Scripture to Scripture Bible Study #1: Biblical Inspiration (Bilingual 英文 - 中文)

Please click on the links to the Bible verses to find the answers to the questions.
1 What did Jesus say about himself?
2 What is truth?
3 Where did the Bible come from?
2nd Timothy 3:15, 16
提摩太後書 3:15,16
4 What part did the Holy Spirit play?
2nd Peter 1:20, 21
彼得後書 1:20,21
5 Why was the Old Testament written?
6 Did Jesus use the Old Testament?
7 What can the words of Jesus do?
8 What will God's word do for your life?
Photo by John-Mark Kuznietsov
Creative Media Ministries has granted permission for this Bible study to be posted on steemit.
Nice, educative and informative post on the bible. The bible is my reference book I love reading it keep posting I love it
Thanks! Will do.