Round Six Bad Karaoke- Round Ends June 6th - Midnight EST

Welcome to Round 6 of the @simgirlandsnook's Bad Karaoke Contest!!

We have been having so much fun hosting the Bad Karaoke contest here on Steemit! We have had some awesome entries and we want to thank everyone in the Steemit community for their love and support! We couldn’t have imagined the talent that this contest would reveal.
This is the sixth round of Bad Karaoke. Each Round is two weeks long. This Round will be open for entries until Wednesday June 6th at 12 am EST. Because each round is two weeks long, each contestant can submit one video per week. This gives you TWO chances to win each round!
We will accept any video, of any kind. You don’t have to show your face or your body. You can use alternative accounts, or disguise your voice if needed, but the voice must at least be the person entering the contest. We must at least require that!! You don’t even have to make a post, just pop the video in the comments!!
Most of all- Have fun! This is not a serious competition. We just want to see you singing karaoke!!!
Remember- Always sing safely, and don’t hurt yourself.

What Is Bad Karaoke Really?

If you would like to enter the Bad Karaoke Contest

• Make a post about your entry or leave a video in the comments.
• Post your entry on your Steemit page and use the tag #badkaraoke.
• Copy a link to your post and include it in a comment on this post.
• Tell all your friends to vote for your entry by upvoting your comment.
• Upvote this post before the end of the payout period.
• If you want the contest to grow please resteem this post.
• Return to the Voting Post
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 5th round of the Bad Karaoke Contest.

Judges for the Bad Karaoke contest will be @snook and @simgirl.
The entries will be scored 1-5 (30 possible points a week) on the following factors:
• Originality- Picking a song that is not sung often, or is very hard to sing.
• Performance- Hand gestures or creative puppets, and passion for song.
• Community Favorite- Amount of upvotes in the comments.
A big part of this contest is being decided by the community. Be sure that you promote your original Steemit link and send your followers to the voting post each week to vote for your Bad Karaoke entry. Most of all have fun.
@simgirlandsnook’s Bad Karaoke Contest will run every two weeks on Steemit.

Winners of the contest will receive:
• 1st Place- 50% of SBD post payout
• 2nd Place- 30% of SBD post payout
• 3rd Place- 20% of SBD post payout
Once seven days have passed, we will divide the SBD payout of the post between the winners. Please allow up to two days for the transfer.

Contest deadline is Wednesday, June 6th, 2018, at 04:00 UTC time (Midnight EST)
Don’t forget to post the video, and then drop back by this post to leave it in the comments!

Follow the #badkaraoke tag to see the entries!

Happy Singing!!
Snook and Simgirl

Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand behind any day of the week.

I'm all in!
I wonder what song I should try next? I know Matisyahu has a great song, One Day. I may have a go at that!
i LOVE that song!!!! did you ever see the youtube video where Matisyahu goes to a little shop in Hawaii and sees a guy singing it.... and then at the end he's like - dude - nice job. you know who sings that? me.
hahahahaha you HAVE to see it @sgt-dan!!! he ended up inviting him to perform at a concert with him :)
Yes sweetheart. I have seen that video. Matisyahu is one of my favorite artists. I like the positivity of his music although their is a bit of meloncholy in his songs as well.
@snook @simgirl @simgirlandsnook (did I get your attention yet?)
Am I supposed to do a second entry for week two? Is it week two yet?
hi, sorry...... a round is 2 weeks. You can if you want to a video each week so you would then have 2 entries per round.
That is up to you :D this round ends on June 6th so you can just sit back and relax until then and that is when the voting post comes out and your real work starts to get people to vote on your entry there :D
So I guess this isn't week two yet then :)
Week 2 starts on Thursday..... I think we've created a bad karaoke monster!!!
I don't know about that, but I got nothing else to do, and this gets more attention that 40 weeks of radio shows have so. Here I am. rock you like a hurricane, (and as we all know, hurricanes blow)
I've found an outlet for any additional karaoke needs.....
I think they only do it once a week- not sure I just found them.
fascinating, captain. I'll scan their planet's surface.
Oh the Steemit is a buisness discord and ours is the only one to be apart of? I heard they are charging people to join their discord but im not sure. @d-pend is an amazing individual there!
Your balance is below $0.25. This is your first notification that your account is running low and should be replenished.
Nope the weeks end on Wednesday midnight EST :D
ahhahah....You look like in playback
OMGGGeeee I had no idea you sang. Nice job!!
Ha, if you call that singing! You are very kind, thank you.
it was better than i can do! i went in there after 2 margaritas and ran out ... hehe
ha! well, next time try the mojitos :D
@sircork too weakkkkk ... whiskeyyyyy ... hehe
Try 13 shots of whiskey in 70 minutes (see prior posts about my meetup experience :P)
oh wow ... i def will do and 13 omeegawwddd
Fireflies!!!!! LOLOL @enginewitty - should I put this on my page and have people listen to it when they're reading???? hehehehehe ;) nice job Corkie!!! you actually got better as you continued hehee
Thanks! Truth is, I can actually sing this song okay, but I was recording it at like 3am in my apartment and was not really singing, so much as whispering to a mic, which ain't easy to do and make it sound like singing. :)
hehehehe well i'm looking forward to the next entry then! from a decent time!!! (mine was similar - at 7 am LOL) i'm trying to find some fun video to put with mine cuz i'm anonymous on steemit (borrrrring) LOL
my joke about putting your song on my page had nothing to do with your singing ability - and all about the choice of your title ;) (my story is called Fireflies lol)
p.s. do you know where i can find video to put on my song?!??!?! LOL nothing fancy- just something nice to look at while the song plays (oh - and free!)
video not so much, i either make my own or use animated gifs and stuff. the fireflies in my shot are just an animated gif on my green screen
agh. the downsides of being anonymous. LOL and i dont want to use my stuffed animals again hehehehe although the owl was a big hit LOL
Guess you must be somebody famous.
I'm so super famous!!!! please don't tell anyone though. cuz - you know. i value my privacy. The 30 foot hedges only keep out so many.
if only I could find my Clark Kent glasses!!!! then no one would know I'm Superman!
But i broke them when I was hanging with Bruce in his lair. eh. it is life. meanwhile.... i'm looking for a new stuffed animal to feature in my badkaraoke video. ;)
Ha ha that'd be funny.
Here is my entry :-)
Woahhh. I never expect that you can sing this good, beautiful voice <3
Hey bro. Thank you :-D
anh hát hay qúa!
Great song, the first time I heard his voice, very nice !
Thank you bro
Chú hát làm cháu tủi hổ quá đi😭
Hát hay không bằng hay hát. Quan trọng là hát cho vui
Biết là thế. Nhưng sau chắc cháu phải tém tém lại😂chỗ cháu có phòg thu âm chỉnh autoturn hát hay hơn ca sĩ luôn. Mỗi tội 200k 1 bài 😥
Autotune có lúc nghe nó lạ lạ kiểu nào
Cháu thủ cái phone app karaoke tên là Sing! của Smule. Hoạc là My Kara. Trên đó có nhiều người Việt hát
Cái chú đang hát là chú đầu tư hả 😲để cháu tải
Bài này chú dùng Sing!
Nó có effects: reverb, echo, có luôn cả một cái autotune nữa
@a-alice cũng tham gia đi chứ !!!
Nhạc viẹt ko dám đua với nhạc Us-UK 😪
Họ nói nhạc nào cũng được, một tuần một bài. Tuần sau chú sẽ cho bài VN vào
Oi troi oi. Cháu có mỗi điện thoại cùi iphone 5S ko biết có quay được phần mềm chú bảo ko
Mà chú hát xong thành ngôi sao dlive được đó
Mà chú hát xong thành ngôi sao dlive được đó
hát việt nam cho nó nổi bật đi @a-alice ơi. há tiếng việt đc :D
Dc mai tham gia luôn😂❤️
Yea..he can sing so well.. vote vote vote!!!! 😊😍
wow ! you are a pro singer to me. Why the title of the contest called "Bad Karaoke" ?
One cheer from me
I think it’s because they want more people to participate even those who thinks they are bad singers. Because it’s just for fun.
Maybe you are right. Good luck to you
Should you upload your video to Dlive to earn?
Thank you.
I’m not familiar with DLive. I upload to Dtube and Youtube. If you are lucky, @dtube will upvote you if not... well there is always a next time
oh... Dlive and Dtube are both log in with steemit. I think Dlive do not collect commissions from your upvote
Pls verify with any discord you have joined
I believe you are correct. I need to check what are the odds of getting upvoted by them. I don't mind the commissions as long as it gives me something decent.
not bad..... :-D
You have my vote!!! Although your voice is not even that bad... I love your voice!!! I could listen to it over and over again!!!
Thanks for the kind words :-)
I'm feeling like some singing today... ;)
Confession: I'm an ex karaoke-junkie. The hard part will be thinking of something to sing, but it's coming!
I can't wait to do, I think, perhaps my first karaoke ever...said no mumbler like me. I was thinking im a barbie girl....
I have tried many of the karaoke songs from the list... but the best ones are really the songs I sing that I love and then search for a karaoke version.. like Metallica :) Be sure to have fun!
I'm in! And it's fabulous! :D
OMG :-O i upvote you only for the courage
Oh man upvoted for the creativity and the cojones to do this hahahahhahah
Hilarious! :-) This must be the winner!
So I watched it again.
So freaking weird... and hilarious.
Also, I love you. 😍
haaha you made my day, too! perfect! <3
LOL awesome thanks for watching :D
creative!!! love et!
Hahaha!!!! I couldn't stop laughing from start till end. :-D
Here it comes....
Beautiful entry.
Kayaking and fishing! oh yeh.
i started giggling with "take 2" how did you break the rules??? i need a video like yours to go with my music! hehehe
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL oh my gosh - i just heard the cursing and i'm dying @artemisnorth!!!!!!!!!!!
i loved the do do do do do! and i loved hearing you get more into it :) ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLL and the cursing at the end again! oh my gosh - i'm dying. i am DYING!!!!
excellent you have to try the interesting publication, it would be very funny
Thank you! We love hosting the Bad Karaoke! Hope to see your entry soon!
Ladies and gentlemen,...i. think we have the winner now 😂😛 thanks for sharing!!!
Good job 👍
whaaaa theeee ... i'm speechless
ahahahhaah I watched it again! XD
i died laughing, it was a comedy stint
Hahahaha!!!! I think you are just doing that on purpose... Dude, you remind me of Adam Sandler!
yea ADAM! I agree.... his gestures and eyes kinda similar with him :)))
its like a spoof of a spook ... howw ... whyy ...
How... with so much gusto and passion.
Why... to make us happy! :)
@evlachsblog hahahah yes ma'am!!!
Ha ha! @dynamicgreentk!!! This is wonderful. Thanks for entering.
hmmm hmmm hmmm that's what people say
this is just just ... i still am speechless ... sooo cute but still ... speechless ... haahahahah
I don't think I could ever shake this off hahaha
This is great. well done. makes me want to have a go myself now.
Here's my brand new encore ridiculousness!
Lmao for some reason I picture the muppets singing this. Keep waiting for Cookie Monster to come eat the cake lol
I love this karoke contest, and I very often, participate in the open mic contest, because I think, there is no such contest, I finally found this karoke contest, maybe I will follow this karoke contest, thanks you..
Oh wow oh wow! Look who is here! The man of mystery himself!
Awesome open mic entry! I'm glad you found us! We are on round 6 of the Bad Karaoke contest so it is still new. We hope it will run as long as the open mic! You are welcome to join in on the fun!
Yes, thank you, I just found today a bad karoke contest, and I hope this contest will always continue, like an open mic that has entered 87 entries this week.