Attraction Ancient Bhaktapur, Pottery Square

in #bhaktapur7 years ago (edited)


![images.jpg](https://steemarea southm/DQmbhAvmVpJHz2txhbR1uiAoth1kAPyeyMf1egw5y6ytbvu/images.jpg)

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Image source : Google image

Pottery square is an area south of Bhaktapur Durbar squae. where people make various pots out of clay .the most famous is the ' KHUTURKI' which is bassically a piggy bank. Visiting pottery Square is like taking a step back in time , as on canwatch the local inhibitants making traditionally spun and fixed clay pots. Every person has their one role, Be it bringing in clay spinning them into pots , trending to them or baking them in the sun. It is very refreshing to witness generation of
family work together.