It Probably Was the Beard...

in #beard7 years ago (edited)

Ok, funny story I have to share and thought you'all would appreciate it.
As many of you know, I'm a college kid (who says they can't teach old dogs new tricks) Anyway, on campus today, these two big burly yet clean-cut young men just came out of the gym at the student union and were standing on the side walk. I went to pass them because I had somewhere to be...
"Ah Sir, you don't want to go down that side walk"
Me, "Why Not"
"There are two mean ass gooses (yes, they said gooses) that won't let you go by them...they chased us back here"

I look up the sidewalk, off to the side, near the edge, there were two Canada geese grazing peacefully.

Me, "I've not had a goose scare me yet, not going to now" and started up the walk.
"Ok Sir, but you can't say we didn't warn you"

I head up the walk, both geese turned, put their heads down and looked my way and took a step as I got closer. I looked straight at them and gave a couple hisses... kind of making a long s sound followed by a short T. "ssssssT!, ssssssT!"
They looked at me and turned and went back to grazing.

I hollered back down the side walk, "See guys they won't hurt you, just don't make any movement towards them"

They both started heading up the side walk..the heads of the geese went down, the boys picked up their pace...and the chase was on!
Boys were running towards me, geese honking, flapping, biting legs, shorts, whatever they could get a hold of. Boys were yelling, acting like the devil was after them and about had them caught. I just stayed put. As the boys were running by, I hissed at the geese loudly again. All four, both geese and boys stopped and looked at me. I hissed again and the geese sauntered off the other way.

Boy 1 "Man, how'd you do that?!?"
Boy 2 "It probably was the beard!"

I just smiled and walked on leaving them confused....It might have been, well, I might have forgotten to tell them to hiss when they walked by to sound like a bigger goose than the mean old Canadas were trying to be...


Very good! Can't wait for some more from you!