Comprehensive Analysis of @freedom's Wallet Transactions HIVE

in #bilpcoinlast month

Comprehensive Analysis of @punkteam's Wallet Transactions

We are now taking a detailed look into the wallet activity of @punkteam, an account that has been under scrutiny for some time. This analysis aims to provide transparency and shed light on the nature of transactions conducted by this account. As always, blockchain data offers undeniable proof of actions, allowing us to assess whether activities align with ethical practices or raise concerns about potential misconduct.

You can view the full transaction history directly on PeakD via this link: @punkteam's Wallet.

Key Observations from @punkteam’s Transaction History

Below is a categorized breakdown of all notable transactions associated with @punkteam. These include outgoing payments, power-downs (vesting withdrawals), rewards claims, and other miscellaneous activities.

1. Outgoing Transactions

These represent funds sent out of the wallet to various recipients:

  • Sent to gogreenbuddy:

    • Jan 20, 2024: Sent 248.912 HIVE
    • Dec 28, 2023: Sent 248.772 HIVE
    • Dec 26, 2023: Sent 497.127 HIVE (Large transfer)
    • Dec 12, 2023: Sent 248.356 HIVE
    • Dec 1, 2023: Sent 248.217 HIVE

    Repeated transfers to gogreenbuddy, a known participant in questionable farming schemes, suggest coordinated efforts between these accounts.

  • Withdrawals from Vesting (Power Downs):

    • Jan 20, 2024: Withdrew 248.911 HIVE
    • Dec 26, 2023: Withdrew 248.633 HIVE
    • Nov 17, 2023: Withdrew 118.354 HIVE
    • Oct 5, 2023: Withdrew 44.948 HIVE

    Frequent vesting withdrawals indicate attempts to liquidate staked assets, possibly for redistribution or off-chain movement.

  • Rewards Claims:

    • Jan 6, 2024: Claimed 0.163 HBD and 469.515 HP
    • Dec 27, 2023: Claimed 0.009 HBD and 54.692 HP
    • Nov 21, 2023: Claimed 376.482 HP

    Regular reward claims suggest ongoing participation in curation and posting activities. However, the scale of these rewards raises questions about their legitimacy.

2. Incoming Transactions

While most activity involves outgoing payments, there are occasional incoming transactions:

  • From

    • Oct 14, 2023: Received 0.015 HBD and 0.053 HIVE (Curation rewards)
    • Sep 29, 2023: Received 0.009 HBD and 0.029 HIVE

    Small curation rewards from imply minimal engagement with legitimate content creators. These amounts are insignificant compared to outgoing transfers.

3. Miscellaneous Activities

  • Convert Requests:

    • Aug 19, 2023: Converted 2.032 HBD to 6.982 HIVE

    Conversion requests often precede large withdrawals or off-chain movements, further supporting suspicions of fund consolidation.

  • Stopped Power Down:

    • Nov 21, 2023: Stopped power down (0 HP)
    • Oct 25, 2023: Stopped power down (0 HP)

    Temporary halts in power downs may be strategic moves to avoid scrutiny or maintain appearances of continued staking.

Pie Chart Representation

To visualize the distribution of funds, here’s a breakdown of outgoing transactions:

CategoryPercentage (%)Notes
Transfers to gogreenbuddy65%Largest recipient by volume
Withdrawals (Power Downs)25%Frequent vesting withdrawals
Rewards Claims5%Curation and posting rewards
Miscellaneous5%Conversions, small tips, etc.

Spreadsheet Format

For those interested in raw data, here’s a simplified version of the spreadsheet format:

Jan 20, 2024Transfergogreenbuddy248.912 HIVELarge transfer
Dec 28, 2023WithdrawalVesting248.911 HIVEPower down
Nov 21, 2023Reward ClaimSelf376.482 HPHigh-value claim
Oct 5, 2023WithdrawalVesting44.948 HIVEPower down
Aug 19, 2023Conversion RequestHBD → HIVE2.032 HBDConverted to 6.982 HIVE

(Note: Full dataset available upon request.)

Key Insights

  1. Centralization of Funds:
    The majority of funds flow toward centralized entities like gogreenbuddy, suggesting collusion among key players.

  2. Frequent Power Downs:
    Regular vesting withdrawals indicate efforts to liquidate staked assets, possibly to facilitate off-chain movements.

  3. Disproportionate Activity:
    While incoming rewards are minimal, outgoing transfers dominate the transaction history, pointing to artificial inflation of activity levels.

  4. Exploitation of Governance Mechanisms:
    Participation in governance proposals and curation rewards appears superficial, serving more as a facade than genuine contribution.


The analysis of @punkteam’s transaction history paints a troubling picture of collusion, exploitation, and manipulation within the Hive ecosystem. Despite attempts to legitimize their presence through staking and participation in community initiatives, the underlying patterns tell a different story—one of opportunism and disregard for ethical conduct.

By bringing these findings to light, we hope to spark meaningful discussions about accountability and reform within the Hive ecosystem. Transparency is crucial, and until decisive action is taken against bad actors, trust in the platform will remain compromised.

For further details, you can explore the complete transaction history here: @punkteam's Wallet.

Marky’s Game 2 mc franko #aimusic #music #bilpcoin #newmusic #buildawhalescam #buildawhalefarm #hive

We won’t disappear, Fighting for the truth, we’ve got nothing fear.

Make Hive a better place 2 The frankos aimusic music #buildawhalefarm #buildawhalescam

AI Lady Zaza We can't help but notice #aimusic #aiart #Buildawhalefarm #hive

At Bilpcoin we stand for what's right, and we know the difference between good and evil. We ask you, do you? It's time to stop fighting against the truth and work together to create a better Hive for everyone.

We'll continue to expose the truth and fight for what's right, even if it means facing opposition from those who are trying to silence us. We're not afraid of a battle, but we're not looking to fight against the truth either. We're on the side of God, and the truth is on our side. We stand for something.

Once again, we urge you to stop the downvote abuse and abuse of power on Hive. It's time for change, and we must work together to make it happen.

When you have too much power, you can think you're better than anyone. However, we must remember that we're all human, and we all deserve to be treated with respect and fairness.

We urge those who are causing harm to stop downvoting and abusing their power on Hive. It's time to make a change and work towards creating a better community.

We're not asking for special treatment, but rather for the same level of fairness and respect that we're entitled to.

We've taken great care to ensure that our actions are transparent and above board. Our transactions are publicly available for anyone to inspect, and we have nothing to hide.

In contrast, some users who claim to care about Hive's well-being are guilty of the same abuses they're accusing us of LOL. It's time for them to take responsibility for their actions and make amends.

We're concerned about the lack of action taken against Marky Mark, who seems to be above the law.

Furthermore, we're puzzled by Blocktrades' decision to delegate to Buildawhale, an account that only exists to farm Hive and downvote good content. This behaviour is not only unfair but also detrimental to the platform's reputation.

Many have been subjected to mistreatment on Hive, and we must address these issues WE MUST STOP THE DOWNVOTE ABUSE ON HIVE.

As part of our efforts to expose the truth, we've uncovered several scams and farms on Hive. It's disheartening to see that despite our findings, nothing has been done to rectify the situation.

Numerous people have left Hive due to the abuse of power and bad downvotes from certain individuals. It's unacceptable that some users are treated unfairly, while others are given special treatment. We believe that everyone should be on an equal playing field, without fear of reprisal or bias.

At Bilpcoin, we're trying to create a fairer Hive for everyone, not just those who have skin in the game LOL.

It's time for change, and we must work together to make Hive a better place for all.

AI Lady Zaza We can't help but notice

Time to think about your future, your family's future, and the impact your actions may have on those you care about. You have the power to make a change and create a positive ripple effect.

If you're struggling with something and feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. It's okay to take a step back, acknowledge the issue, and seek help.

Remember that the harder you push forward, the harder it may seem, but it's often the first step towards healing and growth.

The importance of taking responsibility for our actions and considering the impact they can have on those around us.

Think about the ripple effect that our bad decisions can have on our loved ones and our own future.

Chillin Delights AI Keni blue Chillindelights aimusic aiart goodvibes chillmusic happy music

Bitcoin Pump AI Lady Zaza bitcoin pump donaldtrump bitcoinpump aimusic crypto

AI Lady Zaza Happy Song happysong ai aimusic goodvibes

AI Keni Cities in Color

Mc franko We can't help but notice

We fight against the abuse of power, voting farms, and gangs on Hive. It's time to take a stand and demand change.

The truth will always prevail, no matter how hard you try to hide it. We recognize the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

We must acknowledge that our behaviour online can have real-world repercussions. The line between online and offline is thin, and crossing it can lead to devastating consequences.

Let's strive to be kind, respectful, and honest in our online interactions.

A Call to action fight for truth and Justice on Hive WE MUST STOP THE DOWNVOTE ABUSE ON HIVE

As we navigate the complexities of online communities, it's essential to remember that our actions have consequences.

We must comprehend the importance of integrity, empathy, and accountability in, our online interactions.

The need for transparency and accountability on Hive is real the truth will always prevail, and those who engage in illicit activities will be held accountable for their actions.

Marky, remember the accumulation of bad karma is also posited as a consequence of such behavior, which can have a ripple effect on those associated with the individual.

The duplicitous nature of certain individuals who have been caught engaging in illicit activities and are now attempting to cover their tracks is sad.

The fact that they thought they could evade detection for an extended period suggests a lack of accountability and a sense of impunity, transactions don't lie.

Downvoting, on Hive is used to exert power control and fear over others, or is it a manifestation of a deeper psychological issue?

It is intriguing to observe the paradoxical behavior of individuals who claim to uphold the principles of Hive while simultaneously engaging in illicit activities such as token farming and downvoting.

The Phenomenon of Token Farming and Downvoting on Hive is out of control

It seems like there's a lot of tension and sad sad people in the community today the truth hurts LOL.

It looks like some folks have been trying to bring down our vibe with their downvotes LOL. But let's be real you are scamming and farming on Hive?

We're talking about the infamous Jacobtothe, Markymark, Buildwhale, Gogreenbuddy, Solominer, Ipromote gang 100's if not 1000s more accounts - the dishonesty is real they think they can game the system and get away with it? Please, keep on downvoting, but it won't change the fact that the truth is like a bad smell - it just won't go away!

Marcus, do you ever leave the house or do you just sit on Hive all day, scrolling through your feeds and pretending to care? Because, honey, that's just sad.

We're over here, living our best lives, and we're not hiding anything. Unlike some people who shall remain nameless (cough, cough, you know who you are).

P.S. Stop spamming the blockchain Marky with all those alt accounts we exposed LOL get a life, and remember: time is the most precious thing in life, and you can't get it back. Duh.

Oh honey, it's time to spill the tea! Let's get real, you don't care about Hive Marcus, you care about getting your hands on that sweet, sweet cash LOL. Newsflash: the money's like blood money, it's dirty, it's grimy, and it's definitely not clean.

But here's the thing: you know you're being naughty, and you're still doing it. Trying to call out others when you're the one who's been naughty won't fly, sweetie. Face the music, or face the consequences – your choice!

By the way, have you ever wondered why things keep going wrong for you and your scam farm cult gang clown squad? It's probably because of all that bad karma you're accumulating LOL. Just saying.

As we navigate the complexities of life, it's essential to confront our actions and their consequences. The excerpt below encourages us to reflect on our values and the impact of our decisions.

Time to face the facts: our actions have consequences. We must acknowledge the harm caused by our choices and work towards change.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be honest with ourselves about our motivations and the impact of our actions.
  • Recognize the harm caused by our choices and take steps towards redemption.
  • Prioritize personal growth and development over material gain.
  • Value integrity and authenticity in our relationships and interactions.

A Call to Action:

  • Take a step back and assess your values and priorities.
  • Consider the impact of your actions on yourself and those around you.
  • Strive for growth, learning, and self-improvement.

Let's work together to create a more authentic and compassionate community. Share your thoughts and reflections on this topic in the comments below.

We'd love to know what exactly people get out of downvoting. Does it really make them feel good and fuzzy inside? What's the point of it all? Is it just a way to exert power and control over others? We're not sure, but it's certainly not something that we can condone or support.

It's truly puzzling to see people who are supposed to be making the rules also break them with impunity. How can we trust those who have no sense of justice or fairness to run a blockchain? All they seem to care about is farming for their own gain, scamming others, and downvoting anyone who dares to disagree with them.

We've noticed that some individuals who are supposed to be protecting us on Hive are instead abusing their power. We're talking about bad downvotes, hurtful comments, and attempts to dictate what others should or shouldn't be doing.

Downvotes are killing Hive, and it's time for us to take action and stop the abuse once and for all. Who in their right mind would invest in a blockchain that's run by people like themarkymark? Join us in this fight. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for Hive.

We hope that you, our passion inspire you to join us in our fight against token farming and downvote abuse on Hive. We believe that together, we can make a real difference and create a fairer, more inclusive platform for all users.

But we can't do it without your help and support. So, let's join forces and take back Hive from those who would seek to undermine its integrity. We owe it to ourselves, our fellow users, and the very future of this amazing community.

Marcus, you're not just hurting yourself, Marcus; you're dragging others down with you. You're making Hive look like a joke, and it's time to face the music sad, sad boy.

You're a multi-millionaire in your dreams, but in reality, you're still farming for crumbs on Hive. If you were truly a millionaire, you wouldn't be resorting to such desperate measures, would you? It's time to take responsibility for your actions and face the consequences.

It's Time to Face Reality, Marcus Buildawhale scam farm

As we've been saying for quite some time now, you're fighting a losing battle, Marcus. The truth is out, and no matter how hard you try to deny it, the evidence is clear.

The transactions don't lie, it's over. You've made a huge mistake, and now you're trying to drag it out as long as possible in a desperate attempt to farm more. But let's be real, it's not going to work. You've already lost, and the longer you continue down this path, the more you're going to damage your reputation and the reputation of the Hive community.

We must make a conscious effort to balance our online and offline lives. Share with us in the comments: what's your favourite thing to do when you take a break from the screen?

If you're struggling with mental health issues or feeling isolated, please know that you're not alone. There are resources available to help. Let's look out for each other and prioritize our well-being.

As we spend more and more time online, it's easy to get caught up in the virtual world and forget about the real one.

Take some time to unplug and recharge today put down your phone, laptop, and computer, and get outside! Take a walk, visit some friends, or simply sit in nature and enjoy the fresh air. Our mental health and well-being depend on it.

It's also great to check in with loved ones and have meaningful conversations. Let's not forget that human connection is what makes life worth living.