Scripture to Scripture Bible Study #2: Christ's Second Coming (Revised)

in #bible7 years ago


Please click on the links to the Bible verses to find answers to the questions.

1 What promise did Jesus give?

John 14:1-3

約翰福音 14:1-3

2 How will Christ come?

Acts 1:9-11

使徒行傳 1:9-11

3 Who will see Christ come?

Revelation 1:7

啟示錄 1:7

4 Is Jesus a real person?

Luke 24:36-43

路加福音 24:36-43

5 Why will Christ come?

Matthew 24:30,31

馬太福音 24:30,31

6 What reward will Christ give?

Revelation 22:12

啟示錄 22:12

7 When will Christ come?

Matthew 24:36

馬太福音 24:36

8 What will happen to those who are unprepared?

Revelation 6:14-17

啟示錄 6:14-17

9 What should we do now?

Matthew 24:37-44

馬太福音 24:37-44

Photo by John-Mark Kuznietsov

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