40000 USD what would you do?

in #bank7 years ago

My mom just recived about 40 000 USD in swedish crowns from a unknown bank account this morning.


Even tough this isnt the first time it happend it always brings a good smile when you wake up and see that your bank account got an extra 40k on it.

This is of course a mistake done by the bank and have happend to many people around the world of banks. I guess the only people that this phenomenon doesnt occur to are the ones without any bank accout.

The thing is tough, atleast in Sweden (and correct me if Im wrong) if a person sends any amount of money to wrong account. The person who recives the money have all the right to spend this money. But, if a bank makes this kind of mistakes they have to right to take the money back from you. And if you have spent any of those money you are in debt to pay it back.

Ive heard a story about a guy who I think recived about 6k wich he had for some years until he started to spending them. Later the bank noticed this misstake and went to court about it.

The person claims that he acted in good faith and had been noticed internally by spending money that was not his. It would have been 6 years since he received the money until he spent them and went to court for it. The trial sentenced him to pay back the money with reference to the fact that it should have elapsed 10 years before the case is considered as pre-paid and you are entitled to spend the money.

Of course, I do not want to put my mother in a difficult situation. But I was joking with her about putting the money into a low-risk fund until the bank recouped its money. This way, at least, a small return has been made on the bank's mistakes.

Now I would like to know what would you do in this situation? And how does the law apply to situations like this in your country? Would you buy crypto and hope for the moon before the bank wants its money back? 😁


I'm gonna invest that in some kind of property deal 😋

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