding of tissues and organs. They create a whole network around the body, connecting themselves and also to other cytoskeleton structures. The most known of these cells are fibroblasts, which take care of creating connective tissue and collagen (read about the electrical properties of collagen here).

Remember that structure determines function.

If the structure of telocytes is different from the structure of fibroblasts, then their function is different as well. To makes things more curious, telocytes are structurally similar to neurons. In 2019, another study demonstrated that telocytes improves cellular regeneration, cardiac function, and prevents myocardial infarction.

Dr. Muehsam mentions that the telocyte network could play a fundamental role in electromagnetic field signaling at the cytoskeletal level.

Network of Telocytes (in blue) surrounding cardiac cells.

Network of Telocytes (in blue) surrounding cardiac cells.
By Lmpopescu – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Neurons are the most asymmetrical cells in the human body. With that said, we must consider that the more asymmetrical a cell is, the more cytoskeleton it needs to safeguard its structure. It needs more scaffolding, so to speak.

This makes microtubules and the cytoskeleton more relevant. The cytoskeleton plays as a resonant and electroconductive material, which creates and allows the flow of electricity. This one is strongly related to the Orch OR Theory.


The Institute of Heart Math proposes that the heart's rhythmic patterns can transmit emotional information via the electromagnetic field into the environment, which can be detected by others and processed in the same manner as internally generated signals.

Remember that these are theories, they are supposed to have gaps and holes. This is why I don't expand too much on all of them, for now.


All of Life resumes in an organized and efficient transfer of protons and electrons. These are the basis of all major biochemical reactions.

It all begins with the cell membrane, which selectively separates charges on each side, thus creating an electric potential and an electric field around the cell.

The whole cellular electromagnetic field is also created by other important structures, such as microtubules and cytoskeleton. And probably DNA as well.

It's Dr. Igor Jerman who mentions the key role of the electric field when a cell is dividing itself: ‘electric fields generated by the intracellular network of microtubules, centrosomes, and chromosomes appear to play fundamental roles in regulating the dynamics of cellular division, and a variety of other cellular activities‘.

And Dr. Muehsam mentions something similar: ‘EMFs generated by living cells can play fundamental functional roles in cellular function and intercellular communication‘.

This is an electric field that creates coherence and oscillation patterns, which regulate different functions, at the same time adapting and exchanging energy and information with the environment, because they are sensitive to specific electric and magnetic signals.

Thus, the electric and EMFs of the cell are linked to:

  • cellular division

  • cellular function

  • intercellular communication

The heart is both an emitter and receiver of electromagnetic information, it produces the strongest electromagnetic field of the human body, which can reach up to 3 feet away from it. The heart could be a generator of bioinformation.

Macroscopically speaking, there are still many pieces of the puzzle missing. So far we know about the EMFs of the heart and the brain, but we need to integrate them both, along with adding any other significant field that any other organ may provide (such as the gut, or the cytoskeleton + connective tissue network mentioned in this post).

The road ahead is promising and exciting, and includes some of the following:

  • integrating the macroscopic realm of human electromagnetism

  • determining if the heart's magnetic field is the predominant one, or if there is another field, which holistically integrates the whole body

  • the interaction and exchange of information between the heart's and the brain's magnetic fields

  • discover more about the electric properties of the gut and the Vagus Nerve

  • the evolution of very interesting theories, such as biophotons, EZ water, and the electric properties of microtubules, among many others.

Finally, I need to make clear that I have not mentioned the Biofield so far. According to my research, the human electromagnetic field is either one of two options:

  • just a component of the Biofield and not its totality, or

  • a middle layer between the Biofield and the physical world.

A picture continues to emerge wherein molecular EMF vibrations and sounds, or “biomusic” oscillations, communicate a symphony of regulatory bio-information, governing activities from the atomic and molecular to cellular and multicellular levels.

Source: David Muehsam and Carlo Ventura, 2014.

This is the third of a series of posts.

The Human Electromagnetic Field – I

The Human Electromagnetic Field – II

The Human Electromagnetic Field: Frontiers and Theories

Human Frequencies Home