Slavik Women: My trip to Ukraine and why I want to marry a slavik woman.....Single Men should read this...

in #beauty7 years ago

Hello everyone. I am taking a break from Stocks, Gold\Silver to address something that I think many, many men should know about. I am talking about Slavik women. I went to Ukraine in Nov 2016 and wow, I am going to go back more often to Ukraine now. Before I go on, I am not a sex tourist, just a single guy in his late twenties looking at what is out there beyond the local scene. I live near a major city in US and if anyone has dated in these places, you will know all the bullshit that goes on...which is not worth mentioning because what I found is way better. Even with that state that things are in, I still recommend you all TO FORCE yourself to take a break and go on vacations. It re-energizes you, it teaches you something new, and if you are single like me, then you can meet women of other cultures.


Recommended: Music to go along with the beauty of these women.

These women are probably the most beautiful women I have come across. I have traveled to a few places in Latin America, across the US since I live in US, and finally, recently I was in Ukraine.... as in Nov 216.

All I have to say is WOW... Talk about whiplash... holy crap... you cannot turn in one direction and find one ugly, unattractive woman, raunchy looking, They are all 8 or higher guys... If you are an American in his late twenties like me and you have your shit together, I highly recommend going to Eastern European countries cause damn..... If the culture does not get you, the women sure as hell will.... Everywhere you look are nothing but beautiful angels...

Even women in their 40-50's... WOW... I could not believe this until I saw it with my own eyes.
When I was there, I dated many women because there is an actual shortage of men. This is not exaggerated. This is FACT. I was there.
This is me with one of the local girl in Nykolaive....
Also, the culture in Ukraine is kind of like as if you were in the 1950's in United States. This does not apply to Kiev which is where there is an infestation of tourists.

This was my translator during my trip. I admit, I was distracted at times because of he beauty.

Look at these women..... ALL SLAVIC
Don't come at me with the of this is porn... It's not.. These women are beautiful... I admire their beauty...
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This was another girl I met in Ukraine.
The picture below is the same girl I met up with in the pic above. Her name is Ekaterina...

All I am saying is that if you are single, perhaps you should consider a trip to Eastern European coutnries.... HOWEVER, it does help to learn Russian since it is a safe bet people will speak this alongside their native tongue. I am now learning Russian because I am planning my return trip, but this time to Russia this year.
Below is another lady I met on my trip. Below that pic is proof.


I met this girl towards the end of my trip and boy was she up beat. She always had a smile, no matter what was going on and always had something to talk about. I have to say I felt really comfortable simply listening to her. I admit that my Russian is busted, but my translator would fill in the gaps.
As I said, the culture is intense as well. I was In Nykolaive, which is about 6 hours away from the current conflict zone, but I still saw military patrols in the street as well as tanks in the street. Was I nervous, not one bit. Check out the architecture.. I mean DAMN!!!

I met this lady at a bowling place in and she actually understood my English, but was not able to speak it, but I had my google translator handy and all was well. My translator was helping as well of course.
I met this gold\silver bug out there in Ukraine and here we were debating dollar and gold\silver and stocks in Ukraine... lol
He and I were talking that when the collapse begins, the dollar would spike, which I wrote in a recent article that this seems to be the case, but he was more or less talking about how that would impact Ukraine. I was of course debating and challenging some of his thoughts.... I was like... Bitcoin bro!! That should also be in your portfolio and he was like... NAH...
I almost forgot there were more women I met, but here are a few more.
Maria and me.jpg
Here is a pic she sent me as well.
You can tell I like women a lot, but the women here in Ukraine... WOW!!!! Again, if you are single and have your shit together, go to Ukraine... Women do in fact outnumber men... lol
I also helps to go in a group with friends... Bros always look out for each other and we had a blast in Ukraine. Bros for life.jpg

I also went ahead and bought a piece of artwork to hedge in case the collapse happens, I got my artwork that "should go up in value" . :)
Sometimes when I tell people about my trip to Ukraine, the guys are that is amazing and now I planted a seed intheir head that they should try it. When I tell women though... lol they always give me shit, except if they themselves are slavic.. They know what I am talking about... so they don't talk shit..
In either case, I just wanted to take a break and show you guys that even if you have a super busy lifestyle like I do with work, stocks, hobbies, gold\silver.. etc.. Always make time to relax and hang out with friends.

I left out a lot more, but it was more of less things I didn't know from a cultural perspective. Maybe I will write more about it in the future. Thank you and I hope you all enjoyed it. I think I will post more about Ukraine since I plan to return this year as well. :) Hope you all enjoyed reading this.


Wow man great post of you trip! Ukraine seems like a nice place hahaha. I followed you!

Thanks. Voted up cause I only wish more men knew this information.

Sold! You could earn millions as a travel agent.😄

lol I am telling you. This is for real. I am living proof. I am def going back this year. :)

Not trying to discourage you but have you seen this documentary?

Be careful when you're out there dude!

Don't knock it, till you try it. I was there just last year. I got the pics to prove it. Stay away from scams sites man... The whole thing behind them is to steal your money. Go with friends, have a good time, and meet women...

Good luck on your next trip. Hope you find the one.

Thank you aaaaannnnnd Cheers!

I am glad you had a great time in the Ukraine @darionxp

I may go there now, thanks mate.

Thank you for this post Darion. If needed, there is a mountain of information within the Dream Connections website and youtube account. Basically, the ladies are looking for their "other half" or "soul mate". They don't like wimps or violent men. Here is a short video that may help someone. I agree Darion, you must go there to find the right lady.