The #1 Muscle That FIXES Ugly Forward Head Posture, Trouble Sleeping, Text Neck & Back Pain

in #backpain5 years ago (edited)

Due to the increase in technology over the last 20 years, most of us spend hours sitting at our computers, texting on our smartphones, or driving our car with rounded shoulders and forward head posture. This can cause all kinds of problems for up to 90% of people. “Text neck” is common, but also unsightly, and can cause a lot of health problems.
Rick Kaselj, a physical therapist has created a program called Forward Head Posture Fix. He claims it can help you check and improve your forward head posture and rounded shoulders by applying his exercises for a few minutes each day. I've been working at a computer for over 30 years and was a software tech for nearly 20, so you can imagine how much I struggle with the pain in my neck. I figured I would try his program and see if it can help me.  So this Forward Head Posture Fix review is based entirely on my own experience.

My Personal Experience:

  • I bought Rick's program, read his ebook, watched the exercise videos, and decided to apply his methods faithfully. I have been practicing his routine daily for several months. 
  • There are tons of research about common problems people experience when their posture begins to slump. Primarily people who spend hours driving to and from work and generally those same people end up working at desks all day. So this probably covers just about everyone.

About Rick Kaselj

Rick Kaselj, PT Rick Kaselj is a personal trainer, exercise therapist and kinesiologist. He is also the founder of Exercises For Injuries, a web resource for recovering from injuries, dealing with pain and improving posture. According to his website, he began working as a trainer and exercise therapist but wasn't getting the results he wanted for his clients using mainstream exercises and programs. So now he is doing his own research and develops programs for correcting common pains and injuries resulting from poor posture.

How the "Forward Head Posture Fix" Program  Works

The Forward Head Posture Fix manual explains how to self-assess your current forward head posture. This gives you a starting point to measure your progress.
His program requires you to do a certain sequence of movements, stretches, breathing exercises, and self-massage for about 10-15 minutes every day. The movements are very simple and easy to learn from the instructional videos included in the program. You will still see a benefit even if you only do the exercises a few days a week. And, you will become more aware of your posture when you're on the computer, driving or texting on your phone. But you have to do the exercises in order, and you should do them all together. Rick Kaselj says the sequence is the key to the program working properly. Doing a few stretches and movements randomly won't have nearly the effect. He offers alternatives for each of the 11 exercises that he demonstrates in the videos. If you are bored with one exercise, you can swap in one of the alternatives if you prefer. I tried some of the alternative exercises but for me, personally, the main exercises were actually working quite well for me. text neck
Look around you, nearly everybody has forward head posture. The good news is you'll notice an improvement from day 1 and major improvement after a couple of weeks.  And not just improvements in your posture – you will literally feel so much better after doing your 10 - 15 minutes of exercises. I continue to use Forward Head Posture Fix to this day and I always feel much better after doing each of the exercises. neck and head posture


Prices and What You Get

forward head posture fix

Forward Head Posture Fix only costs $10. For that price you get the entire program, which includes:

  • Forward Head Posture Fix Instructional Manual (60 pages)
  • 3 instructional videos
  • 1 follow-along video (12 minutes and 30 seconds)
  • Exercise swaps (2 videos)
  • BONUS #1: Lower Back Lifestyle Audit (video)
  • BONUS #2: 10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions (ebook)

Why I Recommend the Forward Head Posture Fix

  • It really does work. I've been struggling with pain in my back and neck for many years. After doing the exercises for about 2 weeks, my constant neck tension and "text neck" pain began to subside, and my head and shoulder posture improved.
  • The exercise sequences only take 10-15 minutes a day, and you can always skip a day if you don't have time. 
  • Not only does it help more than just your posture and relieve neck pain, but it can also boost your mood, help with athletic performance, and help you to feel better all around.
  • Both a digital version and physical copy are available. The physical version (book and DVD) costs an extra $5.
  • The exercises are very easy to do, nothing strenuous or hard on your joints.
  • the program includes a 60-day money back guarantee.

Possible Negatives About Forward Head Posture Fix

  • If you are alone, the self-assessment can be difficult, but you can stand in front of your bathroom mirror and take a picture of yourself. 
  • If you have a really severe forward head posture, this program may not work for you. He does explain how to tell if that's your challenge, but those are pretty rare cases.

Additional Thoughts On Forward Head Posture Fix

Rick Kaselj's exercise program for "text neck", rounded shoulders, and forward head posture is very popular, only because it really works!  No thanks to computer desks and cellphones, regardless, most of us need this program. 

Even if you work out regularly, eat a healthy diet, ignoring your posture will cause problems now and down the road.  Take care of your posture and neck pain by doing the program every day for a few weeks, and then to maintain your new posture, keep doing the exercises as part of your exercise program.

If you're reading this, then you probably need this program! Try it risk-free because he offers a 60-day guarantee.  Visiting Rick Kaselj's website Forward Head Posture Fix and check it out for yourself. Your neck and back will be glad you did!

forward head posture


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