SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! - SNEAK Ability

in #bdvoter4 years ago (edited)

hi there ,
i came up again with @splinterlands weekly challenge , this week challenge is not a monster but a ability - SNEAK ..

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Card Setups


here is the battle link -


This week theme : SNEAK

  • Monsters with this ability targets the last monsters of enemy team instead of first monster.

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My lineups


  • While passing through the galaxy on his starship, the great and powerful Lord Arianthus noticed signs of life on a planet below. Apparently monsters of all sorts were battling one another in endless competition. Lord Arianthus, enjoying battle and competition very much himself, decided to land on the little planet. He would show these puny monsters the meaning of defeat! Source

Lord ariantus is a legendary neutral monsters which is used as a tank to soak all damages, my lord is at maxed level who has Shield, Void, Magic reflect & Thorns ability. In maxed level it has 9 health with 1 speed, and its only of 5 mana. And im using in my most battles.


There are not many Cyclops left in the Burning Lands; they are a remnant from long before the Splintering. More than anything, the Cyclops like to throw things, which makes them a terrifying opponent. Once each Ferexia year, all the Cyclops meet in the south for their annual Throwing Games.Source

I have maxed cyclops of level 8 , cyclops is from neutral element and a ranged monster, he has 3 ranged attack , 9 health with 2 speed, it has shield and stun ability. This monster is from Beta edition .


Forever caught between dimensions, the Feral Spirits (and all Luminous Beasts) are the result of the Obliteration of Light, a horrible destructive event in which all the living vanished from the surface of Khymeria. These spirits do not hunger or thirst, but their fangs still bite and their claws still slash.

feral spirit is a common beta edition monster from life element, it has 4 melee attack 5 health with 6 speed , it has sneak ability which categories him in another category. this card is most usable in low mana.


Elves can be found living in many of the forests of the Splinterlands. They live in the trees, but come down often to collect resources from the forest floor. Though the elves are small and beautiful, they always have a seemingly endless supply of concealed knives, with which they are deadly accurate. Source

elven is also a common monster , mine elven is maxed , its from beta edition and from neutral element which can be used in any element , it has 3 melee attack 5 health with 6 speed , this monster has sneak ability like as feral spirit.


The Assassins do not openly wear the insignia of the Order of the Silver Shield, for they take on the dirty work, the kind of work that is best forgotten after it is done. Armed with small jagged daggers and throwing knives, Silver Shield Assassins kill with the silence of a nightfall over the Khymeve Meadows. They never take prisoners. Source

assassin is rare monster of reward edition , it from life element . my assassin is at level 7 , which has 2 melee attack , 4 speed , 2 armor and 6 health . This monster has sneak , double-strike and poison ability which is a killer card .


The Angel of Light protects and guides her Khymian children. The Angel is the only person in the Splinterlands that can resurrect the dead. Many worship the Angel of Light as a Goddess, even though this is forbidden by the Silver Shield. These heretics are called Angelists.Source

angel of light is the legendary monster of life element from beta edition , my angel is maxed to lvl 4 , it has 8 health with 1 speed , it also has resurrect , flying , tank-heal and inspire ability .. which is most useful monster in large mana and in low mana as well.

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Tell us about your lineup. Explain why you put each card in that.

i put lord at first as it is a good tank with shield , void , thorns and magic-reflect to soak all enemy damage , for 2nd position i choose cyclops in thought of that the snipers don't take him down easily as it has shield ability , now for the3rd & 4th i have taken sneak master ferel spirit who has max speed 6 and and same for elven cutthroat which is also a sneak monster , for 5th i taken assassin as it has 2 more ability with sneak , i puted this on fifth as becasue it has double-strike & poison abilty, with sneak so it's a killer card. for the last position i have choosen angel of light in thought of that if enemy also puts sneak monsters then angel of light let \them miss thier attack and my all sneak monsters will be safe ..

Did your strategy work?

yes, my strategy worked for me . And i won the opportunity battle. lol..

post is also tagged to #splinterlands and #spt as well .


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