Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT Staffer and Suspected Congressional Hacker, Arrested at Dulles Airport Attempting to Flee the US

in #awanbrothers7 years ago (edited)

In what appears to be a vindication of the tireless George Webb crowd sourced investigation into the Clinton Foundation, a suspected member of a DC spy ring has finally been apprehended by the Capital Police.

Fox News Report

Webb has been tenaciously reporting on the Awan Brothers for 5 months trying to bring attention to the serious national security risk which, up until now, has been largely ignored by the msm.

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram, released a series of tweets in regards to the arrest of Imran Awan as he attempted to flee the country. The police have leveled one charge against Imran Awan - bank fraud.

Chad Pergram on Twitter   Feds USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan   charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal .png

Chad Pergram on Twitter   Fox is told that Hse IT staffer Imran Awan is still on Hse payroll for moment under Wasserman Schultz. .png

Chad Pergram on Twitter   Awan   his relatives worked for Hse IT for more than decade  earning hundreds of thousands of dollars. He declared bankruptcy in  12 .png

Chad Pergram on Twitter   Feds bust Wasserman Schultz IT employee as he tries to leave the country  https dRlcu2Ja6v .png

The Awan Brothers

The brothers, Abid, Jamal and Imran Awan, worked as shared employees for various members of the House, covering committees relating to intelligence, terrorism and cybersecurity, which included the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Homeland Security and the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee.

Source: RT

One of the very few reporters who have investigated the alleged congressional spy ring is the Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak. Here is how Rosiak describes the relationship between member of congress Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her long time IT staffer Imran Awan.

Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to get the hard drives back, the individual told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.

A high-level congressional source, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, confirmed that the FBI has joined what Politico previously described as a Capitol Police criminal probe into “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network” by Imran and three of his relatives, who had access to the emails and files of the more than two dozen House Democrats who employed them on a part-time basis.

Capitol Police have also seized computer equipment tied to the Florida lawmaker.

Awan’s younger brothers, Abid and Jamal, his wife, Hina Alvi, and Rao Abbas, Imran’s best friend, are also under investigation. There have been no arrests in the case.

There is also evidence of financial schemes that extend beyond the Capitol Police’s purview and may expand to Pakistan, where Imran spends significant portions of the year.

Source: Daily Caller

Here is a point-by-point breakdown of George Webb's investigation into the Awan brothers.

  • 3 Awan brothers are named by Webb : Imran, Jamal and Abid. (A 4th brother and wife of one of the Awan's are also believed to be involved).

  • Originally installed in congressional positions by Greg Meeks who is widely regarded as the most corrupt member of congress.

  • Jackie Speier and Debbie Wasserman Schultz also requested top secret clearance for the Awan brothers. The Awans are Pakistani Nationals not US citizens.

  • Awans worked for 31 different congressional democrats and notably 21 burglaries of these congressional offices are alleged to have occurred.

  • Awans worked under congressional members who work for top secret level congressional committees (DHS, Foreign affairs, Select intelligence committee).

  • The 4 Awan brothers are rarely seen at congressional staff meetings.

  • Awans are paid 2X the median salary of congressional staffers in similar positions.

  • Awans operated an external server, which is against all protocols concerning secured government information

  • Awans had special access to the White House for Visas

  • It is believed that the Awan server houses Hillary’s Enemies list in association with tracking information

  • At least 1 of the Awan brothers operated a Fake Car dealership which shows signs of money laundering

  • Since the 21 congressional burglaries, the Awans have fled to Pakistan

  • Awans held their step mother prisoner in a Springfield, Virginia home, also hacked and monitored her phone

  • It is believed that the Awans are part of a network feeding a global information grid in association with overseas rat-lines

  • Rat-lines are routes for weapons smuggling, drug smuggling, human trafficking, organ harvesting, and sensitive information

  • Awans have links to drug lines from Pakistan to Turkey, connected to Hezbolla figure, Al-Attar, and exiled Turkish national Gulen.

  • Gulen operates Madrassas all over the World and is believed to have been involved in the recent assassination attempt on Erdogan, the president of Turkey.

  • Webb states that DynCorp is also involved in police training in Pakistan

Webb's Red Flags

  • Awans are paid 2X the median salary of congressional staffers in similar positions.
  • Jackie Speier and Debbie Wasserman Schultz also requested top secret clearance for the Awan brothers. The Awans are Pakistani Nationals not US citizens.
  • Awans worked under congressional members who work for top secret level congressional committees (DHS, Foreign affairs, Select intelligence committee).
  • May have also created an External Server containing sensitive and secret government information

@v4vapid Summary from Day 139

Crowd Source the Truth

Additional Sources:

The Gateway Pundit

Image WND



The Blackberries.

The Blackberry phones synced to the server. All the activity on the Blackberries used by HRC, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, and many, many more politicians, potentially including Barack Hussein Obama, may have been routinely synced to the server Imran Awan set up.

Further, the National Geospatial Agency (spelling?) was very close by, and there are known links between the Awans and the NGA. The NGA provide logistical information on troop movements, supplies, and various personnel on the ground at all times.

The importance of the Blackberries and the NGA cannot be overemphasized.

This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. If Awan talks: a) He's a dead man, b) This global syndicate goes down, finally.

I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is dead tomorrow.

This is huge, the tide may have finally turned!

He may be a dead man walking (Webb said he was released on bail with an ankle monitor)

DWS is going to have major problems trying to talk her way out of this!

wow...i was not expecting to hear this today. Incredible turn of events.

I thought the Awan family had already made a clean exit. He was probably busy scrubbing some DNC files and heard about the veteran, that now occupies his former house, had turned over the damaged hard drives, left in the garage, to the FBI and Capitol Police. Tried to boogey over to Dulles and get clear. Wow!

I think you are right on the money... the other 'Awans' left the country months ago but Imran was probably in charge of cleaning up their tracks.

Here's some more information. It's potentially the scandal of the century.

I don't see how all of the "red flags" weren't noticed earlier...

oh yah, I know, too many people caring about the Kardashians and the size of Donald Trumps hands rather than what really matters... our national security!

Great, thorough post.
Up-voted and you have a new follower!

That or they press DWS and Arwan during a trial and figure he didn't have "intent". They are always letting the filth off the hook. However smashed hard drives? Seems clear to me.

Destruction of government property carries a pretty hefty sentence, on its own.

Suicide watch for Imran Awan (and the DNC.) Let's hope Trump drains this sewer and the sewer rats right up to Podesta and HRC.

Arkancide Watch!

I was one of the first to report this a few months ago after George Webb glad this is finally going down.

This is very interesting, hopefully the house of cards starts to collapse! Good on you for reporting on this, it definitely was being kept out of the news cycle.

I always try to report what isn't being reported on. :) That's the fun of being an alternative media journalist is finding the scoop no one else has. Unfortunately that's harder now that Twitter took my 34K networked account. :/

Exactly, we know that there are stories that corporate news, ignores, omits and redirects are attention to other meaningless issues. Keep reporting on actual important news and you'll get your 34k back and then some!

Twitter is a dirt hole, have you been to yet? It will likely bury twitter!

Apparently .....

The Assistant US Attorney overseeing the Awan family investigation is Steven Wasserman, the brother of Wasserman Schultz!

I haven't confirmed this yet

Pamela_Moore13 Pamela Moore tweeted @ 26 Jul 2017 - 23:24 UTC

The Assistant US Attorney overseeing the Awan family investigation is Steven Wasserman, the brother of Wasserman Sc……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Is this Pamela Moore the only one reporting this? I haven't been able to confirm this either.

Of course, this seems like something out of the Clinton play book though.

A Reddit user posted this comment:

I'm constantly surprised at how swampy the swamp really is.

It sure does.

I'll have another look around today.

Love the quote.

It's nice to finally start seeing some traction on all the allegations going around. If the proof exists that these people are dirty, hang em out to dry! If they're innocent, let em clear their names. Though it's my understanding there is quite a lot of evidence surrounding this family, along with DWS. It will be interesting to see where this stuff ends up in the coming months.

This is great Christmas in July present for everyone :)

Can you say "Rats abandoning a sinking ship"! Just follow the trail of corruption all the way back to the Clintons! I say lockem up and throw away the key!


Let's see how deep it really get's Muhahahahaha !!