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RE: Basic Income's Bad, Umkay?

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

yes instead of Basic Income via inflation based consensus just allow people to locally just setup Ackjza and @mughat 's HEL-EOS smart contracts to replace taxes, u do what alexander the great did and replace income tax with mining and conquest, our conquest is just cyberspace, and we conquer things like cloud storage with EOS storage we conquer the world of zoning laws and of city council meetings, we do a Dash style Proposal system... that proposal system REPLACES current proposal protocols in small towns to big cities, when the city wants to hear proposals the stake holders are simply elected in, and are given the keys to vote on these issues as if they were Dash Masternode key holders about to vote on a Dash proposal.. remember a small percentage of Dash that is Mined or "Minted" (like mining coins but on proof of stake they call it Minting when in reality its all just Block Signing like you educated me on today) but that minting of these coins in dash is done via consensus controlled inflation where all dash stake holders agree to expand the supply of dash JUST enough to literally just pay for infrastructure projects FOR dash itself! SO imagine if city councils Adopt this to pay for THEIR local infrastructure OOOHW EEE

Look people dont need Universal Basic income they just need Basic Universal WORK lololol i think EVERYONE will start to agree that if there IS work u can do to make MORE than u need to eat and pay rent ... petty nice, we arebuilding the BEST future!


Machines are increasingly doing work for us. What are people going to do - dig holes and them fill them up again? Make work schemes are illogical and stuck in the last century. Why do you want people to be doing useless and probably menial jobs, when they could be doing something that personally satisfies them, is potentially creative, or benefits their local community?