Binance loses the biggest partner in the payment processor sector in Europe.
Now it was the turn of the biggest payment processor (Clear Junction) in the uk to end support for binance, it was binance's biggest partner in europe.

Binance worries the world's biggest regulators.
All of this was caused by problems that binance faces with the FCA, something that has already happened with binance and other regulars in other countries. Perhaps because binance is the largest exchange in the world.
Below is the note from Clear Junction:
"We have decided to suspend both GBP and EUR payments and will no longer be facilitating deposits or withdrawals in favour of or on behalf of the crypto trading platform. Clear Junction acts in full compliance with FCA regulations and guidance in regards to handling payments of Binance."
"The decision has been made following the Financial Conduct Authority’s recent announcement that Binance is not permitted to undertake any regulatory activity in the UK."
Apparently the state regulators don't want people to use their fiat currencies to buy cryptocurrencies... The way is for people to start using decentralized exchanges or p2p to make their exchange. Maybe in the future everyone will have bitcoin and won't need to use state coins anymore.
Clear Junction