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RE: 🍻📅 Beer47 Weekly #9: Craft beer success, smoky beer, vocabulary, & more

in #beer7 years ago (edited)

Small craft breweries (and gin distilleries) are sprouting up and thriving all around the world.

Unlike vineyards who can't just radically change their offering from one vintage to the next, the artisan brewer can truly stamp a unique taste on a different brew a day.

But most drinkers are not adventurous and stick to corporate fare.
And corporations are taking over craft brewers to dip into that market as it bubbles up


XXXX The Australian word for beer


It's XXXX Bitter is made by Castlemaine Perkins, who is owned by Lion, who is owned by Kirin. XXXX Bitter is about as corporate as it gets. It also seems like Australia is inundated by Lion tied houses keeping the new local breweries out of most bars. It's rather unfortunately.

Very much so! All the 'old' brands started by German & Irish immigrants back in late 1800s long gone to corporate vultures with Cartlon United being the first back in the 70/80s vacuuming up brands.
Startups flourishing in UK while in Germany ancient family-owned brauhaus have never gone out of fashion
Hemp is gaining a foothold while Hops flourish