Romans 8:30–32 Part 1 (SCRIPTURE and LOGIC)

in #bible6 years ago

Concluding arguments of Paul regarding preaching the good news in Romans.
Part One.
Romans 8:30–32 (LEB)
29 because those whom God [Fore-loved], he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…
30 And those whom he predestined, these he also called, and those whom he called, these he also justified, and those whom he justified, these he also glorified.
31 What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
32 Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all, how (much more) will he not also, together with him, freely give us all things?
Verse 31
The arguments found here in Romans 8 starting in verse 31 and going through verse 34 are not merely concluding arguments from Romans chapter 8 but also can be viewed as broader concluding arguments from the entirety of his preaching up to this point.

This phrase, “God is for us,” broadly includes all the positive doctrine of God’s creation, decrees and salvation of His chosen ones mentioned here in Romans. “The promise,” of Abraham’s blessing, as chapter 4 says, was pre-designed to be of “faith,” so that it is made a certainty for God’s elect. Jesus was delivered to death for our sins and raised to God’s right hand so that God has already declared us righteous. God has created new (ontologies) cause and effects for His Children and by His unstoppable will placed them there. That is, water has been transformed into wine (the best wine). A new creation. They are not in the old cause and effect of being in death, which results in sin’s enslavement; rather, now the credited righteousness of Jesus results in the Elect being mastered by the endless power of Life though the Holy Spirit. They were identified with Christ’s death—Christ dies no more –and so the Elect also live because He lives. The law of the Elect’s soul is the law of the Spirit of Life; they are dead to death and to sin, because they died with Christ; yet, they are alive to God because Christ is alive and the life He lives is to God.

Indeed, even when the Elect do not know how to pray as they ought, this endless power of life bursts up in their souls as the Spirit Himself makes intercession for them—praying God’s will for them. When they are weak, God their strength. God creates Christ’s glorious knowledge in their mind as He so sovereignty did when He said, “Let there be Light,” out of nothing.

There is no obstacle for God, and so there is no obstacle for God’s Elect. A mountain, you say? Let it be cast to the sea! A desperate soul needs to have the Scripture explained, then let a table bearer be transported to their location! Is there an issue of Law? Let it be nailed to a cross. Is there an issue with the Prince of the Air and powers of demons? Let them be made a public spectacle and humiliated in open shame. Is there a problem with being cursed with diseases, and cursed with mental disorders, and cursed with broken bodies? Then let all such curses be hung on a tree and let demonic strongholds be broken. “They will be healed, and they will be forgiven.” Is such and such a problem for God? Then how is it a problem for God’s chosen ones?

Is there shattered history of 5 marriages and ignorance of God’s truth? Then let there be waters of eternal life, truth and prophecy. Is there a daughter broken and demon processed, and still even worse, you find you are a dog on the wrong side of the covenant? Who cares? Take it by faith anyway! Is there a curtain blocking the way for direct and bold access to majestic Throne of the Alpha and Omega? Then let it be ripped and shredded!

Is there a physical wall? Is there a spiritual or mental wall? God does not go around it, He crushes it and goes through it. We are now Children of God!

God is for us!

The antecedent of this Modus Ponens (affirming the antecedent) could be handled well with a Natural Deduction or First Order Predicate to indicate/quantify all the terms/propositions and comprehension behind the expression that “God is for us.” However, since we have already been over the truth claims (doctrines) and deductions of these in this series it is not necessary. My readers already know the doctrines and comprehensions of this phrase. To explain this in systematic doctrine—as we have done in a limited since here—in the book of Romans is simply a longhand way of dealing with all the (conjunctions) and quantifiers of N.D. and F.O.I.L.
G.1. (P) If God is for us, (~Q) then the necessary result is that no one can be against us.
G.2. (P) It is true that God is for us.
G.3. (~Q) Therefore, no one can be against us.
Verse 32

The statement in 8:32 is like the fortiori “how much more,” arguments Paul made in chapter 5. And so, I will present this in a similar way in a modus ponens.
The Elect are predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ’s glorious soul. The souls of the God’s chosen ones are acted upon by the Spirit to cause then to cry out, Abba Father. The Spirit bypasses worldly issues of epistemology and simply testifies they are Sons of God. This is majestic ontology upon the mind.

What about creation itself? The world was made by Jesus Christ, for Christ. Yet, the Elect are made heirs of God! They are made co-heirs with Jesus Christ! Indeed, it is revealed that creation will be liberated into the liberty God’s children. And so, in this sense, the world was made for man, and not man for the world. The day which God provides sanctifying (the Sabbath) is for man, and not man for the Sabbath. The creation of the world in 6 awesome days is for you, oh believer. Adam and Eve are yours. Noah is yours. The History of the world is yours. The future of the world is yours. Samson, David, Paul, Peter and angels are for you. The promises and dominions and powers are for you. And we belong for Christ. And Christ is God’s.
H.1. (~P) If the Father did not spare His own Son from the cross to save the Elect, (Q) then even more so through the Son, the Father will freely give the Elect all things.
H.2. (~P) Indeed, it is true that the Father did not spare His own Son from the cross to save us.
H.3. (Q) Therefore, the Father will freely give the Elect all things