
in #beach7 years ago

Administratively, Lampuuk Beach is located in Kecamatan Lhoknga, so it is actually a bit ambiguous to distinguish between Lampuuk Beach and Lhoknga Beach. However, most people there name 'Pantai Lhoknga' for the area behind Lhoknga Golf Course up to the waterfront park after the Cement Factory Complex Andalas.

The designation of Lampuuk Beach is devoted to coastal stretches extending from Babah Satu to Babah Four. Although the position of the two beaches is close together, but both have their respective advantages.

If now Lampuuk beach is identical with Banana Boat recreation and culinary of its grilled fish, then Lhoknga Beach is better known as Golf Course, Surfing and Fishing activity. Especially for surfing, the big and fierce waves of Lhoknga Beach are well known among the international surfing community.

Generally, surfers know there are two different types of waves in certain months in Lampuuk. June to November when the west wind season is famous for its beach break, while in December to May when the east wind blows famous for its reef breaks.

The surfers also know there are five wave spots that surfers can ride on Lampuuk. The first is 'Left Hander Point', the left waves 300 meters from the beach that is perfect for those who are new to surfing.

The second is 'Firs Right Point', ie the right waves are located about 300 meters from the beach. Both of these points become a favorite point for surfers from Japan Sakura State.

Furthermore, 'Peak Point' is the right and left waves 300 meters from the beach. The strong current makes surfers more careful here.

A local surfer who was killed when the 2004 tsunami named Suri was immortalized to be the name of the fourth point, the 'Suri Point' which is 200 meters from the beach. During his lifetime, Suri is a specialist at this point. Finally, 'Out Side Right Hander' is the right waves 500 meters from the beach that has a strong and dangerous current.

Beach with a distance of approximately 22 kilometers from Banda Aceh is also a good spot to enjoy the sunset. The afternoon atmosphere in Lhoknga feels more quiet and peaceful.

For those of you who are new to the newlyweds and want to find a place to honeymoon, Lhoknga Beach can be an alternative looking for a romantic place. Being on this beach while accompanied by the sea breeze in the afternoon and the light of the sky began to dim make the atmosphere feel romantic.