Bands can learn from IT squads, IT squads can learn from bands.

in #bands8 years ago

The problem a lot of bands face are often organizational. There is vagueness of the contribution expectations of each band member. In the fable of the chicken and the pig, the pig provides his own skin (bacon) and the chicken provides the eggs. Let’s just say in this scenario that bacon= songwriting, and eggs=time put in learning the songs. These tasks are both important in different ways. Writing and performing the songs is commitment (the pig) and learning them is involvement (the chicken.) Of course there are varying scenarios regarding a band’s input on the song, etc. But for the most part there is usually one or two primary songwriters in a band. And the songs are the bacon, as mentioned before. Recognizing the difference between involvement and commitment is key. You could even say the frontman provides meat, the bassist provides potatos, and the drummer provides the eggs. All gifts are important. But to say equally important may be missing the point.
In the universe of I.T., agile methods break tasks into small increments with minimal planning. Let’s consider that you have a band and are getting a set of songs into shape for an album. Divide each song into time frames (time boxes) that are each developed over 1-4 weeks and released as a single.
In my other post about band organization, I mentioned the members being pigs and chickens. The leader is the pig and the chickens are the useful and motivated members. Roosters are the unproductive ones that drink and argue too much- check em, change em, or chuck em.
Soon, a working product (single or album) is demonstrated to stake holders, IE customers. The goal is to minimize overall risk, and allow product or project to adapt to changes quickly- goal being a release at the end of each iteration.
Have an information radiator on bulletin- present up to date summary of status of the project. Have daily meetings (hopefully at same times and same places.)
If you are a frontman, decide- Are you a leader? A few tests to decide:
Are you comfortable motivating others?
Are you comfortable correcting others?
If not, are you capable of developing these qualities?
Do you have somebody that can help you assist in implementing these changes? But somebody who won’t impede on your creative vision?
Note: Chickens should be allowed to contribute their opinions too, freely. And pigs should be capable of listening to the advice of chickens also. Communication is key.
Timebox as album: A single should be released every 1-2 months, working on each individually and than by a year you should have an album.