Wild berries: precious allies of health and the line

in #berries6 years ago


Summer is the season of berries. In addition to delighting the palate, these small fruits help to stay healthy because they are rich in vitamins and precious minerals. Discover the benefits that a cup a day of these products can give you.

Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries ... how can you resist this incredible variety of fruits, bright colors, and refreshing taste? Some have been on the market for several weeks, but for those of local production, we have to wait until the summer. They are among the most popular summer fruits in Switzerland and are widely used in the kitchen; for example to prepare müsli, cakes and jams or to accompany vanilla ice-cream.

Extraordinary concentrates of vitamins


Strawberries are rich in vitamin C (about 60 milligrams per 100 grams of product) and are among the most popular fruits in Switzerland. Moreover, being composed for almost 90 percent of water and containing very few calories are large allies of the line. Even raspberries are hypo caloric; they contain less vitamin C than strawberries, but they are rich in pectin, a fiber that promotes digestion. The fruit with the highest content of vitamin C is blackcurrant (about 180 milligrams per 100 grams of product).

Dark color the darker

The berries are, the healthier they are. The black-violet color of blackberries, currants, and blueberries are due to the high concentration of particular plant pigments, the anthocyanin’s, which have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Blueberries also have a preventive action against tumors: according to a study by the University of Alabama, one cup of blueberries a day can reduce the risk of getting sick.

Better to taste them immediately


The berries, unlike other types of fruit, are easily perishable and for this reason, they should be consumed quickly. Soft fruits such as raspberries or strawberries are particularly delicate and may deteriorate within a few hours. In the refrigerator, they are stored for a couple of days at most, while the most solid fruits such as blueberries or currants are resistant for up to a week. Often, before being transported, the small sleeping fruits treated with fungicides in order to prolong their conservation. Therefore, before consuming them, it is important to wash them well under running water.