Banana Program Weeks 4 : Eat the Banana Weird Topping Sandwich
Hi @partiko lovers and Banana Program addict...
Congratulations for @stellabelle and her amazing Banana Program which has been running in the 4th week. For join you can click here
I really grateful for the opportunity and appreciation for my Banana Program week 3 post. I get the winner, thank you so much @stellabelle.
This my post for join again in Banana Program week 4 with the unique and hard challenge for me. And this my first Vlog with my bravery to fighting my fear of speaking in front of the camera. Yes, I really hate in front of the scenes. But in some social media we must brave to show up our talented or our creativity by video.
Finally, I did it... 🤩🤩🤩
What's the Banana Program week 4 Challenge and Tasks?
¶ Task 1
Absolutely you must download @partiko App and use this amazing app for posting and make comments.
Done 🍌
¶ Task 2
Make comments to 10 steemians newbie at the post with tag #introduceyourself
You must make real comments not just fake list
Here is my greeting and support for the new steemian
Done 🍌🍌
¶ Task 3
Make the video you eat the banana with weird food topping.
For this challenge I make the creation for Banana sandwich with various topping.
I use the garlic sauce, Kimchi (Korean food with spicy and sour taste), romaine leaf, and Taiwan 🌶️ chili sauce that very hot tasted. Then I combined one of the three topping as a little cutest sandwich 🥪🥪.
This my first video for the challenge, not too good video and I am not good for managing the time as short as possible. Sorry, if too long the duration 🙏
Done 🍌🍌🍌
Thank you @stellabelle for the Banana Program week 4 challenge.
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Saya liatnya jadi lapar. Mana pisanggggg....
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Wkwkwk... Sumpah g enak banget mbak. Haha
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Ga enak tapi abis, hahahaha....
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Iya, terpaksa mbak. Habisnya langsung sakit Perut 😂😂😂
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Wkwkwkwk... Demi seru-seruan ya. Saya saja baru sekali ini di banana program mau bikin video diliatin wajah langsung.
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Congratulations on completing your week 4 of banana program!
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Thank you so much @stellabelle
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Keren bangetssss
Mas @agusiki ayoo ikutan 😁😁
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Akhirnya nongol juga😁gimana rasanya enak😀,,kimchi tuh saos ya mb..??semoga menang lg....keren😁
Haha... kimchi sejenis acar mungkin nyebutnya.. bisa lhoo bikin coba cari tutorial di Google.. enak buat teman makan
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Boleh dicoba nanti😁
Iyaa...coba yaa...pasti Si oppa bangga 🤣🤣🤣
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Hehehe boleh tuh dicoba mb😁
Terus bikin postingan ttg bikin kimchi siapa tahu di vote 100% sama Si Oppa @rbg
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Kl s oppa soal.mknan jrng ngevote 100%,kl kehidupan sehari2 br divote 100% ma dia
Saya sudah jarang mampir ke dia sekarang
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Owh knp? Sy mampir trus,,absnya dia mampir terus di post saya,di IG saya 😁😁
Gampang Kok bikinnya...bahannya juga mudah didapat
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Paseh bgt mba ngomong bahasa inggris nya,, kl sy ngomong bhsa Inggris lidah sy keseleo x... 😄😆😆
Tenang&santai mba jg tp tegangnya ad jg sedikit... 😅😅
Horee tugas selesai ya mba.. 👏👏👏
Hahaha... Pengalaman pertama hehe
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Keren mbak @dwiitavita videonya ,gimana rasanya ? 😋😂
Tampilan toppingnya lebih bervariasi, kreatif bgt 👍👌
Semoga menang lagi ya mbak 😚
Hadeww...Kok ketemu sih mbak. Padahal saya g berani bilang ke grup agar teman2 g tahu... wkwkwk ternyata ketahuan 🤣🤣
Haahh... rasanya Nano2😬☹️😓🤣😂 tapi mungkin kedepan jadi tantangan buat saya bikin video lagi ternyata g seseram yg sy bayangkan.
Terimakasih ya mbak @santiintan atas supportnya 😍😍
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Mantablah banana rasa saos made in mba Dwii
Duuh.. rasanya g banget dan gara2 Makan itu pisang jadi sakit perut beneran 🤣🤣
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Lega Kan mbak @dwiitavita kalo udah bikin video ? 😁
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Iyaa lega juga mbak @santiintan
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Really awesome gif @stellabelle
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Yours was so creative! Thanks for participating!
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Thank you so much @stellabelle
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You know I was thinking you’re talented At artistic food, maybe if you continue to create art food this could be your niche?
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Really grateful for your kind words @stellabelle.. I feel flying 😂😂😂
I'll learn more better again.. your words like an spirits injection for me.
Thank you
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