What does "Axes and Eggs" name mean?

in #axes7 years ago

Small - Axes and Eggs - Think Tank logo.jpg
People ask us all the time, "What is Axes and Eggs? Why the name? What does it mean?". This is actually on our website. But we don't expect 99% of people to read it. Cause if they did that, we simply couldn't exist. Cause in truth we primarily do research. Which 99% of could be done, via google. Assuming you know how to google. Here is a video to help you understand how to google something. Cause we really only make money off the last 1%. Thats where the magic happens. But to understand the name, Axes and Eggs, here is what is on our website, www.axesandeggs.com:

"Axes and Eggs is a tribute to the general stores and suppliers of the California gold rush of the Mid 1800’s. These general stores and suppliers enabled gold prospectors of the day, commonly known as the "49ers", to pursue their dream of untold riches in the goldmines, streams and basins from California to Alaska.

Just as those stores provided the 49ers with tools and supplies (e.g.: axes and eggs), so too in today's cryptocurrency gold rush Axes and Eggs supplies modern day prospectors with the tools, supplies and strategic resources they need to pursue their blockchain ambitions. Whether your business interest is mining, starting a blockchain business, engaging in an ICO, creating regulatory framework or gauging the impact of distributed ledger technology on your enterprise, we have the tools and resources you need to succeed.

In short, we answer the questions about cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralized technologies that you can't google. Got a tough question? Email us at [email protected] for the solution that doesn't yet exist.

And of course, we accept digital gold (bitcoin, eth, litecoin and a few select other cryptocurrencies)."

So thats it. We're Axes and Eggs. Nerds with attitude who look forward to earning your business.