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RE: Devotional for the Light of Purpose

in #bible7 years ago

Oh, I agree but to put it simply let me tell you what I see. I see to many people "worshiping" out of fear or obligation... I see people terrified of this false image of "god" that society has created... people doing ridiculous things in the name of "god" to show their blind obedience... people standing in a building worshiping statues, asking another flesh and blood man to forgive them on "gods" behalf, all while being extorted for money? "Thou shalt not kill" but more people are killed in the name of "god" than for any other reason.

I've spent the last 15 years of my life trying to better understand this thing we call "god", and you know what I finally realized? Language is the biggest problem. The reason I could never understand was because the language we have doesn't even come close to being able to accurately tell the story. I realized that every form of organized religion ultimately originated from the same place but it's through translation and the inability to convey proper meanings, as well as the ruling bodies putting their own spin on it or just leaving whole parts out in order to use it as a means of control. This is why I refer to "god" with quotes. I understand the word is used to convey an idea to others, however I don't like the labels we put on these ideas as they are not in any way capable of describing what it is and quite honestly limits the minds perception and understanding to the physical world. Language itself is the biggest limiting factor when it comes to understanding your spiritual self as that part of us isn't bound by language at all. Society uses language in order to manipulate our perception of the world around us. I see some of the most "god fearing" men committing some of the worst acts towards others. That right there should tell you there's a big misunderstanding somewhere.