Beware of a centralized governance

in #beware2 years ago

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A centralized governance system refers to a system in which a single central authority or organization holds the majority of power. This authority or organization makes decisions for the entire group or society.

This central authority may be a government, a corporation, or any other organization that has the power to make and enforce rules and decisions. In a centralized system, power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals or entities, rather than being distributed among the population.

In a centralized governance system, a single central authority holds the majority of power and makes decisions for the entire group or society. This central authority may be a government, a corporation, or any other organization that has the power to make and enforce rules and decisions.

"In a centralized governance system, a single central authority holds the majority of power and makes decisions for the entire group or society. This central authority may be a government, a corporation, or any other organization that has the power to make and enforce rules and decisions."

To say more or less, any government is a "post-modern" slavemaster, and its citizens are "post-modern" slaves. While governments have the power to make and enforce laws, and have the power to control certain aspects of society, this does not necessarily mean that they treat their citizens as real slaves.

Governments are created for the purpose of serving the interests of their citizens. They are generally responsible for providing public goods and services, protecting citizens' rights, and maintaining social order.

In democratic societies, citizens have the opportunity to participate in the political process and hold their government accountable for its actions. Or is it? In reality, the government controls its citizens by manipulating them.

It's true that there have been instances throughout history where governments have engaged in oppressive and authoritarian practices, treating their citizens as slaves in the kingdom era.

This can happen in autocratic government regimes, where the government has total control and citizens have limited rights. Slavery can also exist in societies where it is permitted, legal, or practiced even today in some countries. It is less in practice, but the idea still exists that the government still has power and control over its citizens in its own way.

With regards to money, a centralized government may have the power to control the issuance and circulation of currency, set interest rates, and regulate financial institutions. They may also have the power to collect taxes and redistribute wealth. Among "its people".

In a country with a liberal and centralized economic system, the government may take on some characteristics of a company. This is in the sense that it may operate with a focus on efficiency, profitability and growth.

In this sense, Indonesia has Badan Usaha Milik Negara, since a country with a liberal economic system is just like a company. In a liberal economic system, the citizen is their customer.

A company, on the other hand, is a private organization that is established to make a profit. The primary goal of a company is to generate revenue and increase shareholder value. A company is accountable to its shareholders, while the government is accountable to its "own elite" citizens not the real common citizens.

A company can make decisions based on maximizing profits. However, a government has to take into account a broader range of control such as social welfare, environmental protection, and other public goods for the benefit of its own "elite" citizens.

Controlled by the government

This central authority may be a government, a corporation, or any other organization that has the power to make and enforce rules and decisions on to:

  1. People or its citizen
  2. Money
  3. Food
  4. Healthcare
  5. Nature, land, and any valuable resources
  6. Import and export of goods and resources.
  7. Tourism

In summary, a centralized governance system is one in which a single central authority holds the majority of power and makes decisions for the entire group or society. This central authority has control over various aspects of society such as money, food, resources, and healthcare or your life.

Hegemony, information, and "post-modern" slavery

When hegemony, information, and slavery (hegerformaslavery) are combined in today's technology, it could result in a society where a powerful group or individual exerts control over others through the use of advanced technology and information systems.

Hegemony refers to the dominance of one group over others. In this context, it would likely refer to a small group of powerful individuals (elite) or organizations who hold the majority of control and power in society.

Information technology refers to the use of computers and other technological tools to store, process, and share information. In this context, it could be used as a tool to control and manipulate information. This would allow the powerful group to control what information is available to the public and to maintain their dominance.

Slavery refers to the ownership and control of one person by another. In this context, it could refer to the use of advanced technology and information systems to control and manipulate individuals and groups in society.

This could include the use of surveillance technologies to monitor people's movements and activities, or the use of artificial intelligence to control and manipulate people's thoughts and behaviors.

Taken together, hegemony, information, and slavery (hegeformaslavey) with technology could result in a society where a small group of powerful individuals or organizations exert complete control over all aspects of society, including people's thoughts and behaviors, through the use of advanced technology and information systems.

Hoax created by the government

To any government, a smart citizen is a potential threat. So manipulating them with false information or a hoax is necessary. However, imagine when many of their citizens are aware that their own government is the real potential enemy of their every day lives.

A hoax created by a government, also known as a cover-up story, refers to a false or constructed, fabricated story that is created and disseminated by a government or government officials in order to hide the truth or conceal information from the public.

One example of a government cover-up story is the Watergate scandal in USA, in which the Nixon Administration attempted to cover up their involvement in a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972.

The government initially denied any involvement, but it was later revealed that several high-ranking officials were involved in the cover-up.

Another example is the Gulf of Tonkin incident, in which the US government reported that the US Navy had been attacked by North Vietnamese naval vessels in 1964. This incident was used to justify the escalation of US involvement in the Vietnam War, but later it was found that the alleged attack never took place.

Cover-up stories can also be used to conceal information about public health crises or environmental disasters, or to downplay the severity of a problem in order to avoid public concern or criticism.

It's pertinent to note that not all claims of government cover-ups are true, and it's critical to carefully evaluate the evidence and consider multiple sources before drawing conclusions about such claims.

Imagine you are a loyal citizen and you want to help your country reach its full potential, but the government doesn't agree with that and declares you their enemy.

Therefore, a country and a government are actually two different entities. Sometimes, when you want to help your country, you become an enemy of the government of that regime. Fake news becomes true when broadcast repeatedly.

At this point, the government mostly uses fake news to help find that promising "hero" when it succeeds, or a criminal when it fails. And we know that history was written and made by the victor.

Centralized fiat money system and inflation

In a centralized system, governments issue fiat money. This is money that is not backed by any physical commodity such as gold, but instead is backed by the government's authority. The government prints this money out of thin air and puts it into circulation.

The primary reason for a government to print and issue its own fiat money is to have control over the money supply and the economy, the "post-modern" slaves or its citizens. By controlling the money supply, the government can also influence interest rates, which can affect borrowing and spending.

Fiat money also allows the government to finance its own expenses by printing more money and using it to pay its bills. Governments can use money as a tool to finance public projects, such as infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and defense, both internally (from its citizens) and externally.

Additionally, having their own fiat money allows the government to have more control over the economy. This includes implementing monetary policies, or having more control over the financial system and their citizens.

A fiat money system can collapse if the government that issues the currency loses the trust of the people, printing too much money and allowing the market to collapse. This is because the government mismanages the economy and causes hyperinflation.

This is because there would be more money in circulation and more demand for goods and services. Ultimately, this would lead to higher prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money.

Freezing accounts of its citizen

In a centralized money system, the government may have the authority to freeze an individual's financial assets if they are considered a threat to the government. This is typically done through the use of government regulations or laws that allow the government to take such actions.

For example, the government may freeze the assets of an individual suspected of engaging in illegal activities, such as money laundering or financing terrorism.

A government may also freeze the assets of an individual or organization under investigation for corrupt or fraudulent activities. However, did you know that the corrupt ones are mainly in the government itself?

It's critical to note that these actions are typically taken as a last resort. This is only after the government has presented evidence and processed it through the appropriate legal channels.

Also, freezing assets is a serious action that can have significant consequences for the individual or organization affected. Therefore, it is usually done with a court order and with due process.

It's also worth noting that the freezing of assets can be challenged in court. Individuals may claim that the freezing of assets is illegal or unjustified using this theory. A court will decide whether the freezing of assets is legal or not.

However, in reality someone can be deemed "the enemy of the country" when they are loyal to the country but not to the government? The government then fabricates fake news that someone is a criminal so the account will be frozen forever.

The government is not willing to reduce poverty

It is possible for a government to reduce poverty through various policies and programs. These include increasing the minimum wage (salary), providing social welfare programs, or investing in education and job training programs.

These policies can help to provide a safety net for people living in poverty, and can also help to create more opportunities for people to improve their financial situation. Additionally, governments can also invest in infrastructure and economic development projects in poor areas, which can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Yet corrupt, selfish, and greedy governments will not do that because it would raise their own internal potential threat from "smart" citizens who are aware that something is wrong with their government.

Decentralized money systems

Decentralized money systems like cryptocurrency can be considered a solution when a righteous person's assets are frozen by the government. This is because they provide a way for individuals to have control over their own money and assets, without the need for a central authority.

In a decentralized money system like cryptocurrency, transactions are recorded on a public digital ledger called a blockchain. These transactions are processed by a network of computers rather than by a central authority.

This means that individuals have direct control over their own assets and can make transactions without the need for a bank or government intermediary.

Because of the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, it can be difficult for a government to freeze an individual's assets, as the assets are not held in a central location. Transactions are recorded on the blockchain and are transparent, so it can be difficult for a government to track down and freeze assets without the cooperation of the network.

Additionally, cryptocurrency can be used anonymously, so it can be difficult for a government to identify the owner of a specific address. This makes it more difficult for the government to freeze an individual's assets.

Although cryptocurrency is not immune to government intervention, some countries have banned its use entirely, and others have put regulations in place to track down illegal cryptocurrency activities.

However, its decentralized nature makes it more difficult for governments to control and regulate compared to traditional centralized systems.


Decentralized money systems like cryptocurrency using crypto wallet can be considered a solution when a trustworthy person's assets are frozen by the government. This is because they provide a way for individuals to have control over their own money and assets, without the need for a central authority.


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Michael Sega Gumelar

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