Announcing Our New Advisor: Andrew Yang, Democratic Candidate for U.S. President in 2020

in #basicincome6 years ago (edited)

Here is a copy of the email that was sent out earlier today in case anyone missed it.

We are excited to announce that Manna has become the first cryptocurrency ever to be supported by a major-party candidate for President of the United States.

Last month, while in New York for a blockchain conference, Manna co-founders Eric Stetson and Brandon Venetta had the opportunity to meet with Andrew Yang.

Yang is a successful entrepreneur and author of two books about business and economics. In 2011 he founded Venture for America, a nonprofit with a mission to empower the entrepreneurs of the future to create jobs across America. In 2017 when he stepped down as CEO, Venture for America had over 500 Fellows and alumni who had started 29 companies, raised over $40 million, and helped create over 2,500 jobs.

This extraordinary man is now running for President of the United States as a Democratic Party candidate in the 2020 election. His campaign proposes a $1,000/month "Freedom Dividend," a form of Universal Basic Income to deal with the impending crisis of massive technological unemployment.

Andrew Yang with Manna founder Eric StetsonYang’s commitment to UBI and concerns about unemployment resulting from automation align powerfully with our project. So much so, in fact, that Andrew Yang has joined our Advisory Board!

We are honored that someone with his level of experience and esteem believes in our project – and not only that, has decided to join our team as an advisor.

Even though Manna is still in the very early stages, having a major-party presidential candidate on our team giving us expert advice and access to his network, bolstering the credibility of our project, and increasing public awareness about the importance of UBI and how cryptocurrency can be used for social good, greatly increases our chance of success.

It's hard to imagine the full impact on demand and price of our currency that could result from this relationship. Imagine what could happen if Yang's campaign catches on and reaches millions of Americans who are looking for bold ideas for change.

But you don't need be as influential as Andrew Yang to help us grow our project. You can buy Manna to help capitalize the currency so that the distributions to our UBI recipients will be more significant. If you believe, like Andrew Yang, that Universal Basic Income is an idea whose time has come, you can help make it happen today.

Click here for detailed instructions for how to buy Manna on an exchange.

Thank you for supporting the Manna project! With amazing supporters like Andrew Yang, we feel more confident than ever!

To get your weekly distribution of manna, go to to sign up.


sounds interesting will be interesting how it all plays out

This is Big News that I was happy to see in my email and now here!

It seems that Andrew Yang has excellent credentials and I'm glad to hear that he will be on the advisory board. Always looking forward to the future of the Manna project and have enjoyed the ride of being here since the first Grantcoin distribution. :)

Thats great you have been involved since Grantcoin, thanks for the support! I just glimpsed at your profile and if your in NC next weekend you should make your way up to Independence VA for our annual meeting. Let me know if your interested and I'll send you some details.

Interesting, its right up 77 from me. Not sure what my schedule is for next weekend but email me details at kenny[at] if you want, and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!

Just sent you an email, hope it can work out :)!

Andrew Yang is a great addition to the Manna team, a big welcome to him- wishing him and the whole team the very best in their endeavors :)

I know manna would surpass all cryptocurrency, with the mission to help people across the globe 🌐. If the Congress man could become the president,manna would gain weight

I am do you plan to support Universal Basic Income in the USA?

Through taxing hard-working citizens to pay for a $1000/ monthly income for those that do NOT work and not participate in a functional society?

Manna is a cryptocurrency so the free market will derive its value along with more details of an asset backed currency that is described in the white paper.

You are obviously missing my point....I have a vague outline about Manna and I am not asking about how Manna function or the white papers. Manna function in the digital world but not in the real world.

Let me rephrase this.....
How does Andrew Yang plan to provide for $1,000/month "Freedom Dividend" to the non-working US citizens?

The only logical answer is "Through taxing hard-working citizens" to pay for a $1000/ monthly income for those that do NOT work and not participate in a functional society. This is a flawed concept and NO One in their right mind will give away free money through force (taxation.) Which is what Andrew Yang is proposing, so don't expect me to vote for him.

I don't think anyone is asking you to vote for anyone. A crypto project having an influencer with reach in traditional politics will be a huge advantage.

Perhaps you should direct your question to Andrew Yang's office or go to his websites.

We do not speak for him or his proposed policies.

He join our project as an advisor. We are not part of his campaign nor taking a stance on it.

His interest in UBI means that Manna is an attractive project to him. Getting more publicity for the work we do along with some of his ideas as a businessman and entrepreneur is invaluable in our opinion.

Congratulation @mannacurrency I see a bright future ahead!

that did it.
I'm outa here.