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RE: Unconditional Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

It also happens to be the entire logic behind the invention of the vaccine, and it is my belief that unconditional basic income has the same potential.

Despite it's intentions vaccination hasn't been the triumphant achievement you make it out to be, and far from that. The damages it has caused cannot be estimated.

Your first study about polio is only an abstract and the paywall which hides the substance of the abstract allows me to preview the very first page where the case for this study is made through this very first figure they use:

Which paints the picture that polio is basically only vaccine induced and wild polio is all but eliminated, which is hardly true considering that polio was never Isolated or Demonstrate to be viral, the Salk vaccine and subsequent vaccines have done untold damage to the population, the cancer causing SV 40 virus invalidating ANY and all benefit that it might have had. Polio has been a failure from the point of vaccination for prevention, polio continues to this day, Acute Flaccid Paralysis Syndrome, and I beg you go and research exactly how Polio symptoms were reclassified throughout the world to hide the fact that the vaccine wasn't doing anything. The book Dr. Mary's Monkey goes deep into the SV 40 debacle as well as exposing that polio vaccination wasn't working.

The myth of vaccinations is persistent because of unbelievable propaganda spanning centuries. The news articles do not lie, the many smallpox vaccinations, mandatory vaccinations left hospitals full of people with smallpox. In the very fist vaccinations waves in England in 1860's it was found that nurses were instructed to mark cases of smallpox after vaccination not as vaccine induced but as regular
infection, the under reporting of smallpox has been a hallmark of the vaccination industry throughout it's use while the epidemics that it has unleashed have only seen the headlines of local newspapers, even the congressional hearings that were on vaccines have all but evaporated from the professional conscious.

Even today, with the latest and greatest research no evidence exists for the action of vaccination like it's proposed and there is no explanation for the multitudes of viral dna found in a healthy human body. The lock and key mechanism suggested had been a complete fabrication that from the beginning was demonstrated again and again to be false.

The cost of vaccinations is without estimate as we are talking directly about the highest level of fraud and scientific malice there is, again research SV 40, and even better would be to go to the library or and gather the data because there's only pamphlets and statistics pulled out of thin air in the Pro Vaccine side, and there are voluminous works, cited correctly and full of references and sources that without a doubt paint a horrid picture of the vaccination programs. There are plenty of virologists that have turned their back on the industry but you won't find one skeptic of the germ theory that turned and embraced vaccination.

UBI is what vaccination wishes it could be, unfortunately I wouldn't go that far even, because vaccination is purely profit driven or at the worst driven by Eugenics Embracing Globalists such as Bill Gates.