Installing B3Coin Wallet in Linux Mint

in #b3coin7 years ago (edited)

Let's face it Linux installs can be a little tricky at times especially for those like myself who would rather dive in than RTFM (read the friendly manual). The B3-Coin wallet was no exception, even after reading the manual... I encountered a hiccup that could easily hang folks up. Put your snorkel on and let's dive in!

B3-Coin - Wallet_001.jpg

1 You will want to download the latest B3Coin wallet release either the tar.gz or the .zip file. I used the tar.gz but once extracted both contain the same files.

Releases · B3-Coin-B3-CoinV2 · GitHub - Chromium_002.jpg

2 Next step is to extract the file. For most of the newer versions of Linux just navigate to the file using the default file explorer and double click. This will open the file in your default archive manager. Next click extract. If you have an option to keep the directory structure intact make sure it is selected and let'er fly.


3 Ok so I said no RTFM but just incase... after you extract... "Show the files" and navigate to the "/doc" folder and look for "readme-qt.rst" This is the text file with instructions for installing the wallet.

4 You will need to open a terminal window for these next steps. Ctrl+Alt+T is keyboard shortcut to open a terminal window. Before installing we need to install some required packages. For this you will need to run the following command.

        sudo apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools \
        build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \
        libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev

5 Now for the easy part qmake and make. You will need to cd to the /B3-CoinV2- directory. Now you can run qmakecommand.

BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER READ THIS... got your attention? Good this is where I ran into the furball. Before running the make command I had to change some permissions on the "build_detect_platform" shell script in the /B3-CoinV2- directory. Right click the file, properties, click permissions tab, and make sure the "Allow executing file as program" option is selected.


6 Now you can go back to the terminal window and run the make command. At this point you should be able to kick your feet up and watch the magic.

7 Once the install is completed you should see a b3coin-qt file in the /B3-CoinV2- directory. You should be able to double click it to launch you wallet.

Good luck and happy staking!