"The State is the entity/deity, real or imagined..."

in #badquaker7 years ago

(2-5) Insurgency

An insurgency is a struggle against authority when those taking part in the struggle are not universally recognized as belligerents. Insurgents are often indigenous people resisting the existing authority or government.  An insurgency can involve violent or non-violent actions or speech.

(2-6) The State

In the context of this manual, the State is capitalized as a personal pronoun, rather than its simple legal definition as a noun. The State is the entity/deity, real or imagined, that all aspects of all coercive governments, along with key corporations, the central banking complex, the main stream media, the main stream intelligentsia, and main stream clergy serve as their master. This includes the so called shadow governments and all those behind the scenes who intentionally facilitate the dominance of humanity through the use of violence and threats of violence coupled with theft and lies. One could say the State is the mystical character angelus of the body politic.

(2-7) The Great Man

The concept of the Great Man was heavily debated and debunked in the 1800s, but the belief is as old as the State itself, and is more widely accepted today than ever. The basic idea is that God (or nature's god) provides special Great Men at specific times to lead society or governments during crisis, or to advance the progress of humanity towards a greater civilization. In reality the Great Man theory is nothing but the old divine-right-of-kings myth, modified with modern terminology. The other half of the Great Man theory that is rarely addressed is the Bogeyman. He is the opposite of the Great Man. He is standing in the shadows, always waiting to take over and destroy civilization as soon as people fail to follow the Great Man. He is Hannibal at the gates, he is the next Hitler, he is the Great Satan, always poised to steal men's minds and souls, held at bay only by the wisdom and bravery of the Great Man. In American politics, the Great Man/Bogeyman has developed into an art form. Every four years a macabre opera is played out at the cost of billions of dollars (almost $7 billion in 2012, according to opensecrets.org), as the American people attempt to determine who will be the Great Man and who will fail to raise to the calling. Of course the whole idea of a Great Man/Bogeyman is pure poppycock, and is the invisible thread that holds together the Emperor's New Clothes. The moment you realize there is no Great Man and there is no Bogeyman, the emperor's clothing vanishes and you see him for the tiny wart covered leach that he is."

  - Sedition Subversion and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1, p. 14

Read #BenStone's book here (pdf) - http://www.badquaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/FieldManualNo1.pdf

Or listen (downloadable) - http://www.libertyunderattack.com/benstoneaudiobook/


