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RE: The Most Comprehensive Guide to Satoshi Nakamoto (Big Post)

in #bigpost7 years ago

I wonder if you think that satoshi's anonymity has any further purpose now that Bitcoin and the blockchain has been released into the wild? Initially it would have made sense to keep his identity a secret to protect the idea of distributed Ledger Technologies and the ability to create one's own currency. So often in the past and the present for that matter the ability to create money has been the sole property of governments and people in power. Since blockchain however this is no longer the case and so it poses a direct threat to the powers-that-be and those that would like that power to remain in the hands that possess it. Now the cat is out of the bag and distributed Ledger technology in all of its many forms are evolving fast and even individuals have the ability to create their own tokens and coins very easily on platforms such as a etherium or waves. Blockchain and Bitcoin can no longer be stopped by taking out their inventors and even the technology itself by the very nature of its descentralization in my opinion cannot be stopped ☺🌈 that's part of the promise of the future do you think?