Becoming AwaresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #awareness7 years ago


When you’re not aware, you might not notice that our world works on it’s own.

You can sit still all day long. And things around you just happen. People got used to this and most don’t even notice how dynamic and interactive our world is.

Life works on autopilot.

Your life is made out of your habits.

It really doesn’t matter what social status you have or how much money you have.

Life itself is very dynamic and interactive, when people say your life is what you make it to be, they mean that you must produce certain causes to get certain effects.

While most successful people tell you that you can be successful, failures will tell you that sometimes your luck doesn’t depend on your actions.

Imagine, you’re a caricaturist. You draw some caricatures — you produce the effect. But in the end what matters is how other people perceive your caricatures. If most people don’t appreciate your caricatures — you’ll be an underground caricaturist without major success.

But if people enjoy your caricatures — you can become a successful caricaturist.

Now you see that most of the time the outcome of your actions doesn’t depend on your actions.

You might win a lottery or you might not.

Since life is fully automatic and dynamic — you really don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or the day after.


This automatic self managing life shapes our reality. Life always stimulates us and we produce certain outcomes. Some people are very successful on the commercial side, while others are not.

It sure sounds like life has a plan for us.

It would be great if we could interfere with it, but in a case of a simple man — he can’t interfere with life, he can only adapt to it. Sure technology made our lives easier and living wasn’t so easy before.

It may sound as if life is hard, but in basic principle life is easy, if life was too hard — you’d die.

Emerging technologies and internet and etc, gives us the opportunity to work and live our way as long as we fulfill the demand of other people.

While you’re reading this, take a break and look at your surroundings, look at the window — do you see people, cars, trees and others things just moving? You have to notice that this planet doesn’t really need you.

The world isn’t really perfect, it always was that way, despite the human made pollution.


To conclude this brief intro to awareness.

I want you to realize that life around you works on it’s own despite your actions. Sure you might be doing some role, but in essence the world doesn’t need your efforts.

To survive, you just need to do few things: eat, drink water and breathe — that’s the basic needs to human survival. As you may notice, it’s really not that hard.