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RE: Julian Assange needs everyone's protection: Here's how we might be able to help

I have always held him in high regard but have lost a lot a respect for him as his ego and his hatred for the Clintons (as deserved as it may be) has in my opinion clouded his judgement. Fine, release the Clinton emails, but on the precipice of a possible cliff known as a Trump presidency, if he really cared about truth, release Trumps tax returns. I'm sure the IRS is easier to crack than the White House, or DoD or even the CIA. Why hasn't he? In my opinion because his ego and grudge against the granted corrupt Clinton's has clouded his judgement. Edward Snowden is a patriot. I used to think Assange was a truth seeker, but now, I don't what to believe of him. Sure the possible rape allegations are quite possibly a diversionary tactic, but as it is a horrific crime, I say let it play out in a court of law. But to only be hacking away at the Clinton's, and timing his releases for the greatest impact to effect the election, i call BS, and either Trump or Russia paid him, or his ego is more important than truth. Otherwise, why not release connections of Trump/Putin, or how about some KGB documents proving how Putin has systematically destroyed and murdered his opposition? For these reasons, i will defend his right whistleblow, but not his methods or motivations. He has lost most of my respect. But i hear where you are coming from...


I know nothing of his methods or his motivations. I just know he is a guy in a shit spot.

"but on the precipice of a possible cliff known as a Trump presidency, if he really cared about truth, release Trumps tax returns"
--Don't buy into the clown show. One is every bit as bad as the other.