Beat Battle League Week # 16 / Final Encounter / Original Music
Werd up Music loving Steemians,
here is my entry for the Beat Battle League Week # 16
The theme was The Final Battle and as the theme says, it is the last battle of Steemit Beat Battle Season 1 and I needed to do the do and close this season with a clash of the titans theme like composition. 2017 was a roller coaster ride for me, Steemit was the highest ride, allowing me to enjoy the pleasant sun rays with my eyes closed. The Steemit Beat Battle and the Steemit Music League Challenge was a bless for me personally, I met a lot of great producers and some cool cats. I'm honored to have been a part of the first season, and oh boy what a season it was. My music creating experience has changed for 360° since I had to create on the running track and don't miss a battle. I didn't care about the placement but more about the creative and inspiring part of it. But you know? All this would not be possible if my man @fronttowardenemy wouldn't talk me into joining this great platform. After I joined I had to run my profile on a low for couple of months and I was getting frustrated and ready to give up until my man @verbal-d and cats like @moonleesteem and @peacemaker encouraged me to stay on the grind and wait until I find my audience or better...they find me, which turned to be true after a month or so. I was posting Artworks I was creating on Photoshop until one day I decided to post a fresh beat I just did...and that's when @chiefmappster discovered me and invited me to take a part of the Beat Battle League, and the rest is history. I also have to mention the beautiful and talented @d-vine which inspired me one year ago to start making music again and reminded me that is good to be me (I love that Austin Powers line). So without further ado, I wanna thank all the above mentioned, thank you all for believing in me when I clearly didn't, you might not remember, but I'll never forget. (Sometimes i feel like a motherless child). Let's end this battle on a melodic manner. I give you the:
Man o man did you dominate this one.
Love that that orchestra-inspired intro. And that awesome guitar coming in at 0:47 and again at 1:08 you melted my face with that o weeeeeeeeee.
And the sound quality of this is pure gold holy smokes can you hear the depth of the notes of the instruments so well.
My favorite part is that Metallica-esque sequence starting at 2:58. You are so freakin incredible at the guitar it blows my mind and this part blew me awayyyy especially at 3:21 why you gotta do us like that :)))
If this was played during a final battle there is no doubt it would be a freakin EPICCCCCCCCCCC battle filled with such emotion and desire.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Appreciate all the time and energy you spent creating this masterpiece.
And that artwork is a @beatseb version of Groot for me makes me smile so freakin big hahaha.
And thank you for the acknowledgement in your post. Gotta love how the Universe works. Feel so blessed to have met you and to call you a friend.
Much love and respect my friend.
Heeeyy is the final battle know I had to do it justice. (: This one's my last track of the season 1 so I had to pour all final battle elements onto it. I hope you remember when I mentioned on one of my past blogs, I'm a passionate Blues / Rock guitar player...I'm just messing around when doing beats, and it's only when I'm challenged. ☺ Your challenges activated the lost producer in me and I got an eternal gratitude towards that. Glad you liked this track as well and thank you for the detailed feedback buddy.
I will be doing "in detail" acknowledgment blog in the future, about all the folks that help me get on my feet, and the ones I helped as well. It was great meeting you too @chiefmappster and hey, you got a friend in me. ☺ Cheers buddy.
Ayyyy you got a friend in meeeeee love it :)
Your words make me smile so much; so glad it could activate that lost producer in you.
Your music has had such an impact on me so I feel very blessed and appreciative of you and your creations. So thank you for that.
And that's incredible. Maybe one of these days the Traveling Band will get together and show this world how music is done :)
Much love for all you do and thank you for inspiring me.
This is our year, time to shine crystal :)
Oh snap the Traveling Band sounds like a great name for a blues combo. ☺
Glad i could inspire you chief, and you are right...this year is gonna be brighter then the previous one. (; Cheers.
Not too shabby of a name ay :)
Amennnnn so excited time to shineeee
Pretty dang epic! I like the part at 2:58 where it gets all chunky.
You go!
Yeah it's my favorite part too @doctorcrypto . ☺ Glad you dig it and thanks for stopping by pal. (;
Mah Man, you are killin it with those leads! From the 0:50 mark till the 3:00 mark, you are making me miss my guitar something fierce. Then you come in with the kachunk... kachunk... sweet. Well played my friend! :-) Have an excellent evening.
You should blow the dust away from your guitar and start playing again @inthenow you can't let an instrument untouched for too long, it's gonna go kaputt on you. ☺ Glad you like the kachunk... kachunk and have a great evening as well friend. (;
I hear ya... it is in good hands in FL, and I plan on takin a trip this coming summer to get my other baby, and my amps and etc.
you were faster then me! this is one big track you made here.. it totally sets the standard for the league man and like I mentioned, we have the same approach in this one :P good luck!!! its above or beneath :P did you beat me at the end? we will see haha :D big up
In comparison to the rest of the tracks I did, I was actually pretty slow in process with this one cause of all the guitar takes I had to do, it was pain in the ass mixing them together...totally different experience then the boom bap or electronic tracks. Glad it's done and sounding somewhat balanced, mastering took me forever. I'm about to swing over and listen to your track and see what you created. ☺ Will I beat you? I don't know...let's see how the judges feel about it champ. (;
Wonderful post! Your story line is interesting while the pictures, especially the tree with human face are awesome. Keep it up. I follow and upvote you.
xD ''story line'' lol there is a big track to be heard there you know :P
Yo's all good B, there is something for everyone embedded in the content. ☺
Thanks a lot @comrade I appreciate you took your time to stop by and check out my content. I'll check out your profile soon and take a look at your content as well. God bless. ☺
😆 This is like Metallica and Slipknot having a contest with Kashmir by Led Zeppelin being the song as a basis to for the competition, all the whilst having in mind that the live show will be recorded and made as a soundtrack for the movie that will give all the profits to charity

Oh yeah and then in the end the Slash appears as a guest star with that high pitched solo 😆
Pretty cool stuff @beatseb always like to hear what you got
Haha...good one. (: Kashmir is right, yet slightly different due to the staccato riff and the changes in picking and harmony towards the end of the same riff. Metallica would never use the sweep picking technique (Kirk Hammett is weak for that) and the groovy chunks towards the end, that's more Pantera like, probably an inspiration for Slipknot and many more bands. Slash would never use pitch squawks, that's more like Dimebag Darrel (the true God of shredding), God bless his soul. Nice story never the less, and I personally think Slipknot would've whoop Metallica's ass, no doubt about it. (;
Glad you liked the tune @ivan.atman and thanks for stopping by. ☺I need to jump at your page and hear what you created.
haha 😁 you know your Metal @beatseb anyhow my comparison to Slipknot was Joey Jordison's style in some parts, and Metallica like riffs around, but not to question originality the track sounds great just wanted to say something I considered funny
keep doing what you are doing
Oh hell yeah...that was a fun story, I almost believed it and started typing desperately on youtube wondering how come I've missed it. (: That Image of yours confused me, I first thought it was a video and i was trying to click on it. lOl
You got me there @ivan.atman ☺
Hahahahah 😁
Wow, 1990's nintendo score level writing + disturbed. incredible entry, i love the dynamic range and straight forwardness of the guitars. Good job man!
Nintendo score level writing...I hear you. (: I hope you were referring to a Chicago, Illinois metal band called Disturbed when you mentioned it, cause they are pretty decent. (: Glad you liked what you heard, and about to check your entry as well. ☺ Cheers.
yap, that's the one. I have been out of rock and metal for a few years, but the sound reminded me of them a bit, maybe a bit like tool as well. I like the complicated when it is used in such a delicate manner like you have done here.
thanks for your comment as well <3
Oh cool...yeah Disturbed, I dig'm too, not a big fan or even a fan, but I like their sound. I'm more of a Pantera or Malmsteen guy, I've seen Tool 2001 in Philipshalle / Düsseldorf in 2000. I love all their work. They are outstanding. I'm glad my guitar playing reminded you on some of the above mentioned great bands and thanks for your feedback too. Prost. ☺
Nice one! At the end, it sounds like the battle moved into a dentist office and they're fighting with drills.
ROFLOL Right? :D Would've been a great show, huh? (; Thanks for stopping by homie. ☺
Mah Man! What an Epic production love how it starts slowly and builds up the guitars Oh My Oh My.... Ur music fits movie scores easy bro u should consider listing ur music in some of the sites cater for movies scores, Super Dope! I love the change drop @ 2:58 breaking it down the more madnesss on the guitar screaminnnn haha Love it! Kudos
Right. It's building up until it gets real insane and it explodes in pieces. Yeah the movie soundtrack thing is totally my thing, having that in aim for years now, it's only a question of time when I'll try to do the first steps into exposing my stuff and market it right...both of these areas are heavy for me and involving the time that i'm lacking. :/ Thanks for your feedback holmes, and glad you dig it. Mah Man. :D
Ahhhhh youuuuu @beatseb!!! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, your Final Battle entry would be super rad!!
Here you are again to really show us what's up!! You truly make me wanna work harder, thanks for the inspiration <3
Oh man, @beatseb you know how I admire you ( I tell you all the time since over 20 years ;D ), to hear you play the guitar with your precession & sooo much soul, it makes my soul cry out!
It always takes me back to when we met & we hung out at your place in the EisenbahnStr back in the day!! Back when your soul touched mine the first time & I knew this friendship would be forever <3
Thank you for being you <3 Love YA!!
Hehe..I knew you'll dig this one already when I was creating it. :D Glad I inspired you again...mission completed. Just the other day I was thinking about the Eisenbahnstr. them Way up days and how I met you through Tina. It was them good old days back in KTown and I was into Grunge music back then (Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam...Nirvana was the last poppin' out, and still the Grunge era is being mostly remembered cause of them, which I find unjust) and Neo Classical rock, (Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony MacCalpine etc.). Yeah...I sensed it back then the first time I played that you love the sound of the guitar. Great we are still around and kickin'. (; Glad you like it @d-vine and stay on the grind. Cheers beautiful. ☺