Begonias for baskets
Begonias are a very diverse group of plants, available with a multitude of leaf shapes and colours. They all share the same type of flowers, which have cololurful "sepals" ( not petals ). Some Begonias are suited for outdoors in a moist, shaded spot, while others are better suited for indoors. Bedding Begonias, used for massed flowers displays outdoors, can tolerate some sun. Being native to sub-tropical and tropical regions, they are at their best during the warmer months in places like Sydney, where we have a temperate climate. The leaves and stems can be quite brittle and break easily, so choose a sheltered spot to plant them.
The Begonias pictured are in large hanging baskets hanging either side of utility poles in the City of Sydney , in Martin Place, where they add colour to the bustling business district. The bright red colour of the Begonias contrasts nicely with the dark leaves of the Philodendrons which are on the lower half of the baskets.
Annual begonia plants have many uses in the summer garden and beyond. Annual begonia care is relatively simple when one properly learns how to grow begonias. Watering is important in the care of begonias, as is the right location.
Known as wax begonias or bedding begonias, annual begonia plants (Begonia semperflorens) grow quickly and easily fill in spaces in the garden that will benefit from attractive foliage and frilly flowers. They can be a focal point when planted in mass and are excellent specimens for container combinations. Annual begonia plants are also deer resistant, so keep them in mind for trouble spots in the landscape.
Plant wax begonias in a full sun to shaded location. Full sun locations during hot summer days may stress annual begonia plants, making them susceptible to disease. Therefore, in areas where summers are exceptionally hot, plant wax begonias where they will get afternoon shade.
Fav. comment Award !! Excellent Pics.
Begonias are a commonly used bedding plant that can provide striking color in the landscape throughout the year. The begonia family contains more than 1,300 species and hybrids, many of which are commonly grown as potted foliage plants.
Begonias that do best in the landscape generally fall into three groups: wax begonias, cane or angel-wing begonias, and rhizomatous begonias. Other types like tuberous, Rex, and Rieger begonias prefer cool temperatures and do not usually make reliable landscape plants in Florida, but you can always try them as houseplants.
Wax Begonias
In the landscape, wax begonias (Begonia semperflorens) are most popular, with flowers that keep their rich color, even during the summer. While considered annuals, they can often survive in the landscape for several years. There are numerous single- and double-flowered varieties in shades of red, pink, and white, with either bronze or green foliage. Popular and reliable, wax begonia thrive in sun or shade and perform well in landscape beds or containers. They are tender to the cold, so should be planted in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed.
Cane Begonias
Cane begonias have stiff, upright stems that give them their common name, and produce clusters of dangling flowers in shades of red, orange, pink, or white year-round. Leaves are spotted, banded, or splotched with color, and wing shaped, giving them the once-common name angel wing begonias.
Landscape favorites include ‘Torch’ (red flowers) and ‘Alba’ (ever-blooming white). ‘Sophie Cecile’ is a reluctant bloomer, but its robust, five-foot foliage makes it a landscape standout. For South Florida gardeners these plants provide year-round interest; however, in North Florida they usually die to the ground during the winter.
Fav, comment Award !! Well done on you nice Pics and information.
Begonia is a genus in family Begoniaceae among the flowering plants. The only other member of the family Begoniaceae is Hillebrandia, a genus with a single species in the Hawaiian Islands. Begonia with 1400 species is one of the ten largest angiosperm genera.
Facts About Begonias
The first begonia was introduced into England in 1777.
Begonia's are a very diverse group of plants, many of them are grown primarily for foliage, others for the showy bloom.
Very many species have been introduced, and there are numberless hybrids and variations.
The genus Symbegonia is now included in Begonia.
The begonia's fruit is a dry, winged capsule that splits lengthwise to release the seeds.
The Tuberous begonia is also very popular around the world as a bedding plant and also as a greenhouse plant.
Begonias are propagated from seed or cuttings. Begonias Seeds are very fine, dust-like, and take two to three weeks to germinate.
Silly sausage Award !! Great Pics, thanks.
Yeah Begonias are one of the most common flower plant in Sri Lanka as well! I my garden I could see few color types of Begonias too! No doubt it's a very popular plant and make gardens so beautiful! Nice photography and well described about this flower plant!
This is my favorite i had it in any place i lived so far..
It is always my pleasure to share your photographs and blog on twitter for my followers to see and read.
Keep up the great work and have a fantastic weekend.
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Hello Friend @ctrl-alt-nwo! I am very pleased that you sometimes visit my blog! I would very much like to find myself in sunny Australia, to feel the aroma of those very beautiful flowers that you are writing about! And in my country my favorite gold season is now :)
Yes, i love the Autumn too. The leaves on the deciduous trees have great colour before they fall.
I would like to see pictures of your autumn :)
wow these are even more wonderful to spot so beautiful it looks thanks for sharing
Begonias are very beautiful flowering plants @ctrl-alt-nwo and good for potting and hanging to show its majesty for people to enjoy.