There's ALWAYS Enough...

in #barber7 years ago

Today i had no early appointments so i went to do some yoga and stretching down by the basketball court on Lake Monroe in Downtown Sanford. Upon finally getting to the shop i opened up and got everything ready to start my day. Generally i am the first person in the shop in the morning, and today was no different. Soon after setting up a young man walked in who i had never seen before. He told me that he had went to the shop across the street and that they told him he would be better off coming to our shop instead. We have a more urban shop that specialize in the trendy cuts and attention to detail with the edging and straight blade work. This gentleman was fresh in town from New Jersey and in serious need of a clean up. We bullshitted about music and his journey down to Florida. The cut, beard trim, and eyebrows took about 40 minutes and he was on his way. On the way out i told him that he should go and thank the other barber shop for setting him straight. I also told him that if he did go over there to tell them i said thank you as well. This should always be the best practice to do, but there are many shops out there that just want that extra $$ and will do work that they know is not their specialty to keep the customer in the shop. This almost always backfires and sends the customer away with a less than expected cut and probably no referrals, and on top of that more than likely bad press about the experience. When you do the right thing and understand that there is always enough for everyone in business and in life, things go so much smoother. That shortage mentality is what usually gets you stuck and in a vibration where what you want can't find you! Here are some pictures of the final product and one happy new client! Check me out at for bookings if anyone on here is ever in the Central Florida area! Would love to link up. Did i mention i accept crypto!!!



