Binance DEX Community YT Interview 3.0 with Tom Coumans from Morpheus Labs

in #binancedex6 years ago

Have just uploaded a new #BinanceDEX Community #YTInterview 3.0 with Tom Coumans from #MorpheusLabs.

The team of #Morpheus Labs has developed a platform that onboards blockchain-based solutions through the partner-driven model where our primary aim is to build a comprehensive and inclusive #Blockchain #Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) and #AppMarketplace that enables organizations and developers to rapidly design, develop, deploy and operate distributed applications at a fraction of the current cost and time.

The #MITx platform will provide developers, corporates, banks, financial institutions and government entities easy access to a platform that enables them to develop, test and manage blockchain applications using different #BlockchainProtocols supported by the platform to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency and a fail-safe environment. This way, organizations can stimulate and encourage innovation. The platform will support distributed hosting for blockchain network nodes and off-chain applications while providing a centralized platform service for developing, managing and regulating #BlockchainNetworks. Ultimately, our platform will enable anyone to partake in this revolutionary technology.

The MITx #tokens ran on the #EthereumNetwork only as a standard #ERC-20 token. Now the team is conducting a migration aiming to swap 51% of our ERC-20 tokens to the #BEP-2 tokens of #Binancechain.
Tom, thank you very much for the great interview!

To watch the episode: