ThePAPACYBeast 2 #TheTwoSidesOfTheControversy

in #bible6 years ago

As we saw in my previous post, the Devil and Satan has one passion: TO DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD. At what point in earth's history did Satan deceive the whole world? Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In order to understand the conflict between Christ and Satan, we need to go right from the very beginning--

The Bible tells us that GOD CREATED LUCIFER AS THE HIGHEST OF ALL ANGELS NEXT TO THE THRONE OF GOD. And, we don't know how many eons of time may have gone by, Lucifer SERVED GOD there at the throne faithfully as the highest created angel. THERE CAME A TIME, the Bible says, that SIN WAS FOUND IN HIM. He became jealous. He wanted to own the throne of God. And SIN AND REBELLION BROKE OUT IN HEAVEN. LUCIFER IS LEADING THE WAY. His influence was spread in heaven and he got a third of all the angels on his side. And then, THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN. GOOD AGAINST EVIL. GOD AGAINST LUCIFER. And finally, GOD CAST SATAN AND ⅓ OF THE ANGELS THAT FOLLOWED HIM DOWN TO THIS EARTH. God gave the Devil DOMINION over this planet. This was his place to run his program and his show.

ADAM AND EVE WAS HERE. And so is the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. And God told Adam and Eve, "Don't go near this tree. Don't touch it. And don't eat the fruit of it." And yet Adam and Eve did so. As soon as they did that, OUR PARENTS FELL INTO SIN. THEN GOD MADE THE FIRST PROPHECY IN THE BIBLE--

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Now you say, "What is that talking about?" THAT IS A PROPHECY THAT HAS RAMIFICATIONS CLEAR TO THE END OF TIME. Notice the TWO SIDES. God says "I will put enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman." Now, when God speaks prophetically, a WOMAN represents GOD'S CHURCH or God's people (Jeremiah 6:2 we read, “I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.” Who is Zion? Isaiah 51:16, “And say unto Zion, Thou art my people.”). All through the Bible, Christ is the Bridegroom, His people is His Bride. God uses this picture of a PURE WOMAN who represent HIS CHURCH or His people.

He's basically saying, "Satan, from now on there's TWO SIDES. There's you, Dragon Satan, and there's the PURE WOMAN representing My side." Then He goes on to say something very significant I don't want you to miss. He says, "THE WOMAN, SOMEDAY, IS GONNA BRING FORTH HER SEED." But as soon as He said that, He brings out another prophecy and don't miss it, He says, "SATAN, SOMEDAY ALSO, YOU'RE GONNA BRING FORTH YOUR SEED." Keep that in your mind for just a minute. Tremendous prophecy. Then God goes a step further, He says, "THE SEED OF THE WOMAN (whoever that is, we're gonna find out later in this study), HE'S ONLY GONNA GET A BRUISED HEEL. That's just a temporary wound. But THE SEED THAT YOU (Satan) WILL BRING FORTH (we'll also find out who that is later), HE'S GONNA GET A BRUISED HEAD. That's permanent death blow to the head." So God is basically saying, "FROM NOW ON, THERE'S TWO SIDES. EITHER MY SIDE OR YOUR SIDE." And eversince God spoke those words, everybody that has ever lived have been either on Satan the dragon's side or they've been on God's side. EVERY ONE OF YOU READING THIS IS EITHER ON GOD'S SIDE OR THE DRAGONS SIDE. That's very powerful if you will stop and think about it.

Now, I wanna take you to a walk through history to really get the big picture. THESE TWO SIDES WERE IMMEDIATELY APPARENT ON THE FIRST TWO KIDS BORN ON THIS EARTH-- CAIN AND ABEL. The story is so revealing. GOD SPOKE HIS WORD. And WHEN GOD SPEAKS, HIS WORD IS CLEAR. NO GUESSING, NO COMPROMISING, IT'S CRYSTAL-CLEAR. God said to atone for sin you gotta sacrifice a little lamb, because without a shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin (Heb.9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission). ABEL, who obeyed God's voice and the Word of God, did it, and God accepted the sacrifice. CAIN, however, said, "Oh that's gross. I don't wanna go bleed an animal on the altar, that's terrible! I'm gonna offer God som fruits and vegetables instead." And God rejected Cain's offerings. Cain got so mad he killed his brother Abel.

I had to pause here. THE DEVIL'S SIDE CAN ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE IDENTIFIED BECAUSE IT WILL COUNTERFEIT OR SUBSTITUTE THE WORD OF GOD. Do you remember the Devil's masterplan I told you last time? He goes out to do what? TO DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD. The Devil has one passion and that is TO DECEIVE EVERYBODY. And, by the way, the amazing thing is WHATEVER THE DEVIL COUNTERFEITS, IT USUALLY MAKES SENSE. Have you noticed that? It usually makes more sense the way God says! Think about it. A poor little lamb bleeding on an altar, burned in sacrifice. That's terrible! It's sure a whole lot mess and it sure makes a whole lot more sense to offer fruits and vegetables, doesn't it?! BUT THE POINT HERE IS: WHEN GOD SPEAKS HIS WORD, IT'S THE TRUTH! AND YOU NEVER COMPROMISE THE WORD OF GOD! The Devil always does it! He always counterfeits the Word of God. He always changes the Word of God. He always comes up with something different. THAT'S HOW YOU TRACK THE DEVIL. YOU CAN IMMEDIATELY TELL IF IT'S A COUNTERFEIT SIMPLY BECAUSE HE ALWAYS COUNTERFEITS OR SUBSTITUTES THE WORD OF GOD.

What happens then? Cain's descendants then go out and corrupt this earth with evil and wickedness. And finally this earth has an estimated 2 to 3 billion people alive, we don't know for sure but the scholars estimate that, and out of those 2 to 3 billion people, you know what? THEY'RE ALL ON SATAN THE DRAGON'S SIDE EXCEPT 8-- NOAH AND HIS FAMILY. The Devil was getting excited, he said, "Woah this is it! I've deceived everybody! I've got everybody following sin. If I can get Noah and his family, then, I get everybody!" And that's why he tried so hard to destroy Noah and his family. Cos if he'd done that, then, the prophecy would never come to pass. The Seed of the Woman would never come. You see, when the Devil heard that prophecy he began to shake in his boots! He knew who the Seed of the Woman is gonna be someday! And so he went to do everything he could to destroy it. And this is why God had to intervene in human history and get Noah to build an ark, get his family of 8 individuals in there, and God sent a flood of water and literally destroyed every men and women, and preserved the 8. You know why? HE HAD TO PRESERVE THE PROPHECY. HE HAD TO PRESERVE THE SEED OF THE WOMAN COMING FORTH SOMEDAY.

Follow my posts, next on the scene is Babylon!