in #biology7 years ago (edited)

Genetics is define as the science which studies heredity and variation. It explains the reason by which traits or characters are transmitted from parents to offspring through reproduction which can be sexually or asexually.
The word Genetics was coined by DILLIAM BATESON. He was born on the 8th of August 1861 and died on the 8th of February 1926. He used genetics to describe heredity.
How ever GREGOR MENDEL was regarded as the father of genetics (1866).
Mendel was born in Germany on the 20th of July 1822 and died 6 January 1884.

Gregory Mendel discovered the basic laws of inheritance through his work on pea plants which are the *law of segregation *law of independent assortment *law of Dominance
He studied each pea traits and crossbreed over 28,000 pea plants within 8 years. Having known that genetics is the science which study heredity and variation let's discuss on heredity and variation in proper. HEREDITY AND VARIATION Over the years we must have discovered or noticed that offspring's tend to resemble their parents in various aspects of life be it plants or animals. Again we must have also noticed that though offsprings receives character and behavior from their parents but they are not exactly alike there must be a little diffrenciation. This lead us to heredity and variation. HEREDITY Heredity is define as the process by which characters, traits, resemblance, behavior, etc are inherited by offsprings from their parents. VARIATION This is the difference between parents and offspring in characters, behavior etc as a result of environmental factors on the expression of genetics potentials DNA AND GENES It will be improper to discuss on genetics without mentioning DNA and GENES. As they play a vital role in genetics. DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid ) This is a molecule that contains the instructions an offspring needs to develop, live and reproduce they are found on every cell and are pass from one generation to another. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is composed of four deoxyribonucleotides. The DNA molecule replicates itself during sexual and asexual reproduction. This process ensures that offsprings have the same number of chromosome as the parent or parents. DNA controls growth and development by controlling protein and Enzyme synthesis in the cytoplasm. DNA is the blue-print on which character of an organism is coded on. GENES A gene is a unit of heredity that determines the character or traits of an individual. Genes are found in the DNA molecules they determine a given character such as height and color in an individual. In humans genes vary in size from a few hundred DNA bases to more than 2 million bases. One of two or more alternative form of a gene form an Alleles. Under genes we have: * GENOTYPE It is the sum total of all the genes that an individual has inherited from his parents. Genotypes are also referred to as a pair of alleles at the single gene locus e.g RR, Rr, TT, Tt etc. * PHENOTYPE This is refer to the visible experession of the characters of an individual affected by both the genotype and environment. Thanks for reading. #trevonjb still my mentor