Predictive Programming, Anti-Christ and the Tower of Sophia

in #bible7 years ago

Many, millennia ago there was a project that humanity undertook that literally endeavored to open a doorway to heaven itself. They believed that if they worked together, pooling resources with a common cause, that they would eventually pierce the veil that divides this world and the next.

We do not know too much about their methods or feasibility of their plan, but we do know that they got so close to achieving their goal, that God Himself had to intervein and thwart the project by confusing their languages. Without the ability to communicate effectively, the project was abandoned and the people scattered across the earth, separating themselves into disparate nations.

Without getting into to much detail, God would later give to humanity a blueprint to build a proper temple that would serve as the 'doorway to the heavens' when he assembled the people of Israel and gave them specific details on how to build the Mosaic Tabernacle. This temple would not only be built but would eventually be fully realized and replaced in the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ who taught that in His resurrected body the true temple would be built, the true 'doorway' to the heavens opened for any to enter.

It is crucial at this point to see that there have always only been two ways, or undertakings, running alongside one another throughout the history of humanity with the goal of making a way to heaven or 'the heavens.' The key is that one project was sanctioned by God, the other was in opposition to Him. It is at the Cross where this antithesis is most clearly illustrated.

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This is why it is particularly interesting to note, just as God had intended from the beginning to use the power of His Word to pierce the veil that stands between this world and the next, so humanity determined to use their own common wisdom, and technology to reach heaven apart from the sanction of God.

Well, now here we are... Thousands of years have passed and not much has changed. As the message of Jesus and the 'temple' of His body has spread across the nations, it seems that 'behind the scene' humanity has been hard at work toiling to accomplish another body that would serve as a doorway to heaven. A sort of Anti-Christ figure (anti-Chirst just means 'another, fake, or artificial' Christ).

With a common language and an Artificial Intelligence technology, the wisdom of man has yet again build a temple to the heavenly realm. We introduce "Sophia."

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