All this for a 5mph speeding ticket... system has officially failed.

in #badcop6 years ago

This article will highlight some of the problems in our courts and law enforcement agencies. Admittedly I have been wanting to be accused of something without just cause for a long time now so I can write about it, but I really didn’t think I would, living in a quiet friendly town I’ve never seen the inside of a police cruiser or court for that matter. After hearing many stories about police corruption I wanted to experience it for myself, gather the evidence and present it to those that matter so I can help our system, fix the problems we are experiencing little by little. But I had no idea just how bad it was until one fateful night, I got a speeding ticket when I was not speeding. It is shocking what they went through just to conceal the facts. In this article I will show how every stage of the process is completely screwed up so bad that nobody wants to try to fix it. I will show that police routinely break the law while pulling people over for no reason, make up untrue reasons when called out and issue falsified citations to satisfy an unwritten quota. I will show how courts operate unjustly, biasly and even illegally. I will show that courts dont know how to properly engage their victims and properly document their failings, I will show that courts including appelate courts are there only to serve as illusions of justice. I will show how police and judges have become so stricken with affluenza from not having any accountability for their actions that they no longer can operate with any degree of empathy or understanding of the consequences of their actions. I will show how even though I followed all appropriate actions that they did nothing to correct the situation, they offered no apologies and those in charge continuously lied throughout the process, and behaved shockingly unprofessional while giving them every opportunity to do the right thing. I will show that Utah Highway Patrol officer (Blake Bradford) committed 2 felonies and multiple traffic violations including multiple procedural violations. I will show how they make it impossible to change things for the better and fix the system so it works, I will show that they really don’t want it to work despite what they say. This story is as sad as it is funny and I hope people reading it reflect on how important it is to have humility, love, empathy, and forgiveness for others; rather than greed, hate, ignorance, and blatant narcissism while representing the state and all it’s good people.

Let me reiterate; I am writing this post in effort to help the problems facing our community which desperately require our attention. You may or may not be shocked at all I’ve had to go through in order to resolve this situation with Trooper Blake Bradford.

It all began on a warm June night at about 12:30 AM in 2016 when Trooper Blake Bradford was casually speeding 90+ mph southbound on I15 trying to get people to speed up so he could issue a citation as he gets bonuses for each one he brings in, this practice is called ‘fishing’ within the department. The problem they have been having is too many people like to obey the law so they often have to resort to “bending the rules” in order to continue their job security and bonuses. Blake Bradford quickly and aggressively, and dangerously I might add approached me as seen in the dash cam video I provided and while having no emergency lights on which is against department safety regulations. Having very little time to act I had to make a delicate decision to both stay safe and adhere to the law. There was a car to my right which was going faster than I, there was also a car behind me going much faster than both of us which happened to also be State Trooper Blake Bradford engaging in these common ‘fishing’ activities.

I had decided the best course of action to stay most safe would be to speed up to match the driver to to right of me and get a safe distance from he and myself and allow the aggressive driver to safely pass me. I put my blinker on to indicate I was going to allow him to safely pass and accelerated enough to keep everyone safe which is required by Utah state law.

Reference to Utah Code Section 41-6a-601 CV608 / SPEED …. Conditions and circumstances may allow a driver to drive at a (lower or a ‘higher’) speed than what is posted providing of course that proper regard for existing or potential hazards. Reference Utah Code Section 41-6a-605 CV609….. Moving slower than traffic…. A driver is not allowed to drive a speed which interferes with the regular flow of traffic unless there is valid reason to justify it. ….. Utah Code 41-6a-711 Following another vehicle—keeping safe distances—exceptions and penalties

As you can see I had no legal right to drive slower than those around me, especially Trooper Blake Bradford who was directly behind me. But seconds after putting on my blinker Blake Bradford decided to take advantage of me accelerating in order to get out of harms way; in this case him being the potential hazard. It’s an extremely grey area in Utah law where often people don’t contest it because it’s too hard to prove innocence, and even if you can it will be ignored because of the vast corruption withing our judicial system.

I saw the emergency lights behind me turn on and assumed that the trooper had someplace to get to quickly so I was glad I decided to just let him pass. But he decided to get behind me, again rudely cutting off the man behind me. But again I couldn’t believe he was after me because I had my cruise control set at 70 as can be seen in the video, as the trooper continues to approach my car getting dangerously close his speed matches mine at 70mph which is the suggested speed in that area. As a recent stroke survivor I have very limited use of my dominant right hand, thus I can’t push buttons or do anything related with it. The cruise controls are located on the right of my steering wheel and were not able to be adjusted. I control my speed be either pushing the gas pedal or pushing the brake disengaging the cruise control.

You can clearly see in the video that I had briefly pressed the accelerator to get out of Utah State Trooper Blake Bradford’s way and immediately took my foot off and continued on at 70mph as set. When Trooper Blake Bradford continued to get behind me I had to make a decision based on what was happening. Either I need to out run this person who is likely not a real police officer or I need to pull over and hope he actually is. Hundreds of people every year are arrested for pulling people over while impersonating a police officer, committing crimes ranging from theft, assault, rape, and even murder. The behavior of this police officer made me question his authenticity. But I also know how dangerous it is to try and out-run a police officer. Statistically it is very likely to end very bad. But if he is indeed fake I would have possibly saved our lives as I had my wife of 20 years in the car with me.

You can see in the dash-cam video that I decided the best bet in this situation would be to merely pull over. So I engaged my brake seen in the video and pulled over on this dangerous highway wishing I had my gun on me just in case, but unfortunately I didn’t. Utah State Trooper Blake Bradford then approached my car and accused me of speeding 82mph in a 70mph zone. At the time I had no knowledge exactly how fast I was going because my eyes were on the road carefully observing those around me. I didn’t even realize I had pressed the accelerator but it is just instinct to stay safe. I told Trooper Blake Bradford that I was not speeding, but he had no desire to act honorably and do what was right so he issued me a citation for going 82 mph in a 70mph suggested zone. When I went to the Spanish Fork court to explain to Judge James Brady what had happened, I felt certain he would understand and adhere to the law like he is supposed to; I was blown away at his response to me.


As I entered the court room the junior prosecutor handling the case Jason Sant approached me stating that if I back out now he would drop the charges to 75mph over, but knowing I was completely innocent of any crime I declined his offer. I felt certain not a person alive would ever rule against me after seeing the evidence. And I also knew it was important for the judge to see the corrupt actions of the officer.

In court I reminded Judge James Brady and Jason Sant what the law is pertaining to speed by actually citing it; that I not only have a legal right to exceed the suggested speed, if I was at all, but the legal obligation to do this as well under these very conditions I was put into, not to mention the moral obligation to keep those around me safe. While on the stand Trooper Blake Bradford refused to look at me choosing rather to look down as though he did not want to face me while feeling ashamed of his actions and unwilling to face up to them or take accountability for his actions. I asked Trooper Blake Bradford while on the stand if he had brought with him the dash-cam video evidence I had asked the prosecuting attorney for during the pretrial as I was unaware of the normal court hearings and who is responsible to bring these things. Trooper Blake Bradford replied ‘No, I brought nothing,’ as though he never needed to bring evidence before this judge before, like it’s a normal thing for him to make up random accusations and the judge makes a judgement against the defense based solely on Blake’s testimony never even considering the defense’s. I then asked Trooper Blake Bradford if he had brought any evidence at all with him. Again he replied ‘No.’

Now, at the time without any evidence I merely denied the allegations because I had nothing to argue against and without any evidence I know Judge James Brady cannot make a ruling against me or any judge for that matter, so I merely stopped speaking or arguing and rested my case.

Moments passed and I took the stand; I simply stated to Judge James Brady that there is no way to prove what speed I was traveling without the dash-cam evidence which he declined to bring which also proves my innocence. I couldn’t believe he would not do this where obstruction of justice, (by not providing all necessary evidence) is a third degree felony which includes a maximum fine of $5,000 and up to five years in prison. I also proceeded to reminded Trooper Blake Bradford how dangerous it is to pull people, especially for no reason what so ever, and that he needs to stop doing this as now that I’ve been forced to play his dangerous games, now I also have a moral obligation to see to it that he stops these practices. Judge James Brady strangely enough told me to stop talking to Trooper Blake Bradford and to not even look at him anymore, he said to only look at him (Judge James Brady) while testifying. I don’t understand court procedure having never been accused of anything in my life, I had never been in a courtroom before, it was a new experience and a very eye-opening experience at that. So I complied with Judge James Brady’s wishes and looked only at him from that point on.Blake Bradford

I then looked at Judge James Brady and recited the study which UDOT conducted on I15 pertaining to speed. And that is that 80% of people drive between 81 mph and 83 mph despite the posted suggested speed signs. And that UDOT asks all drivers to stay within the 80% as that is the speed which is most safe and that is why they raised the suggested speed on I15 to a proactive 70mph as everyone drives 10mph over the suggested speed regularly; they did this because it is safer to have everyone driving the same speeds rather than a few driving 20mph slower than everyone else around them causing a dangerous environment for everyone. UDOT had removed all speed minimum signs because if there is no speed minimum sign on highways then the posted speed should be taken as a suggestion based on conditions rather than a defining rule. The law states we must drive as safely as we can despite the speed posted and UDOT states that the most safe speed was what I was being accused of driving. Confident that I no longer had any reason to be worried I stated that I had nothing further to add since no evidence of criminal activity was presented, and I stepped off the bench and took my seat.

Judge James Brady began to tell me that the law states that you cannot exceed the posted speed limit, not even one mile per hour but could not cite any laws which stated such a thing. I knew that that was not true having 25 years experience as I had just looked it up again and verified that it had not changed, in fact that law has been in place since 1979 which gives me and any driver the right to drive what ever we believe is most safe, faster or slower depending on conditions.

I kept thinking to myself ‘Why would Judge James Brady lie to my face like that? Why would he make up ridiculous laws in his head and try and convince me that I’m too stupid to read and understand a simple speed law.’

He seemed rather smug in his response to me which confused me at the time only now realizing that this judge has no interest in justice or due process, he allows himself to be influenced personally, as Blake Bradford is indeed an old friend of his, and of his family I later found out. But unfortunately nothing I could ever have said or did would have ever made Judge James Brady rule in my favor, I believe even if the evidence was brought and presented accurately Judge James Brady would have disregarded it, just as he disregarded the laws which apply to me in this case, and my rights to have a fair unbiased trial. Judge James Brady rather chose to uphold the corruption that has been plaguing our society for a very long time.

Judge James Brady then ruled the maximum allowable penalty to me plus court fees which amounted to hundreds of dollars, but invited me to appeal his decision if I didn’t like it. This was an interesting proposal to me seeing the situation I was in that clearly I would require my case heard by someone not in the good’ole’boy’s club as Judge James Brady was obviously in. I went back down to the office as instructed to begin the paper work required to get the appellate court hearing moving. I asked the clerk what I need to do in order to get things started; but she seemed stressed as she struggled to help, she didn’t seem to know much about it. She gave me a website which may help me and a phone number which may also give me some leads , but didn’t seem sure how else to accomplish this request as though nobody ever goes through the bother of doing this. But where I have very strong moral principals, I am not obliged to let this criminal get away with his crimes and continue perpetrating on others even if he is being encouraged by the Utah Highway Patrol and supported by Judge James Brady, this will not go down so easily. People deserve to have their rights respected and and so do our laws.

As I exited the court I could see Trooper Blake Bradford sitting in his state issued police vehicle, he had moved his car next to mine and was sitting and waiting for some odd reason. I could only assume two reasons. Either he wished to apologize to me or he wished to perpetrate on me abusing his power yet again just to establish that he has power over me and the law will not protect me. I decided to give him a chance and merely sat next to my car to allow him to come apologize to me with cameras watching his every move. He however did not get out and apologize but rather sat and waited for me to leave as to follow me. Of course I did not give him the opportunity again and sat there for another two hours until he left. It is mind boggling to me that his supervisor would allow him the freedom to abuse his power and waste his time in such a way but apparently this is the case.

After returning home I immediately got to work trying to find the correct people to talk to in order to file. I also filed a complaint with the Utah Highway Patrol and asked them about his history and if he was psycho, like if he has killed people. They refused to tell me anything forcing me to conduct my own investigation on him. The phone number I was given sent me on quite a wild goose chase running me in circles until I got dizzy and gave up. I then used the e-mail I was given which was the appellate court itself who then referred me to a Mrs. Ashley Kelson Dovidauskas who would be handling my case. She proceeded to send me a stack of about 50 pages which need to be filled out in a rather short amount of time. Being disabled and unable to write or fill out paperwork I asked if I could email a typed docketing statement instead. Ashley then sent me a general link and told me I could possibly find something in this website if I type in the correct keywords.

I was able to get the docketing statement completed in time highlighting the fact that none of the several laws which applied to my case were honored by Judge James Brady in his court and we need a new trial which is the purpose behind appelate courts. Ashley kept me writing and filling out paperwork for months asking me to gather evidence if I wanted a trial, so I spent months trying to obtain the dash-cam video from the police department paying a large fee and having to badger them for a very long time until they finally complied with the court’s wishes. The police department during this whole ordeal kept telling me that I had no right to my evidence and that only the prosecuting attorney can request it. I thought it was very strange, but I complied with their demands and called and emailed Jason Sant on numerous occasions requesting he obtain this evidence as the police have refused it to me and the court has requested it.

Jason Sant refused to answer any requests or oblige me my rights yet again he did however send the appelate court a rebuttal letter saying that the speed laws do not allow a driver to exceed the speed and that no evidence of my innocence was presented in court. The letter cited the speed law but he neglected to cite the whole speed law that I can drive faster or slower than posted speed depending on conditions, that I am no legally obliged to impede traffic under any conditions, and that I am not allowed to move in front of someone who is less than 2 seconds behind. This was very concerning to me that a city prosecute would seek to manipulate the laws in such a way that it would hurt those within his community, to lie like that is very unprofessional and discourteous. Disrespectful people like Jason Sant have no business in our courtrooms and I call for his resignation or his dismissal. But other than that he refused to do his job and send me the appropriate evidence. It was not until months went by and I badgered the police department to try and contact him when they realized that he really wasn’t going to do anything at all for me so they honored the court’s request at that time. But only a day after I went to tell them I was ready to proceed and they sent a response stating they are closing my case and wont hear it.

I was a bit taken back after making me go through all this and then when I’m finally finished they tell me no. I believe now that they were never actually going to hear my case and that they are only there to give the illusion of justice. I began investigating this Ashley Kelson Dovidauskas character I had been talking to and found out that she has no legal education or background, she is basically just there to BS people into making them feel like someone is listening to them when nobody really is. This poses a real problem in our judicial system here in Utah. We as a people need to fix these problems as they are hurting a lot of people with so much ignorance and mindlessness in the courts no resolutions to real problems are happening. And without appropriate resolution the problems not only are still there but now magnified many times.

I hope they understand by now that I’m going to resolve this one way or another and I’m just getting started. If they are going to force me into their stupid games which I did not wish to play, then I can promise them that they will not win, nor will they want to ever play this game again.

What do I mean by this? It’s simple really, because there was no other lawful course of action I could have taken but to do what I did and Trooper Blake Bradford was successful in prosecuting me with the help of his good friends Spanish Fork city junior attorney Jason Sant and Fourth District Court Judge James Brady I have no choice but to charge Blake Bradford with obstruction of justice which is a federal crime and is now facing up to 5 years in a federal prison. It’s unfortunate that it had to come to this where if his friends would have just done the right thing to begin with there would be no obstruction crime committed, but then again it is mostly his own fault. I am also charging Trooper Blake Bradford with the following…

(1) For travelling 25 mph over the speed limit. He had no emergency lights on; he was not in pursuit which also proves I was not speeding at the time until he turned on his emergency lights, and according to the judge, lawyer, and Officer Blake Bradford’s own mouth “There is no justifiable reason to ever exceed the posted speed limit.” I have the dash cam video with his GPS measured speed which proves this fact; he was traveling a peak of 95mph as he approached me. Speeding ’25 mph’ over the speed limit…… According to Chapter 6 – Module 1 – Page 1, MODULE 1 LEGAL ASPECTS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT DRIVING “All traffic laws that govern the general public apply with equal force to on-duty law enforcement officers in non-emergency driving. Law enforcement officers are ‘never’ exempt from all civil and criminal law governing vehicle operation. Chapter 6 Module1 – Page 2 Emergency exemption statutes typically require operation of warning lights and a siren at all times even while the exemption is claimed.

(2) For following too close to me. You must be at least 2 seconds behind someone. The video shows clearly at best he was one second behind me when he began to pursue me putting my life in further danger including my wife’s life according to the law. Utah Code 41-6a-711.

(3) Using illegal entrapment techniques while I was trying to be law abiding and courteous driver. Entrapment Code 76-2-303… clearly from the video my intention was not to exceed the suggested speed posted, but rather to get out of harms way. Legally I cannot move slower than traffic, I have a car on my right going about the same speed as I, and I have a car going 95mph behind me and I either legally need to get to a safe distance from the car to my right and merge into that lane, or I need to match the speed of the people behind me. Now when I realized how fast the person was going, I decided I didn’t want to go fast like him and rather to get into another lane allowing him to safely pass me. This is textbook entrapment according to the definition of the law “forcing and actor to engage in illegal activity by putting them in danger of which they have no choice but to break the law.” (Reference to Utah Code Section 41-6a-601 CV608 / SPEED) …. Conditions and circumstances may allow a driver to drive at a (lower or a ‘higher’) speed than what is posted providing of course that proper regard for existing or potential hazards. Reference Utah Code Section 41-6a-605 CV609….. Moving slower than traffic…. A driver is not allowed to drive a speed which interferes with the regular flow of traffic unless there is valid reason to justify it. ….. Utah Code 41-6a-711 Following another vehicle—keeping safe distances—exceptions and penalties

There is a very important reason why you don’t need a law degree to be a judge anywhere, and this includes the supreme court; and its because the job of a judge is not supposed to enforce laws, in fact a judge should not even consider the law other than to know its limits of power. A judge is supposed to take each situation, consider if the law failed the citizen in this situation and over ride it or adjust the consequence if needed. The judge is there basically to protect citizens from rouge police officers who abuse their power such as Blake Bradford of Spanish Fork City. If a judge can’t do their job then what’s the point of having them? We need a judge who can do their job properly and not one who is obviously owned and controlled by the police local police department, as being bias is not becoming of a good and decent judge.

It has been nearly 3 months since this incident occurred and I had received a letter in the mail from the court stating that I owed them hundreds of dollars still, I called and told them that I was appealing the case and still in the process. They had informed me that it doesn’t matter if I was appealing it or not I still have to pay regardless. So they tacked on more late fees and I went to the court and payed them as requested. Six months went by and again I received another letter in the mail stating that I had never payed and now I owe them even more money. I went to the court to show them the evidence that I had paid and they spent a week arguing with them while looking into the matter before they realized I did. It is utterly mind-boggling how disorganized and unknowledgeable everyone at that court is about their jobs and duties.

I think we are in desperate need of a complete overhaul of the entire system from the police on up to the highest courts. They need to start taking their jobs more seriously, I had asked the clerk while I was there to deliver a letter I wrote to the police department including the evidence demanding an investigation into these proceedings and charging Trooper Blake Bradford with the crimes he had committed to show Judge James Brady how important it is to have evidence before making a ruling. The clerk replied to me that I’ll give it to him but I doubt he will even look at it. I asked her to have him call me then so I could discuss these important matters directly with him. She said she would not and that I’m sure the judge knows how important it is to look at the evidence first. I replied, “I don’t think he does, just like you said, he still isn’t even going to look at the evidence, I don’t think he cares at all about justice.”

I’ll keep this post updated as these proceedings continue and as promised here is the police dash-cam video of the actual incident; enjoy.

Video Player



New update on the case, After filing a formal complaint with charges against Blake Bradford The Internal affairs division of the Utah Highway Patrol sent two officers to my house telling me that if I don’t drop these complaints they will press harassment charges on me. They also stated that I better never go near Blake Bradford ever or they are going to file stalking charges. I asked them why they would say such a thing, did anything happen to him, is he saying I have done something or what exactly, as I have never set foot on his property nor contacted him directly in any way shape or form. They replied no there is nothing, and that this visit is just something they do to anyone who files a complaint against an officer. (To threaten, Bullyand or intimidate into not pressing charges). But it’s interesting that they showed me my own private emails stating that I was not done with him just yet as I can still clear my name through actual evidence. And they asked me what I meant by not done yet? I replied that there are still things I can do to bring Blake Bradford to justice and clear my name, surely somebody out there must be concerned about police corruption enough to help fight injustice. Blake Bradford after all is a very dangerous person who seriously should not have a badge, or any authority, but is currently loose on our public roads with textbook affluenza, drunk on power, and no accountability for his actions. I have to wonder the legality of this type of harassment, not only did they hack into my gmail account, but they also locked my phone out after gaining access to my account, I assume out of pure juvenile malice thereby forcing me to reset my phone entirely to use it again, a well known tactic forcing their victim to erase all evidence of their hacking activities. Also coming to my home threatening me and my family with arrest if I ever make another complaint against them and saying they have a file on me now and that they are watching everything I do and will use everything they have to put me behind bars as they now see me as a threat, and they look after one another, a true brotherhood they take very seriously. The Utah police continue to commit felony after felony trying to hide their corruption. My experience with them is very telling of the state of our system, do they really expect me to allow them to break the law with no consequences like the Utah courts? Do most people allow police officers to degrade them, break the law and run a muck on our streets and not say a word about it? Rather than apologize the police prosecute, rather than explain themselves they ignore the issue, rather that help me they try to hurt me any way they can legal or not, rather than investigate the criminal they investigate me hoping to find some crime they can charge me with on behalf of their untrained unprofessional brother’, again a waste of time as I have not committed any crime. For whatever reason they continue to escalate the situation rather than resolve it, perhaps that’s what they are trained to do as we have all witnessed over and over on the news, but we need to change that. It really is unfortunate they waste this kind of time and money trying to hurt the citizens they are sworn to protect. It’s too bad they only protect themselves…I have since been issued a letter as a response to the charges I requested along with the video evidence and The internal affairs person Lieutenant Cory Nye failed to address any of my concerns, laws or proper procedure which were not honored. And basically said we are doing nothing about it. Here is the actual letter. As police officers here use what is known as a fishing technique in which they tailgate people at night and try to get people to speed. I believe this was the intention behind this incident, but when I failed to speed and tried to get out of his way he didn’t like that. Police are bound by the same laws as civilians according to Utah State law. Blake Bradford broke the speed law certainly at 95mph with no emergency lights on which are required, he followed too close, he used illegal entrapment maneuvers, all seen in the video and refused to show the evidence in court, obstruction of justice. Certainly this video shows all this, but here is the letter I received basically disregarding everything I wrote.

I have since also received a letter response from the Utah Highway Patrol with a number of questions I had pertaining to proper procedure and Trooper Blake Bradford specifically which either ignores my request for information or flat out lies. Pulling someone over on a high speed road is very dangerous for everyone. Over a dozen direct hits of I15 in Utah alone resulting in numerous injuries, people often have to do quick maneuvers to get out of the way often without looking behind them resulting in an indirect high speed collisions and causing traffic congestion which is also responsible for hundreds of fender benders each year. So I asked if Trooper Bradford was involved in any accidents in the last year from pulling people over to get an idea how much danger I was in; in which they responded ‘no accidents’ which was a complete lie.

Of course these things are recorded outside the department as well and in this case the local news media. The date is well within the year I asked as you can see dated in the letter. Their response was a deliberate lie trying to cover up Blake Bradford’s accident earlier that year resulting in many injuries. I asked how many accidents per year do they get into as a whole from pulling people over, they again refused to answer this question as they don’t want to be held accountable for their dangerous actions. But of course I already know how many, I’m just trying to give them some perspective of their actions and an opportunity to just be honest and forth coming with me which has been very difficult for them so far, they seem to be pathological liars, even in court; this is what happens to people who have no accountability for their actions. I continued with my questions and asked how many tickets Blake Bradford issues for speed vs any other tickets which shows this consistent speed entrapment behavior I was warned about from another officer friend of mine who also said they do this because there is an unwritten understanding among them that the more speeding tickets you issue the higher you will move in the ranks as there is a lot of money in them and much much more than other forms of traffic violations. I cannot ask if there is an actual quota which must be met because that can easily be denied as there is nothing on the books to imply this, but I can certainly ask the ratio which will easily show the actual truth about this unwritten quota, again they declined to answer saying they need a time slot in order to answer this where that isn’t what I asked, just trying to cleverly dodge the question and hope I don’t keep digging for the truth.

I also asked them how often people who are not cops pull people over pretending to be cops as this officer made me feel like he was not a cop; again they refused to answer my question when they clearly know this stuff. At the time I had to make a split decision, this officer was not following proper procedure and if I choose to run, how much danger would I be in? Do police chase people down putting everyone’s lives in further unnecessary danger? Or do they just get their license number and deal with it later? But again they refused the question. Basically what I got out of this letter was that they are very a dishonest and predatory group of people perpetrating on our society; and extremely deceptive people working in internal affairs at the Utah Highway Patrol.Here is their ridiculous response letter they wrote back, notice they directly lied on written record about Blake Bradford’s accident records, and dodging every question lol, very pathetic and juvenile for a police officer to conduct themselves in such a manner, and how disrespectful it is not to have any concern for my safety, I mean if you don’t know something, look it up, so we know, its your job! Do it! But they rather sent this letter to me trying to tell me that they are too stupid to know anything about their jobs and what they do. But I don’t think they are really this stupid, I just think they are dishonest people with criminal intentions. We desperately need to get rid of the bias corruption in Utah and train our officers in Utah state law, including our judges, it is an absolute embarrassment to have these people in the positions they are in, we actually trust them to to make mindful judgements about important things which affect people’s lives and they behave so maliciously and ignorantly. Here is their actual response letter they sent me.I think it took them about two minutes to type it up, I actually paid them to do it too, notice how thoughtless and uncaring they are, it comes out in their responses very loudly.

all evidence including dashcam footage, located here


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