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RE: Dear Bidbots: Thoughts after the hardfork

in #bidbot5 years ago

Where’s the conflict? None of the bidbots receive delegations from steemit. What I’m talking about is running bidbots that don’t act ethically out of business. The delegation discussed here is whales putting Steem on these projects. It’s not Steemit based. Normally your trolling and negativity has at least a modicum of thoughtfulness. You should reread this with out your current distaste for me and realize how dumb you sound.


Bidbots are all unethical. Society is people, just like Soylent Green. Every bot vote is a degradation of humanity. A substantial reason Steem social media is not succeeding at retaining users is that users are not more competent at financial manipulation than automated mechanisms.

Worse, financial manipulation has been demonstrably established as the heart and soul of Steem. Social engineering is yet one skill people, such as ninjaminers, are better at than bots, and HF21 is evidence of that.

You have done a great deal for Steem society, and I laud you for it. Running a bidbot is not advancing Steem society, but degrading it, and I do not support you in that effort. In truth such profiteering is going to continue to decrease the price of Steem, user retention, and market cap until it is no longer practiced or Steem dies.

Steem has dropped over 50 places on CMC since I first told you that. I look forward to the day when you decide to end your support for bots and apply your considerable skill to supporting society - people - exclusively. Steem incorporates technology that enables voluntarist governance. Wasting that on mere economic gain is tragic.

People need to be empowered to effect their values as policies, and selling that power for tokens is unethical. That's what bots do. Please stop.


Every bidbot vote is not unethical. You are confusing your own opinion with reality


Every bidbot vote is not unethical. You are confusing your own opinion with reality

I'm with @valued-customer on this one.

What voting-based system could you name where the very definition of corruption is not "vote-buying?"

Either we want a Meritocracy or we don't. If we do, people cannot be allowed to buy votes. Imagine if one could simply buy the votes necessary to win a Nobel Prize or an Olympic Gold. What would such honors be worth ... absolutely nothing. They are ONLY worth something because they cannot be purchased. They have to be earned.

This is such a basic concept that I am flabbergasted that it even needs to be mentioned.

Go randomly pick 10 posts from Trending and choose the one you believe to be of the highest quality. Now go pick ANY post appearing on my blog. The best of the former vs the worst of mine. Now publish a post linking them both and ask your audience to decide which was better. Now compare the post payouts.

At what point ought one feel shame?

Although it hurts me to say, I have been ashamed of Steemit for a very long time.


I never thought the vision of Steem was to find the best post and make sure it earns the most.

I consider it a social media site where the "Owners" pick the winners. I am not arguing that they have done a good job with this.

I think many posts that end up on trending are important information or discussions.

I understand the point of view, I just think you have to make the assumption that everyone has the same goal as you do to consider it unethical.

I happen to think Steem is perfectly fair from a stakeholders point of view. I get to allocate exactly the correct percentage of the inflation pool as what I own.

I am not saying I think the stakeholders are making excellent choices.

If I hold more stake than I can vote with it is my possession and I should be allow to sell the bi-product of that (votes to whomever I please) AGAIN... Not saying it is going well. If they sell too many too often we end up where we are right now, no one wants to use it.

I guess the only thing I am saying is that it isn't as black and white as he claims.

DPOS I get it and it sounds good on paper, I just don't think I care for it.

It makes sense that the largest stakeholders decide the direction of a project, I just expected them to have more intelligence about what they are and are not good at. :)


What you say is true (and articulately expressed).

Here's what's also true: A "product" has been created that no one wants, with the exception of the vote-buyers/sellers. Once everyone else leaves, which we are perilously close to, all those votes will be worthless ... as will be the SP that generates them.

It doesn't matter what's theoretically right or wrong if, pragmatically, it causes the entire system to crash.

You spoke of "owners" ... for that which is owned to be worth anything, there must be customers. This customer feels shafted and he is not alone. This cannot, and will not, go on for much longer.

Indeed, unless the Voice launch turns out to be an utter disaster (and @dan has more than enough money to ensure that it doesn't), September 23 may be the day that the STEEM/Steemit charade finally comes to an end.

It's too bad because I and a lot of other good people love this place. But enough is enough. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

I'm tired of feeling like an idiot.


@whatsup, you said,

It makes sense for the largest stakeholders to determine the direction of a project.

Maybe that's the problem. When you start a project, it looks like it's the wrong way to get the biggest stakeholders first to decide what the functions should look like. Wouldn't it be wiser, if you want to create a good product/service, to really want to bring this product to its full potential first?

Everything seems to be the other way around here. First the investors and then the development up to the product maturity? That would be like putting a seedling in the soil and pumping it so full of fertilizer that it can yield a lot very quickly, although the fruit tastes much better when the process has enough time to get to the true goodness.

Take for example a service like WordPress or The former was an open source project and the developers were interested in the product and how to do it so well that you could be satisfied with it yourself.

Along the way, many minds have tried to make it good, just like with Linux. At deepl. I don't know how open source the whole thing was. But it was, similar to facebook and youtube, in an initially slow growth. While the users tried it, the developers learned to make changes and the programmers learned to write the code.

The investors came later: A company that wants to make first-class products chooses its investors well. These selected investors don't exist here. Anyone can join in and then say that they are an investor. On the basis of this logic, wouldn't one have to say that no matter how big a share someone holds, he should have the same voting entitlement?

Why should those with many shares be wiser than those with few? Or vice versa? It has nothing to do with intelligence, how much or how little I have. It's more about how well you want to make a product and whether you can imagine that the later beneficiaries will like it so much that it will inevitably develop into a mass market.

I find one can better rely on the intelligence of the many interested and curious ones instead of that of the largest stakeholders.

Society is comprised of people and enabling mechanisms to vote degrades society. It is not my confusion that engenders our disagreement.

I reject your reality and insert my own!

Such drama, you've earned a DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Let's set the record straight. Actually; you said you had a conflict of interest during a podcast interview.

I upvoted your post as I am no fan of upvote bots. I no longer auto-upvote, follow curation trails, or use upvote bots (I tried using BroRando, but did not do it right) though I have used them in the past. I do not agree with your aggressive threat.

The era of supporting literally anything and everything stops on Tuesday.
If it doesn't stop I plan to run an aggressive campaign against your business, against your delegators, and will try to get Steem delegated to your project moved to a more responsible one.

Guess I will just add you to the list of bully oligarchs here on STEEM. By you own ultimatum you have earned that title. You have not only threatened the bid-bot owners to bend to your will but the delegaters as well (most who delegate are just minnows trying to make-it here on STEEM. Just like your PAL delegaters.) The statement above shows that you are under the impression that you are now running things. I warned others in the past, I am pretty good at reading people.

I realize that this is a DPOS platform. As a stake-holder myself I have an interest in this platform. @ats-david has also, in many ways (in the background) remained loyal to this platform.

After rereading your post I regret upvoting it. I should have read it better. I will leave my upvote as I am not an Indian-giver. I will take away my Bitmoji though as now after reading the whole thing better, I don't love it.

Kudos for your involvement in the side-chain steem-engine. I play with it myself. If all the notifications I get from GITHUB are any indication, it has pushed many to get the SMT thingy going. Everyone is also thankful for SteemMonsters/Spinterlands helping the Steem platform, but most of its success was due to crowd sourced work just like many projects here on STEEM.

If I have said anything that are believed to be unsubstantiated, by all means, set me straight. I said on numerous occasions in the Foundation server (both drunk and sober) that you would be a big part of the Foundation. Even this hog can find a truffle (truth) now and again.

@jerrybanfield may have been despised by many for various reasons, but at least there has never been any shame in his game nor did he ever flex his financial muscles and make public threats.

You should reread this with out your current distaste for me...

My distaste for you is not just "current."'s without. Only one word. It's compound.

He lied about working for BBC before, as I am sure you know. And now claims to be a Doctor.. ROFL.