BitShares Hangout #33 - 2017-08-11 - OpenSource Agenda [WhaleShare/Beyondbit Payouts Powered by SP!]

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

BitShares Hangouts Speakers and Worker Proposals Earn WhaleShares for Participating!

Use them to hire attendees and listeners for promotion of your work...or just pay yourself!

Notice: WhaleShares/Beyondbit Payouts are BASED ON POST PAYOUTS and are sent After Final Payouts for this post are Received!

BeyondBits are powerful tokens worth upvotes on Steem, but you need to use BitShares Wallet and follow the instructions on WhaleShares.Net! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!

Download BitShares Wallet

"Join weekly to speak with founding community members of the BitShares Enterprise Dex about history and current events in Cryptocurrency and earn some free BitShares Tokens!" ~officialfuzzy

Hangout Format:

This will go up at least 4 days before the BitShares Hangout. BitShares community members who post subjects to cover and bring topics of discussion are asked to do so in response to this post first. Worker Proposals are a Chief Focus in these hangouts, but other topics and projects are welcome to join. @officialfuzzy can finally pay people who have supported this powerful cryptocurrency for the past 4 years since its birth and evolution. So reply below with valuable topics, updates, info we should cover and earn upvotes from in this thread and earn a special bonus if yours are chosen!

How Much Time Per Topic?

Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.

What do we Earn for Actively Participating?

Those who attend will each earn from a pool of bitshares that will be purchased with earnings from this post. They will then be given directly to you via our new guestbook that we are testing.
Fuzzy will be giving [whaleshares] to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a BitShares Wallet!

And let's not get SP through upvoting quality information and content worth sharing with the top minds in crypto across the graphene ecosystem!

Is any topic off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

Listen to Last Week's Lightly Edited Hangout

During the Week you can find us in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

And of Course you can join Our EOStalk Discord

How to Join the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble where BitShares and Steem were born!

Step 1: Download Mumble Here

Step 2: Watch Setup Instructions

Step 3:

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Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by the Steem blockchain so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Participate in Beyond Bitcoin initiatives to earn WhaleShares and BeyondBit tokens that pay you and make you trend all at once!


P.s. im upvoting myself 100% to pay myself 30 liquid sbd for taking the time to organize, run, lightly edit and post these hangouts.
To then pass out tokens to attendees and guest speakers ...and we cant ignore that im paying over what is earned from these posts and later paying people to post edited versions to their OWN youtube channels.

Pretty good deal for minnows if i make some money from this eh?

My $0.06 didn't move this much up the page, but I tried LOL.

Yeah, I saw a bunch of others jumped on and helped after. Good support :-)

Project/Topic Name/News Piece: Bitshares Taker Orders Working as Expected

Relevant Steemit Tag? bitshares

Appropriate links to share?

How should we introduce you/your project/your news coverage?

Improving BitShares. If you buy 1 at 100 by accident, when there is 1 at 10, should you buy 1 at 10, or 10 at 10 (as it currently works)? As it now stands, you are likely to receive some odd combination of rounded size and/or price.

What is your bitshares account name? phoenix-rising

Extract from the Bitshares State of the Network Report

  • @billbutler has released a new worker proposal for shareholder consideration. The worker proposal named '201708-bitsharesui' for a total of $150,000 USD for 3 positions lasting for a 6 month period focusing on Improvements to the Bitshares User Interface.

  • @xeroc has migrated the documentation sources for to the official Bitshares Github repo. This is a move towards open access in hope that the the community and leading projects will work toward extension and improvement of the resources.

  • @jademont has introduced two new web wallets launched from teams in China; HelloBTS maintained by the team from YOYOW and 1001ICO. Both wallets have built from the base Bitshares reference client and have a focus on ICOs.

  • @cob has announced a snapshot for the MUSE network that will occur between August 9th 00:00:01 UTC to August 11th 23:59:59 UTC. Ronny Boesing has said 'Due to large amount of users clearly have not managed to move their open.muse to their own native wallet OpenLedger will make sure it is possible to have the muse in its new form when available taking a snapshot of the user base and their holdings at the time snapshot of muse is announced to begin'

  • Bitspark will be switching to the Bitshares Blockchain from Bitcoin because it is better suited for the company’s business.As things stand currently, Bitshares offers the greatest benefits to a remittance company looking to utilise cryptocurrency as a means to send money quicker, cheaper and to more locations. Bitspark will be aiming for 180+ currencies, instant payments, no cost and zero counterparty risk.

GUI Worker Proposal is still up for a vote

Proposal in English
Proposal in Mandarin

Discuss arguments for and against

Documentation of BitShares
  • End users
  • Businesses/Vendors
  • Gateways
  • Developers front-end/middle/back-end
  • Worker proposals
  • Private sustained funding by a business
  • Crowdfunding
  • Bounties
  • Posting to social media such as Steem, Golos, or Yoyow
Voting in a BitShares' DPOS system
What can stakeholders vote on?

Stakeholders can vote on witnesses, committee members, and worker proposals

How can stakeholders vote?

Voting directly, voting indirectly through proxies, or abstaining

How much weight is given to a stakeholders vote?

Weight of their vote depends on how much stake they control

How much weight is given to a block producer?


resteemed to add to visabiltiy and attempt to get your guys your $1600 back.

Steemit + BitShares = ❤

thats what i always thought too!

  1. Project/Topic Name/News Piece
    Steemit Gaming (SG)

  2. Relevant Steemit Tag?

  3. Appropriate links to share?

  1. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker

  2. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
    Education gamified. No more grades, classes, or students. Steemit Gaming (SG) is an integrated education system where grade levels are just levels, grades are points, graduating is ranking up. Learn by curating, commenting, and creating content just like you do everyday on Steemit. SG’s first game goes live on August 31st at 7PM CDT / 12AM UTC.

  3. What is your bitshares account name?

Thanks again for all you do. So pumped for this.

tis is more of a topic for whaletank :)

Ayyyyy sounds good my man. See you then I am so pumped :)

Hey @chiefmappster, Looking forward to your next update.

Thank you @steempowerpics . Really appreciate you caring, because our team sure does.

Thanks again and see ya then :)

Perhaps you meant to post this in the BeyondBitcoin/WhaleTank hangout thread? This is the Bitshares hangout thread.

O wow nice catch thank you :)

my idea for the day is the following:

What if BitShares used its tokens to buy into new "ICO" tokens that give it bonuses. Maybe even give the incentive for projects to sharedrop on bitshares as a prerequisite to getting funding.

So lets say, for instance, that bob would like funding for his project...
Bob goes to the BitShares DApp Alliance and pitches a new token for this project giving links to content already made on the idea as well as a presentation that includes funding requirements and how much they will sharedrop on bitshares if they reach funding goal.

This accomplishes a few things of value for bitshares:

  1. Tokens consistently being sharedropped on another "target" token creates upward buying pressure (which helps negate downward sell pressure if project is paid in bts)
  2. Instead of worker proposals to do basic work, we open up the free market by paying projects that reciprocate with their own tokens. Payment for the projects will be able to include additions/needed fixes to the chain required for the project to most likely succeed
  3. Help us invest in potential competition to hedge in the case that a more valuable system emerges. Why not have a hedge?

Just want to add some.
Why only fund projects?
Why not participating in some commercial projects with theirs respective budgets?
Let's make it possible to hire Bitshares for some outsource. We have pretty much human resources here, why not get paid for some of our time and effort?
Of course anyone can settle it's own corporation atop of Bitshares and fund his own projects, hire stuff, manage github boards - but all we need here is a budget to create workers for it's items - and talk out loud we are hiring some devs or pm's or r&d's
And of course all sharedrop and other conditions should be concluded first and before a project start.

I look forward to your progress, I know may of the top programmers in the world.

Thats a good idea too :)

im listening :)

@officialfuzzy, once i get a budget on hands i'll make some noice here and will apply for (human) resources for paid tasks and even positions in our project.
Graphene chain is our target (specs not yet public).
Suppose it will happen in weeks, not months. The Idea is a "Production DAC" basically, with full time positions for PM, SW architect and a 2-3 dev leads (core+backend+frontend), all atomic tasks are estimated and available for bounty. All development process is on github and goes public, while moderated. Nothing new here except for the DAC thing. And a share drop.
Of course we will bake a multi-sign account for investors (board of directors actually) and a token for shares to be bought by these investors. But them should be whitelisted.
This approach provides Bitshares community a possibility to take part in the development process and do all job in most efficient way - both from costs perspective and from architectural one - graphene chains should become our main (and perfect) product made for export.
Bitshares as an entity should teach itself to hire devs, and to produce valuable products to stay competitive on the external markets not only in the fin-tech field.

The explained model is only one possibility and is actually my current case.
It is clearly understood that this approach could be extended to an ecosystem funded projects without "external" or "dedicated" investors (customers) but natively being a Bitshares projects grown from the community ideas and input.