Grizzlie Game

in #baseball6 years ago

Good Day everyone! Hope everyone is doing Great!

I‘m going to write about something different from music today. I had an adventure on June 14th! My friends and I went to a Gateway Grizzlies Baseball game.

We had so much fun!! It was a beautiful night, not too hot of weather for a ballgame. I ate alot from the Concession Stand. I had loaded nachos and a loaded French Fries. I drank a nice cold beer and the food was good. I also got a foul ball that my friends chased down for me.

grizzlie game.jpg

The only downfall was the Grizzlies lost. But, the fireworks afterwards made up for it.

It was a great night, and I really enjoyed myself!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer as much as me!

‘Til next time, have fun and be safe!
