I Am Pumping Iron Again 💊💊💊

The other day I had found that I am just anemic to my dismay and I do have to find a way to naturally increase my red blood cell count plus its ability of it to carry more of the needed oxygen that my body needs in order for me to function much better with a better strength, increased appetite or at least not losing the ability to eat, plus a better sleep as well.
So I decided to take one version of Iron supplement which is not necessary but it will help me much better because it has some folic acid and B-vitamins. This Iron supplement is Ferrous Fumarate and not ferrous Sulfate, it just means that it is not as toxic as the "Sulfate" counterpart of iron. It doesn't taste bad "for me" because I chew it and it taste sweet maybe because of the outer coating of these tablets.
My plan was to take it in an empty stomach, a few hours before and after I take my meals and medicines so that I can avoid the interactions of iron, the vitamins, and the Cinacalcet that I am taking while the Phosphate binder I am not much worried about.
My parents are also taking vitamins and I might order one big bottle for them because my mother is always taking them which actually makes her strong considering her age of over 72. I am just praying that God would give both my parents long life and strength because I needed their love and support especially now that I am quite bed-redden all the time may it be hot or cold with the temperatures, drizzling in sweat or under my sheets I can't just walk around anymore and do the former things that I am doing, I just needed some help.
Anyway I am hoping to increase my hemoglobin but it seems that I would get EPO injections soon because my mother had applied for the Sweepstakes office of the government (Charity Service) to grant me some injections which surely will boost my body's ability to produce red blood cells and this Iron that I am taking will help me God-willing.
The intake of vitamins is extremely important as we get older. Keep pumping that Iron!