BeachWednesday - The lion rock on Paredes beach on a rainy day
Today is #BeachWednesday and time to share a beach photo...even if it's raining a lot!!
I went recently on a short visit to the beaches around Leiria, and decided to stop in Paredes beach. When I mention this beach to others that doesn't know all the beaches in this region, I say...It's the one with a lion rock on the north part. Sometimes it helps, sometimes don't because not everyone sees the shape of the lion on that rock!!
Come on...don't you see it?
It's a lion lying close to the sea!!
What about now!?
Better, right!? This photo was shot during summer, I can wait to go again and catch some sun!
But for now...
Let it rain!!
I always remember some related music....Let it rain by Amanda Marshall.
Thanks to @steemitboard for creating this awesome badges!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:
Weekday Challenges:
- Monochromemonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos
- TreeTuesday - initiated by @old-guy-photos
- BeachWednesday - leaded by @lizanomadsoul and initiated by @uwelang
- SunThursday - leaded by @lizanomadsoul and initiated by @uwelang
- LoveFriday - initiated by @liliana.duarte
- MarketFriday - initiated by @dswigle
- SaturdayView - initiated by @luxurylifestyle
- Caturday - initiated by @dswigle
- BeerSaturday - initiated by @detlev
- BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108
Other challenges
- ColorChallenge (with daily color tags too) - initiated by @kalemandra
- Bwphotocontest - initiated by @daveks
- MyPictureDay - initiated by @timsaid
- IntroduceYourHomeTown - initiated by @redtravels
- BeautifulDay - initiated by @barbara-orenya
É uma regiao de praias que gosto particularmente pelo sossego e o cheiro do mar, pena ter acontecido o que aconteceu com o pinhal...
A quem o dizes!! Perdeu-se uma grande parte do pinhal, mas ainda subsistem algumas manchas de pinhal para ajudar a memória...
Adoro ir à praia nos dias de inverno! :D Excelente escolha!
Ir à praia é sempre bom, principalmente quando não há as enchentes de verão!! :)
Completamente, @liliana.duarte!
I miss the Summer, but great capture of a windy day :)
Me too, Summer is my station!! :)
Lion looks like one of my pussy cats. lol
Ahah, yeah, it could be!! A lion is only a big kittie ;)
Beautiful beach:)
Happy New Year!
Thank you!! Wish you a great 2018 year!!
Thank you!
Sem dúvida que a praia é um lugar bonito para se ir qualquer dia do ano!
É verdade :) Se tivesse sol ficaria mais bonita, mas esta chuva faz-nos tanta falta...
Sim, com sol o cenário seria perfeito! :D Mas é como dizes, neste momento, a chuva é precisa e só temos que ter paciência até ao Verão... :D
Have fun...