Watching brown bears in Finland

in #bearlast year (edited)

We were driving through Finland and hoping to spot a bear in the wild. But the end of our stay in Finland was coming closer and closer. So we decided to do an organized bear watching. In turned out to be a good decision. We had several sightings. On the first day we went with a larger group into a watching house. On the second day I went alone because it was an overnighter in a small hide. Since dogs are not allowed during those trips my girlfriend stay in our van with the dog. The afternoon and the evening were amazing. Two, or even three, different bears were coming and going. They were bothered by crows while feeding on the bait. In one instance I could film food competition between two bears. It was so unbelievable to observe bears in their natural habitat, the finnish Taiga. During the night I heard, or at least believed so, strange sounds around my hide made of thin wood. Maybe bears were roaming around the hides. Maybe it was just my imagination. It was a very cool trip indeed.


This is a brown bear, that is black, he is called Skinny here.


In the surroundings live many brown bears. Just about one kilometer behind the lake the border to Russia is located. So the border zone is a good refuge for wildlife.


Here we are in the bear watching house awaiting our first brown bear to come.

Watch our latest Film on YouTube on my channel NaturaVista from today (Friday 26.01.2024, 18:45 German time) on.

How do you feel about seeing wild bears? Just let me know.