Get Beta Packs Before They're GONE !

in #battle6 years ago (edited)

I know what you're thinking ..... " But Rentmoney There's still over 275,000 Packs left." To that I would say, " Do you remember what happened with the Alpha Packs " ?

A little reminder ....

Once Alpha packs got down to 100,000 or maybe even slightly above that number there was a buying frenzy. FOMO kicked in hard and in an instant there were no more Alpha packs left to purchase on the official market. I suspect and can ALMOST guarantee that the same will likely happen when Beta Packs near the same mark of 100,000.

So the real question becomes, " How long before we reach the point of FOMO (100,000 Packs Left) ? Well that's a good question, one that is hard to put a prediction on. All it would take is a whale or two to decide they want to buy a bunch of packs for privately reselling at a later date to kickstart us into FOMO territory. If the aforementioned were to happen then the Beta Packs may be all sold out before the end of the year. If not we could likely be looking at sometime in the first quarter of 2020 before they are all sold out.

So while there is still plenty of time left to pick up some, that time is quickly shrinking. I haven't purchased much beta packs over the past few months but you can bet once that 275,000 number starts dwindling it will cause an instant reaction of my wallet opening.

SplinterLands (Steem-Monsters)

If you stumbled upon my topic and have no clue what I'm talking about >> Steem-Monsters is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. Some of the cards in this game have already sold for upwards of $3000. Prize Money tournaments have started and thousands of dollars worth of Steem have already been given out. If you haven't yet, check out Steem-Monsters by clicking here. You can sign into the official site using your Steem details. Currently (7/12/2019) we are in the Beta Edition but I suspect the Beta Packs won't be around much longer.


Yeah, well, currently we're selling 1500. If the btc price goes up a bit it'll be more. I put fomo at 150k packs. So, I have to move 127,000. That's 85 days till fomo... These packs aren't going to make it to the end of the year.

The packs not making it to the end of the year is my prediction as well. I was trying to be a little conservative in my post. If the STEEM price would just jump up a little that would likely push some extra sales as well. I'd be surprised if SM/SP had many packs left come 2020.

#palnet #spt #battle #sct

I still regret not getting enough Alpha packs.

Now is my time to fix that with BETA packs :D

yeah, you can add me to that list also...

I suspect its a very long list ...

#spt #battle #sct #palnet

You can add me onto it, although I hadn't brought a starter pack until beta was released so I didn't have the opportunity

I was playing since Alpha.... I only intended on spending about $50 .... Beta came along and I started buying boosters like they were hot cakes.

#spt #battle #palnet

Oh yeah, I remember the FOMO from the Alpha boosters. That was crazy and even I was taken by it, making me buy a few packs. Up until then I have only bought cards directly on the market. Can't wait for the Beta to be sold out. That day will be legendary!

It certainly was crazy .... those last Alpha packs flew off the market quicker then hot cakes.

#spt #battle #palnet #sct

Greetings, grand @rentmoney

Excelent post, man!!! Iam trying to buy more booster packs. Maybe, i will buy 100 booster packs and it will be opened with 100% gold and legendary potions!!!

Cheer for us!!! Have a good night!!!

#palnet #sct #battle #spt #weedcash #steemleo #aaa #zzan

Nice, 100 packs will get you allot of additional cards.

#spt #palnet #battle #sct

I regret selling my alpha ....

I'ma hodler by nature so I haven't sold much. ... 2-3 cards tops so far.

#spt #battle #palnet #sct

Hi money,

Well pointed out!. So, far I've bought 4 beta packs and I'm still regretting lol I'm using and prefer alpha cards. What's the cap for alpha packs?

I'm still trying to heal my wounds gotten due to alpha FOMO you mentioned. I can't imagine Ceberus I bought $0.18 became $1.81 though now $0.78.

What I'm looking at buying are some orbs and I feel it would be good to buy say 100 orbs along with 100% gold and legendary potions.

Lately, I've been having thoughts about mystery rewards. Do you think it's worth buying?

#palnet #battle #steemace

I am also thinking about buying some Beta packs soon just to hold on for a while which I wish I had done with the Alpha packs.

I wish I had bought more Alpha as well but I bet we all do.

#spt #battle #palnet #sct

Loved your little Reminder @rentmoney ! So true FOMO Is alive and well here in Splinterlands! Awesome post, upped and resteemed!👍🙋😈
Get them while their hot!

Thanks for the upvote and resteem.

#battle #palnet #sct #spt

Lol I think i'm going to fight off the FOMO as long as I can :P I do want a few more beta packs that's for sure!

No-one can resist booster pack FOMO :P

#battle #spt #planet #sct

What exactly happens when they do sell out? We still get new cards, so where does the FOMO come from? Will they just introduce a new set?

I'm no Dev but I think its safe to say .... Eventually a new set of cards will be introduced. Rumor has it there will be a period of time where no Boosters will be sold (which will be great for the card market).

FOMO comes from the packs being almost gone.

#spt #battle #palnet #sct